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<div class="SECT1">
name="BASIC-NETWORK-COMMANDS-FTP">13.9 FTP Clients</a></h1>

<p>FTP stands for the File Transfer Protocol. It allows you to send and receive files
between two computers. There is the FTP server and the FTP client. We discuss the client
in this section.</p>

<p>For the curious, the &#8220;client&#8221; is you. The &#8220;server&#8221; is the
computer that answers your FTP request and lets you login. You will download files from
and upload files to the server. The client cannot accept FTP connections, it can only
connect to servers.</p>

<div class="SECT2">
<h2 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN4871" name="AEN4871">13.9.1 <tt

<p>To connect to an FTP server, simply run the <tt class="COMMAND">ftp</tt>(1) command
and specify the host:</p>

<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
<pre class="SCREEN">
<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">ftp &lt;hostname&gt; [port]</kbd>

<p>If the host is running an FTP server, it will ask for a username and password. You can
log in as yourself or as &#8220;anonymous&#8221;. Anonymous FTP sites are very popular
for software archives. For example, to get Slackware Linux via FTP, you must use
anonymous FTP.</p>

<p>Once connected, you will be at the <var class="LITERAL">ftp&gt;</var> prompt. There
are special commands for FTP, but they are similar to other standard commands. The
following shows some of the basic commands and what they do:</p>

<div class="TABLE"><a id="AEN4883" name="AEN4883"></a>
<p><b>Table 13-1. <tt class="COMMAND">ftp</tt> commands</b></p>

<table border="0" frame="void" class="CALSTABLE">
<col width="1*" />
<col width="3*" />

<td><tt class="COMMAND">ls</tt></td>
<td>List files</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">cd &lt;dirname&gt;</tt></td>
<td>Change directory</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">bin</tt></td>
<td>Set binary transfer mode</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">ascii</tt></td>
<td>Set ASCII transfer mode</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">get &lt;filename&gt;</tt></td>
<td>Download a file</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">put &lt;filename&gt;</tt></td>
<td>Upload a file</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">hash</tt></td>
<td>Toggle hash mark stats indicator</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">tick</tt></td>
<td>Toggle byte counter indicator</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">prom</tt></td>
<td>Toggle interactive mode for downloads</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">mget &lt;mask&gt;</tt></td>
<td>Download a file or group of files; wildcards are allowed</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">mput &lt;mask&gt;</tt></td>
<td>Upload a file or group of files; wildcards are allowed</td>

<td><tt class="COMMAND">quit</tt></td>
<td>Log off the FTP server</td>

<p>You can also use some of the following commands which are quite self-explanatory: <tt
class="COMMAND">chmod</tt>, <tt class="COMMAND">delete</tt>, <tt
class="COMMAND">rename</tt>, <tt class="COMMAND">rmdir</tt>. For a complete list of all
commands and their meaning, just type <kbd class="USERINPUT">help</kbd> or <kbd
class="USERINPUT">?</kbd> and you'll see a complete listing on screen.</p>

<p>FTP is a fairly simple program to use, but lacks the user interface that many of us
are used to nowadays. The man page discusses some of the command line options for <tt

<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
<pre class="SCREEN">
ftp&#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">ls *.TXT</kbd>
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100         18606 Apr  6  2002 BOOTING.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100         10518 Jun 13  2002 COPYRIGHT.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100           602 Apr  6  2002 CRYPTO_NOTICE.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100         32431 Sep 29 02:56 FAQ.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100        499784 Mar  3 19:29 FILELIST.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100        241099 Mar  3 19:12 PACKAGES.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100         12339 Jun 19  2002 README81.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100         14826 Jun 17  2002 SPEAKUP_DOCS.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100         15434 Jun 17  2002 SPEAK_INSTALL.TXT
-rw-r--r--   1 root     100          2876 Jun 17  2002 UPGRADE.TXT
226 Transfer complete.
ftp&#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">tick</kbd>
Tick counter printing on (10240 bytes/tick increment).
ftp&#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">get README81.TXT</kbd>
local: README81.TXT remote: README81.TXT
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for README81.TXT (12339 bytes).
Bytes transferred: 12339
226 Transfer complete.
12339 bytes received in 0.208 secs (58 Kbytes/sec)

<div class="SECT2">
name="BASIC-NETWORK-COMMANDS-FTP-NCFTP">13.9.2 <tt class="COMMAND">ncftp</tt></a></h2>

<p><tt class="COMMAND">ncftp</tt>(1) (pronounced "Nik-F-T-P") is an alternative to the
traditional ftp client that comes with Slackware. It is still a text-based program, but
offers many advantages over <tt class="COMMAND">ftp</tt>, including:</p>

<p>Tab completion</p>

<p>Bookmarks file</p>

<p>More liberal wildcard uses</p>

<p>Command history</p>

<p>By default, <tt class="COMMAND">ncftp</tt> will try to log in anonymously to the
server you specify. You can force <tt class="COMMAND">ncftp</tt> to present a login
prompt with the &#8220;<var class="OPTION">-u</var>&#8221; option. Once logged in, you
can use the same commands as in <tt class="COMMAND">ftp</tt>, only you'll notice a nicer
interface, one that works more like <tt class="COMMAND">bash</tt>.</p>

<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
<pre class="SCREEN">
ncftp /pub/linux/slackware &#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd slackware-current/</kbd>
Please read the file README81.TXT
  it was last modified on Wed Jun 19 16:24:21 2002 - 258 days ago
CWD command successful.
ncftp ...ware/slackware-current &#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">ls</kbd>
BOOTING.TXT               FAQ.TXT                   bootdisks/
CHECKSUMS                 FILELIST.TXT              extra/
CHECKSUMS.asc             GPG-KEY                   isolinux/
CHECKSUMS.md5             PACKAGES.TXT              kernels/
CHECKSUMS.md5.asc         PRERELEASE_NOTES          pasture/
COPYING                   README81.TXT              rootdisks/
COPYRIGHT.TXT             SPEEKUP_DOCS.TXT          slackware/
CURRENT.WARNING           Slackware-HOWTO
ChangeLog.txt             UPGRADE.TXT
ncftp ...ware/slackware-current &#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">get README81.TXT</kbd>
README81.TXT:                                           12.29 kB  307.07 kB/s

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