#!/bin/sh #item ####description ###on off ### TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag dialog --title "SELECTING PACKAGES FROM SERIES A (BASE LINUX SYSTEM)" \ --checklist "Please confirm the packages you wish to install \ from series A. Use the UP/DOWN keys to scroll through the list, and \ the SPACE key to deselect any packages don't want installed. You are \ cautioned against unselecting REQUIRED packages. However, it's your \ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \ "aaa_base" "Basic filesystem, shell, and utils - REQUIRED" "on" \ "aaa_glibc-solibs" "Runtime glibc support libraries - REQUIRED" "on" \ "aaa_libraries" "Various shared libraries -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "aaa_terminfo" "A subset of the terminfo database from ncurses" "on" \ "acl" "POSIX Access Control List tools -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "acpid" "ACPI Power Management daemon" "on" \ "attr" "Tools for fs extended attributes -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "bash" "GNU bash shell - REQUIRED" "on" \ "bin" "Various system utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \ "btrfs-progs" "Utilities for btrfs filesystems" "on" \ "bzip2" "bzip2 compression utility" "on" \ "coreutils" "The core GNU command-line utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \ "cpio" "The GNU cpio backup/archiving utility" "on" \ "cpufrequtils" "Kernel CPUfreq utilities" "on" \ "cracklib" "Password checking library - REQUIRED" "on" \ "cryptsetup" "Utilities for encrypting partitions" "on" \ "dbus" "D-Bus message bus system" "on" \ "dcron" "Cron daemon - REQUIRED" "on" \ "devs" "Device files found in /dev - REQUIRED" "on" \ "dialog" "The program that generates these menus :-)" "on" \ "dosfstools" "Tools for working with FAT filesystems" "on" \ "e2fsprogs" "Utilities for ext2/3/4 filesystems - REQUIRED" "on" \ "ed" "A clone of the old, original UN*X line editor" "on" \ "efibootmgr" "Tool to modify UEFI boot entries" "on" \ "efivar" "Library and tools to handle UEFI variables" "on" \ "elilo" "Linux Loader for EFI-based platforms" "on" \ "elogind" "logind extracted from systemd" "on" \ "elvis" "elvis text editor (ex/vi clone)" "on" \ "etc" "System config files & utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \ "eudev" "Manages /dev and modules - REQUIRED" "on" \ "exfatprogs" "exFAT filesystem utilities" "on" \ "f2fs-tools" "Flash-Friendly File System" "on" \ "file" "Determines what file format data is in" "on" \ "findutils" "GNU file finding utilities" "on" \ "floppy" "Utilities for using DOS floppies" "on" \ "gawk" "GNU awk pattern scanning language" "on" \ "gettext" "Programs used to internationalize scripts" "on" \ "glibc-zoneinfo" "Configures your time zone" "on" \ "gpm" "Cut and paste text with your mouse" "on" \ "gptfdisk" "GPT fdisk utilities" "on" \ "grep" "GNU grep searching tool - REQUIRED" "on" \ "grub" "GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader" "on" \ "gzip" "GNU zip compression utility - REQUIRED" "on" \ "haveged" "A simple entropy daemon" "on" \ "hdparm" "Get/Set IDE hard drive parameters" "on" \ "hostname" "Linux hostname utility - REQUIRED" "on" \ "hwdata" "Hardware identification and config data" "on" \ "infozip" "zip/unzip archive utilities" "on" \ "inih" "INI Not Invented Here" "on" \ "iniparser" "ini file parsing library" "on" \ "inotify-tools" "Command-line tools for using inotify." "on" \ "jfsutils" "Utilities for IBM's Journaled Filesystem" "on" \ "kbd" "Change keyboard and console mappings" "on" \ "kernel-firmware" "Linux kernel firmware -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "kernel-generic" "Generic 6.6.27 kernel (needs an initrd)" "on" \ "kernel-huge" "Loaded 6.6.27 Linux kernel" "on" \ "kernel-modules" "Linux 6.6.27 kernel modules -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "kmod" "Kernel module utilities -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "lbzip2" "Parallel bzip2 compressor" "on" \ "less" "A text pager utility - REQUIRED" "on" \ "lhasa" "Free LZH archive tool" "on" \ "libblockdev" "library for manipulating block devices" "on" \ "libbytesize" "library for working with big sizes in bytes" "on" \ "libcgroup" "Tools for using kernel control groups" "on" \ "libgudev" "udev GObject bindings library - REQUIRED" "on" \ "libpwquality" "Password quality checking library - REQUIRED" "on" \ "lilo" "Boot loader for Linux, DOS, OS/2, etc." "on" \ "logrotate" "System log rotation utility" "on" \ "lrzip" "Long Range ZIP" "on" \ "lvm2" "Tools for creating logical volumes" "on" \ "lzip" "A lossless data compressor" "on" \ "lzlib" "lzip compression library" "on" \ "mcelog" "Machine Check Event logger" "on" \ "mdadm" "Utilities for managing MD (RAID) devices" "on" \ "minicom" "Serial transfer and modem comm package" "on" \ "mkinitrd" "Tool for building an initial ramdisk" "on" \ "mlocate" "Locates files on the system" "on" \ "mt-st" "mt ported from BSD - controls tape drive" "on" \ "mtx" "Controls tape autochangers" "on" \ "ncompress" "The historic compress utility" "on" \ "ndctl" "non-volatile memory device