path: root/games/ufoai/man/ufo2map.6
blob: 21380c32f36ccd0b3eafd2c94f52e4d6b684903b (plain) (tree)

.\" This man page was written by Markus Koschany in July 2013. It is provided
.\" under the GNU General Public License 2 or (at your option) any later version.
.TH ufo2map "6" "October 2021" "ufoai-2.5" ""
ufo2map \- UFO: Alien Invasion map compiler
.B ufo2map
\fI<param1 <subparam1> <subparam2> <\fR...\fI>> <param2> <\fR...\fI> \fR[\fImap\fR]
This is the UFO: AI map compiler.
.SS "General options:"
\fB\-h\fR \fB\-\-help\fR
: print (this) help and exit
\fB\-nice\fR <prio>
: priority level [unix nice level from \fB\-20\fR to 19 where 19 is the lowest priority]
: don't generate a footstep file
: generate two csv files describing the floors and walls found by the trace functions
\fB\-debugfile\fR (TODO)
: generate a trace debug file. The client can load the file to highlight map obstructions
\fB\-stats\fR \fB\-\-statistics\fR
: print statistics and quit. may be used with \fB\-check\fR or \fB\-fix\fR
\fB\-v\fR \fB\-\-verbosity\fR <int>
: set verbosity. higher <int> gives more output
if it is required, this should be the first option
0 \- no stdout, 1 \- only check/fix messages, 2  \- (compile) only mapname
2 \- (check/fix) mapname if findings, 4 \- normal output,
5 \- extra output, 6 \- dump (a lot extra from BSPing)
\fB\-V\fR \fB\-\-version\fR
: return Version and Revision level
: generate a material (.mat) file, do not proceed to compilation
.SS "Lighting options:"
: extra light samples
\fB\-nolighting\fR TYPE
: don't perform the lighting calculations, where TYPE is one of day, night, all
default is all
: lightquant \- lightmap resolution downscale (e.g. 4 = 1 << 4) (values between 1 and 6)
: global light scale factor
: saturation factor (e.g. 1.5 \- default is 1.0)
: contrast factor (e.g. 1.05, default is 1.0)
\fB\-t\fR \fB\-\-threads\fR
: thread amount
.SS "Binary space partitioning (BSPing) options:"
\fB\-block\fR <xl> <yl>
\fB\-blocks\fR <xl> <yl> <xh> <yh>:
: subdivide brushes for better light effects (but higher polycount)
: surface light scaling (float value)
: entity light scaling (float value)
: don't treat details (and trans surfaces) as details
: print bsp file info
\fB\-micro\fR <float>
: warn if a brush has a volume lower than the specified float.
brushes are tested after CSG.
: draw downward pointing faces. (so actors cannot see up through floors
in first person view). default is to set SURF_NODRAW to downard faces.
: Add another game dir to the search directories
: skip detail brushes
: skip node face merging
: don't prune (or cut) nodes
: skip water brushes in compilation
: modify existing bsp file with entities from map file
: write lightmaps into tga images
: also be verbose about submodels (entities)
.SS Mapping options:
These options operate on map file only. No bsp file is created.
Output prefixed by an asterisk (*) indicates operations that would change the map file.
\fB\-check\fR                     : check source map, only print information.
\fB\-fix\fR                       : same subparameters as \fB\-check\fR, changes the source map file.
subparameters for \fB\-check\fR and \fB\-fix\fR
: performs all checks and fixes. This is the default.
bru brushes
: includes 'lvl tex mfc mbr'. Performs all checks and fixes associated with brushes.
ent entities
: performs all checks and fixes associated with entities.
con contained
: checks for brushes contained entirely within other brushes. includes coincident duplicates.
isc intersection
: report intersection between optimisable brushes from worldspawn and func_group entities
this is not included in all or bru as it is not always a bad thing
mbr microbrush <float>
: test for brushes smaller than <float> unit^3. this is done without the csg
step, unlike the bsp \fB\-micro\fR option. default 1 unit^3.
lvl levelflags
: if no levelflags for a brush or entity are set, all of them are set
flv filllevelflags
: ensure set levelflag bits are uninterrupted
ndr nodraws
: assigns SURF_NODRAW to hidden faces
tex textures
: warns when no texture or error texture is assigned.
ensures special textures and content/surface flags are consistent.
mfc mixedfacecontents
: ensures the contentflags are the same on each face of each brush.
zft zfighting
: intersecting brushes with a common face: prevent textures shimmering together