%! % $Id: cidfmap 6300 2005-12-28 19:56:24Z giles $ % This is a sample map file for CIDFont category. % % The map is a set of records, which must use one of the two formats : % % 1. A substutution of a CIF font with another CID font : % % /substituted /original ; % % Where 'substituted' is a name being used in a document, % 'original' is a name of an available resource. % % 2. A substutution of a CIF font with a True Type font : % % /substituted << /FileType /TrueType /Path (path) /SunfontID 1 /CSI [(ordering) supplement] >> ; % % Where 'substituted' is a name being used in a document, % 'path' is a path to a True Type font file, % 'ordering' is a value of Ordering required for CIDSystemInfo dictionary, % 'supplement' is a value of Supplement required for CIDSystemInfo dictionary. % % Examples : % % /ShinGo-Bold /HeiseiKakuGo-W5 ; % /Ryumin-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (H:/AuxFiles/Fonts/BATANG.TTC) /SubfontID 3 /CSI [(Japan1) 2] >> ; % %% cidfmap.zh_CN (simplified Chinese ; zh_CN) %% This font will produce better results than the wqy-zenhei.ttf that we use %% to get out-of-the-box output. %% If you install it, uncomment the line below and comment the one below that. %/BousungEG-Light-GB << /FileType /TrueType /Path (uming.ttf) /CSI [(GB1) 4] >> ; /BousungEG-Light-GB << /FileType /TrueType /Path (wqy-zenhei.ttf) /CSI [(GB1) 4] >> ; %% This font will produce better results than the wqy-zenhei.ttf that we use %% to get out-of-the-box output. %% If you install it, uncomment the line below and comment the one below that. %/GBZenKai-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (ukai.ttf) /CSI [(GB1) 4] >> ; /GBZenKai-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (wqy-zenhei.ttf) /CSI [(GB1) 4] >> ; /MSungGBK-Light << /FileType /TrueType /Path (wqy-zenhei.ttf) /CSI [(GB1) 4] >> ; /MSung-Light /MSungGBK-Light ; /MSung-Medium /GBZenKai-Medium ; /MHei-Medium /BousungEG-Light-GB ; /MKai-Medium /GBZenKai-Medium ; /STSong-Light /BousungEG-Light-GB ; /STFangsong-Light /BousungEG-Light-GB ; /STHeiti-Regular /MSungGBK-Light ; /STKaiti-Regular /GBZenKai-Medium ; /Adobe-GB1 /BousungEG-Light-GB ; %% cidfmap.zh_TW (traditional Chinese ; zh_TW) %% To use this example, install the missing uming.ttf and ukai.ttf fonts, and %% uncomment everything in the block below. Also, fix the simplified Chinese %% block as described above for "better output" so that there is no %% interference (or comment the whole block out). %/BousungEG-Light-GB << /FileType /TrueType /Path (uming.ttf) /CSI [(CNS1) 4] >> ; %/ZenKai-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (ukai.ttf) /CSI [(CNS1) 4] >> ; %/ShanHeiSun-Light << /FileType /TrueType /Path (wqy-zenhei.ttf) /CSI [(CNS1) 4] >> ; %/STSong-Light /BousungEG-Light-GB ; %/STKaiti-Regular /ZenKai-Medium-GB ; %/STFangsong-Light /BousungEG-Light ; %/STHeiti-Regular /MHei-Medium ; %/MSung-Light /BousungEG-Light-GB ; %/MSung-Medium /ZenKai-Medium ; %/MHei-Medium /ShanHeiSun-Light ; %/MKai-Medium /ZenKai-Medium ; %/Adobe-CNS1 /BousungEG-Light-GB ; %% cidfmap.ja /Sazanami-Gothic << /FileType /TrueType /Path (sazanami-gothic.ttf) /CSI [(Japan1) 6] >> ; /Sazanami-Gothic-Regular /Sazanami-Gothic ; /Sazanami-Gothic-JaH << /FileType /TrueType /Path (sazanami-gothic.ttf) /CSI [(Japan2) 0] >> ; /Sazanami-Gothic-Regular-JaH /Sazanami-Gothic-JaH ; /Sazanami-Mincho << /FileType /TrueType /Path (sazanami-mincho.ttf) /CSI [(Japan1) 6] >> ; /Sazanami-Mincho-Regular /Sazanami-Mincho ; /Sazanami-Mincho-JaH << /FileType /TrueType /Path (sazanami-mincho.ttf) /CSI [(Japan2) 0] >> ; /Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-JaH /Sazanami-Mincho-JaH ; /Ryumin-Light /Sazanami-Mincho ; /Ryumin-Light-H /Sazanami-Mincho ; /GothicBBB-Medium /Sazanami-Gothic ; /GothicBBB-Medium-V /Sazanami-Gothic ; /HeiseiMin-W3 /Ryumin-Light ; /HeiseiKakuGo-W5 /GothicBBB-Medium ; /HeiseiMin-W3-Acro /Ryumin-Light ; /HeiseiKaKuGo-W5-Acro /GothicBBB-Medium ; /Kochi-Gothic /Sazanami-Gothic ; /Kochi-Mincho /Sazanami-Mincho ; /WadaMin-Regular /Sazanami-Mincho ; /WadaMin-Bold /Sazanami-Mincho ; /WadaGo-Regular /Sazanami-Gothic ; /WadaGo-Bold /Sazanami-Gothic ; /Adobe-Japan1 /Sazanami-Gothic ; /Adobe-Japan2 /Sazanami-Gothic-JaH ; %% cidfmap.ko %% To enable Korean printing support, install the fonts shown in the example %% here and uncomment the block below: %/Baekmuk-Batang << /FileType /TrueType /Path (batang.ttf) /CSI [(Korea1) 2] >> ; %/Baekmuk-Batang-Regular /Baekmuk-Batang ; %/Baekmuk-Dotum << /FileType /TrueType /Path (dotum.ttf) /CSI [(Korea1) 2] >> ; %/Baekmuk-Dotum-Regular /Baekmuk-Dotum ; %/Baekmuk-Gulim << /FileType /TrueType /Path (gulim.ttf) /CSI [(Korea1) 2] >> ; %/Baekmuk-Gulim-Regular /Baekmuk-Gulim ; %/Baekmuk-Headline << /FileType /TrueType /Path (hline.ttf) /CSI [(Korea1) 2] >> ; %/Baekmuk-Headline-Regular /Baekmuk-Headline ; %/Adobe-Korea1 /Baekmuk-Batang ; %/BousungEG-Light-GB << /FileType /TrueType /Path (uming.ttf) /CSI [(GB1) 4] >> ; %/GBZenKai-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (ukai.ttf) /CSI [(GB1) 4] >> ; %/MSungGBK-Light /BousungEG-Light-GB ; %/Adobe-GB1 /BousungEG-Light-GB ; %/ZenKai-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (ukai.ttf) /CSI [(CNS1) 4] >> ; %/ShanHeiSun-Light << /FileType /TrueType /Path (uming.ttf) /CSI [(CNS1) 4] >> ; %/Adobe-CNS1 /ShanHeiSun-Light ;