library" "on" \ "ntfs-3g" "FUSE-based NTFS read-write mount program" "on" \ "nut" "Network UPS Tools" "on" \ "nvi" "nvi text editor (ex/vi clone)" "on" \ "openssl-solibs" "OpenSSL shared libraries -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "openssl11-solibs" "OpenSSL shared libraries version 1.1.x" "on" \ "os-prober" "A tool for finding bootable OS partitions" "on" \ "pam" "Pluggable Authentication Modules -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "patch" "Applies a diff file to an original file" "on" \ "pciutils" "Linux PCI utilities" "on" \ "pcmciautils" "PCMCIA card services for the Linux kernel" "on" \ "pkgtools" "Slackware package management tools - REQUIRED" "on" \ "plzip" "Parallel lzip compressor" "on" \ "procps-ng" "Displays process info - REQUIRED" "on" \ "quota" "User disk quota utilities" "on" \ "reiserfsprogs" "Tools for the ReiserFS journaling filesystem" "on" \ "rpm2tgz" "A simple script to convert an RPM to a tgz" "on" \ "sdparm" "Get/Set SCSI hard drive parameters" "on" \ "sed" "GNU stream editor -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "shadow" "Shadow password suite -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "sharutils" "GNU shell archive utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \ "smartmontools" "Hard drive monitoring utilities" "on" \ "splitvt" "Split a screen into sections (use screen ;-)" "on" \ "sysfsutils" "Utilities for the sysfs filesystem" "on" \ "sysklogd" "Logs system and kernel messages" "on" \ "syslinux" "Loader for making Linux boot floppies" "on" \ "sysvinit" "System V-like INIT programs - REQUIRED" "on" \ "sysvinit-functions" "Init functions used by some third-party apps" "on" \ "sysvinit-scripts" "The startup scripts for Slackware - REQUIRED" "on" \ "tar" "GNU tar archive utility -- REQUIRED" "on" \ "tcsh" "Extended C shell /bin/tcsh" "on" \ "time" "Times how long a process takes to run" "on" \ "tree" "Display a directory in tree form" "on" \ "udisks2" "storage device daemon v2" "on" \ "unarj" "Extract ARJ archives" "on" \ "upower" "power management abstraction daemon" "on" \ "usb_modeswitch" "Switching tool for multiple mode USB devices" "on" \ "usbutils" "Linux USB utilities" "on" \ "userspace-rcu" "userspace read-copy-update library" "on" \ "utempter" "Library used for writing to utmp/wtmp" "on" \ "util-linux" "Util-linux utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \ "volume_key" "manipulate storage keys" "on" \ "which" "Locate an executable in your \$PATH" "on" \ "xfsprogs" "Utilities for SGI's XFS filesystem" "on" \ "xz" "xz (LZMA) compression utility - REQUIRED" "on" \ "zerofree" "Zero free blocks from ext* filesystems" "on" \ "zoo" "Zoo archive utility" "on" \ 2> $TMP/SeTpkgs if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs > $TMP/SeTnewtag for pkg in \ aaa_base aaa_glibc-solibs aaa_libraries aaa_terminfo acl acpid attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cracklib cryptsetup dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed efibootmgr efivar elilo elogind elvis etc eudev exfatprogs f2fs-tools file findutils floppy gawk gettext glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep grub gzip haveged hdparm hostname hwdata infozip inih iniparser inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod lbzip2 less lhasa libblockdev libbytesize libcgroup libgudev libpwquality lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 lzip lzlib mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mlocate mt-st mtx ncompress ndctl ntfs-3g nut nvi openssl-solibs openssl11-solibs os-prober pam patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools plzip procps-ng quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils userspace-rcu utempter util-linux volume_key which xfsprogs xz zerofree zoo \ ; do echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag done exit fi cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag for PACKAGE in \ aaa_base aaa_glibc-solibs aaa_libraries aaa_terminfo acl acpid attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cracklib cryptsetup dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed efibootmgr efivar elilo elogind elvis etc eudev exfatprogs f2fs-tools file findutils floppy gawk gettext glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep grub gzip haveged hdparm hostname hwdata infozip inih iniparser inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod lbzip2 less lhasa libblockdev libbytesize libcgroup libgudev libpwquality lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 lzip lzlib mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mlocate mt-st mtx ncompress ndctl ntfs-3g nut nvi openssl-solibs openssl11-solibs os-prober pam patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools plzip procps-ng quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils userspace-rcu utempter util-linux volume_key which xfsprogs xz zerofree zoo \ ; do if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag else echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag fi done rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs