path: root/development/icdiff/icdiff.1
blob: d5bb5306e22020ed3160251a52f46fdfba248b1f (plain) (tree)
























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.TH "ICDIFF" 1 "2021-08-31" "2.0.4" ""
icdiff \- improved color diff
.\" RST source for icdiff(1) man page. Convert with:
.\" icdiff.rst > icdiff.1
.\" comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
icdiff [\fI\-options\fP] left_file right_file
git\-icdiff [\fIgit diff options\fP]
\fBicdiff\fP show differences between files in a colorful two column view.
\fBgit\-icdiff\fP is a wrapper around \fBgit diff\fP that uses \fBicdiff\fP to show diffs.
.B  \-\-version
show program\(aqs version number and exit
.B  \-h\fP,\fB  \-\-help
show this help message and exit
.BI \-\-cols\fB= COLS
specify the width of the screen. Autodetection is Unix only
.BI \-\-encoding\fB= ENCODING
specify the file encoding; defaults to utf8
.BI \-E \ MATCHER\fR,\fB \ \-\-exclude\-lines\fB= MATCHER
Do not diff lines that match this regex. Not compatible with the \(aqline\-numbers\(aq option
.BI \-\-head\fB= HEAD
consider only the first N lines of each file
.B  \-H\fP,\fB  \-\-highlight
color by changing the background color instead of the foreground color.  Very fast, ugly, displays all changes
.BI \-L \ LABELS\fR,\fB \ \-\-label\fB= LABELS
override file labels with arbitrary tags. Use twice, one for each file
.B  \-N\fP,\fB  \-\-line\-numbers
generate output with line numbers. Not compatible with the \(aqexclude\-lines\(aq option.
.B  \-\-no\-bold
use non\-bold colors; recommended for solarized
.B  \-\-no\-headers
don\(aqt label the left and right sides with their file names
.BI \-\-output\-encoding\fB= OUTPUT_ENCODING
specify the output encoding; defaults to utf8
.B  \-r\fP,\fB  \-\-recursive
recursively compare subdirectories
.B  \-s\fP,\fB  \-\-report\-identical\-files
report when two files are the same
.B  \-\-show\-all\-spaces
color all non\-matching whitespace including that which is not needed for drawing the eye to changes.  Slow, ugly, displays all changes
.BI \-\-tabsize\fB= TABSIZE
tab stop spacing
.B  \-t\fP,\fB  \-\-truncate
truncate long lines instead of wrapping them
.B  \-u\fP,\fB  \-\-patch
generate patch. This is always true, and only exists for compatibility
.BI \-U \ NUM\fR,\fB \ \-\-unified\fB= NUM\fR,\fB \ \-\-numlines\fB= NUM
how many lines of context to print; can\(aqt be combined with \-\-whole\-file
.B  \-W\fP,\fB  \-\-whole\-file
show the whole file instead of just changed lines and context
.B  \-\-strip\-trailing\-cr
strip any trailing carriage return at the end of an input line
.BI \-\-color\-map\fB= COLOR_MAP
choose which colors are used for which items. Default is \-\-color\-map=\(aqadd:green_bold,change:yellow_bold,description:blue,meta:magenta,separator:blue,subtract:red_bold\(aq.  You don\(aqt have to override all of them: \(aq\-\-color\-map=separator:white,description:cyan\(aq
.B  \-\-is\-git\-diff
Show the real file name when displaying git\-diff result
It\(aqs highly recommended to use wide terminals with \fBicdiff\fP, for
instance 160 columns or more.
See the file /usr/doc/icdiff\-2.0.4/ for examples.
See the file /usr/doc/icdiff\-2.0.4/LICENSE for license information.
icdiff was written by Jeff Kaufman.
This man page written for the project
by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL.
diff(1), colordiff(1), git\-difftool(1)
The icdiff homepage: \fI\%\fP
.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.