path: root/academic/EMBASSY/CONTENTS
blob: d739dcfb711ec7a2d36213b6d6a45fd6a408f170 (plain) (tree)

The EMBASSY package includes the following:

DOMAINATRIX Previous distributions of the protein domain programs from
Jon Ison's group were in a single EMBASSY package. This is now split
into 5 packages according to function.

Application details and documentation for DOMAINATRIX

DOMAINATRIX is available as a Beta release 0.1.0 from our FTP server in file DOMAINATRIX-0.1.0.tar.gz

Application details and documentation for DOMALIGN

DOMALIGN is available as a Beta release 0.1.0 from our FTP server in file DOMALIGN-0.1.0.tar.gz

Application details and documentation for DOMSEARCH

DOMSEARCH is available as a Beta release 0.1.0 from our FTP server in file DOMSEARCH-0.1.0.tar.gz

Application details and documentation for SIGNATURE

SIGNATURE is available as a Beta release 0.1.0 from our FTP server in file SIGNATURE-0.1.0.tar.gz

Application details and documentation for STRUCTURE

STRUCTURE is available as a Beta release 0.1.0 from our FTP server in file STRUCTURE-0.1.0.tar.gz EMNU
(EMBOSS Menu is Not UNIX) Application details and documentation for EMNU

EMNU is available as release 1.05 from our FTP server in file EMNU-1.05.tar.gz ESIM4
(EMBOSS version of SIM4) Application details and documentation for ESIM4

ESIM4 is available as release 1.0.0 from our FTP server in file ESIM4-1.0.0.tar.gz HMMER
(EMBOSS version of HMMER 2.1.1 - PLEASE USE HMMERNEW) Application details
and documentation for HMMER

HMMER is available as release 2.1.1 from our FTP server in file HMMER-2.1.1.tar.gz HMMERNEW
(EMBOSS version of HMMER 2.3.2) Application details and documentation

HMMER 2.3.2 is available from our FTP server in file HMMER-2.3.2.tar.gz
MEME (previous EMBOSS version of MEME 2.3.1) Application details and
documentation for MEME

MEME is available as release 2.3.1 from our FTP server in file MEME-2.3.1.tar.gz MEMENEW
(EMBOSS version of MEME 3.0.14) Application details and documentation
for MEMENEW which wraps release 3.0.14 of the Meme package

MEMENEW is available as release 0.1.0 from our FTP server in file MEMENEW-0.1.0.tar.gz
MSE (A Multiple Sequence Screen Editor for Biological Sequences.)
Application details and documentation for MSE

MSE is available as release 1.0.0 from our FTP server in file MSE-1.0.0.tar.gz MYEMBOSS
(For sites to build their own applications) Application details and
documentation for MYEMBOSS

MYEMBOSS provides a directory structure and makefile stubs for developing
your own applications more easily than in versions before 3.0.0.

MYEMBOSS requires autoconf, automake and libtool to be installed. See
the INSTALL file for more informations.

MYEMBOSS is available as release 1.0.0 from our FTP server in file MYEMBOSS-1.0.0.tar.gz PHYLIP
(Phylogeny Inference Package) Application details and documentation for

PHYLIP 3.572 was available as an EMBASSY package with previous
releases. From 3.0.0 we are including a beta test conversion of PHYLIP
3.61 (PHYLIPNEW). Program names now begin with 'f' rather than 'e'
and interfaces are more EMBOSS-like. Please pass on feedback to our bug
reporting list

PHYLIPNEW is available as a Beta release 3.6b from our FTP server in file PHYLIP-3.6b.tar.gz TOPO
(Transmembrane display) Application details and documentation for TOPO

TOPO is available as release 1.0.0 from our FTP server in file TOPO-1.0.0.tar.gz Vienna
RNA package Application details and documentation for VIENNA

Vienna is available as release 1.6 from our FTP server in file VIENNA-1.6.tar.gz