path: root/kde/post-install/plasma-workspace/xsession/plasma-safe.desktop (follow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* The Plasma X11 session needs to be started through dbus-run-session...The Plasma Wayland session script already does this. Without it, you will notice that DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is not getting set and for instance Chromium can no longer connect to KWallet via D-Bus. Eric Hameleers2020-06-181-1/+1
* KDE plasma: rebuilt plasma-workspace...The newest Plasma desktop is no longer started with /usr/bin/startkde but with /usr/bin/startplasma-x11 and so the custom X startup scripts that are installed with the plasma-workspace package needed to be updated. Eric Hameleers2019-10-191-2/+2
* kde/plasma/plasma-workspace: provide a "failsafe" option for Plasma. Eric Hameleers2015-10-121-0/+9