# special packages, move docs to -docs special_packages=" koma-script " # keep precompiled binaries, list binary, not package name keep_precompiled=" biber " # Packages for -base, remaining packages are going to -extra PACKAGES=" collection-basic collection-latex collection-latexrecommended caption collection-metapost collection-context collection-humanities collection-langenglish collection-langitalian collection-langportuguese collection-langspanish $(grep ^"name hyphen-.*" $db | cut -d' ' -f2 ) $(grep ^"name babel-.*" $db | cut -d' ' -f2 ) # collection-langczechslovak lshort-czech lshort-slovak texlive-cz vlna # collection-langcyrillic cmcyr cyrillic cyrillic-bin cyrplain disser eskd eskdx gost lcyw lh lhcyr mongolian-babel numnameru ruhyphen russ serbian-apostrophe serbian-date-lat serbian-def-cyr serbian-lig t2 ukrhyph xecyrmongolian # collection-langgreek begingreek betababel gfsbaskerville gfsporson greek-fontenc greek-inputenc greekdates greektex greektonoi ibycus-babel ibygrk levy lgreek mkgrkindex teubner xgreek yannisgr # collection-fontsrecommended avantgar bookman charter courier euro euro-ce eurosym fpl helvetic lm lm-math manfnt-font marvosym mathpazo mflogo-font ncntrsbk palatino pxfonts rsfs symbol tex-gyre tex-gyre-math times tipa txfonts utopia wasy wasysym zapfchan zapfding $(collection_by_size luatex 99999 || exit 1) optex $(collection_by_size plaingeneric 99999 || exit 1) tex4ht $(collection_by_size fontutils 999999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size fontsextra 38999 || exit 1) ascii-font bbm bbm-macros bbold cmbright eulervm fontawesome5 ly1 sauter sauterfonts $(collection_by_size latexextra 3999 || exit 1) acronym bigfoot csquotes datetime2 $(grep ^"name datetime2-.*" $db | cut -d' ' -f2 ) datatool doublestroke enumitem glossaries $(grep ^"name glossaries-.*" $db | cut -d' ' -f2 ) imakeidx lipsum mfirstuc moderncv moreverb multirow nfssext-cfr nomencl splitindex supertabular ucs xpatch xstring $(collection_by_size langeuropean 299999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size langfrench 23999 || exit 1) # collection-langgerman apalike-german csquotes-de dehyph dehyph-exptl dhua etdipa fifinddo-info german germbib germkorr koma-script-examples l2picfaq l2tabu milog r_und_s schulmathematik uhrzeit umlaute voss-mathcol $(collection_by_size langpolish 8999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size langarabic 2499 || exit 1) arabtex $(collection_by_size langchinese 4999 || exit 1) # collection-langjapanese platex platex-tools $(collection_by_size langcjk 2999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size langother 29999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size pictures 22999 || exit 1) circuitikz xypic $(collection_by_size pstricks 99999 || exit 1) pst-pdf $(collection_by_size mathscience 19999 || exit 1) siunits $(collection_by_size xetex 149999 || exit 1) arabxetex $(collection_by_size games 39999 || exit 1) # collection-formatsextra edmac eplain hitex jadetex lollipop mltex mxedruli passivetex psizzl startex texsis xmltex xmltexconfig # collection-binextra a2ping adhocfilelist bibtex8 bibtexu bundledoc checklistings chklref chktex cluttex ctie cweb de-macro detex dtl dtxgen dvi2tty dviasm dvicopy dvidvi dviinfox dviljk dviout-util dvipng dvipos dvisvgm findhyph fragmaster git-latexdiff gsftopk hook-pre-commit-pkg installfont lacheck latex-git-log latex-papersize latex2man latexdiff latexfileversion latexindent latexmk latexpand light-latex-make listings-ext ltxfileinfo ltximg luajittex make4ht match_parens mflua mkjobtexmf optexcount patgen pdfbook2 pdfcrop pdfjam pdflatexpicscale pdftex-quiet pdftosrc pdfxup pfarrei pkfix pkfix-helper purifyeps pythontex seetexk spix srcredact sty2dtx synctex tex4ebook texcount texdef texdiff texdirflatten texdoc texfot texlive-scripts-extra texloganalyser texlogfilter texware tie tpic2pdftex typeoutfileinfo web xindex xindy xpdfopen # collection-publishers ebook revtex # collection-bibtexextra aaai-named aichej ajl amsrefs annotate apacite apalike-ejor apalike2 archaeologie authordate besjournals bestpapers bibarts bibexport bibhtml bibexport bibhtml biblist bibtexperllibs bibtopic bibtopicprefix bibunits biolett-bst bookdb breakcites cell chbibref chembst chicago chicago-annote chicagoa chscite citeref collection-latex collref compactbib crossrefware custom-bib din1505 dk-bib doipubmed econ-bst economic fbs figbib footbib francais-bst gbt7714 harvmac hep-bibliography icite ietfbibs ijqc inlinebib iopart-num is-bst jbact jmb jneurosci jurabib ksfh_nat listbib logreq ltb2bib luabibentry margbib multibib multibibliography newcastle-bst nmbib notes2bib notex-bst perception plainyr pnas2009 rsc showtags sort-by-letters splitbib turabian-formatting urlbst usebib vak xcite zootaxa-bst #collection-music abc autosp bagpipe chordbars chordbox ddphonism figbas gchords gtrcrd guitar guitarchordschemes guitartabs harmony latex4musicians leadsheets lyluatex musical musicography octave piano songbook songs xml2pmx xpiano " texmfget base