# Replace systemd-centric files with ours: rm -f $PKG/etc/pam.d/sddm* for FILE in sddm sddm-autologin sddm-greeter ; do install -Dm644 $CWD/post-install/sddm/pam.d/$FILE $PKG/etc/pam.d/$FILE done # Create the SDDM home directory: mkdir -p $PKG/var/lib/sddm chmod 755 $PKG/var/lib/sddm chown sddm:sddm $PKG/var/lib/sddm # D-Bus configs should be under /usr, not /etc: mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/dbus-1/system.d mv $PKG/etc/dbus-1/system.d/* $PKG/usr/share/dbus-1/system.d # Remove the sddm.conf file because we will generate our own in doinst.sh: rm -f $PKG/etc/sddm.conf # Generate the default sddm.conf: $PKG/usr/bin/sddm --example-config > $PKG/etc/sddm.conf # Set the KDE5 theme 'breeze' as default (integrates better with Plasma 5): sed -i -e "/\[Theme\]/,/^\[/s/^Current.*/Current=breeze/" $PKG/etc/sddm.conf # Move the default config file to .new: mv $PKG/etc/sddm.conf $PKG/etc/sddm.conf.new # Make sure that Plasma and SDDM work on older GPUs, # by forcing Qt5 to use software GL rendering: cat << "EOF" >> $PKG/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup # Make sure that Plasma and SDDM work on older GPUs by forcing Qt5 to use # software GL rendering if the OpenGL version is not new enough: OPENGL_VERSION=$(LANG=C glxinfo |grep '^OpenGL version string: ' |head -n 1 |sed -e 's/^OpenGL version string: \([0-9]\).*$/\1/g') if [ "$OPENGL_VERSION" -lt 2 ]; then QT_XCB_FORCE_SOFTWARE_OPENGL=1 export QT_XCB_FORCE_SOFTWARE_OPENGL fi EOF # Add a wrapper for the sddm binary, to enable a custom environment: mv $PKG/usr/bin/sddm $PKG/usr/bin/sddm.bin cat <<"EOT" > $PKG/usr/bin/sddm #!/bin/sh # Customized environment (LANG definition): if [ -f /etc/default/sddm ]; then . /etc/default/sddm fi /usr/bin/sddm.bin "$*" EOT chmod 0755 $PKG/usr/bin/sddm # Let's also add an example customization (localization of the UI): mkdir -p $PKG/etc/default echo ". /etc/profile.d/lang.sh" > $PKG/etc/default/sddm.new