path: root/slackware64
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'slackware64')
6 files changed, 17 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/slackware64/l/maketag b/slackware64/l/maketag
index 6d9e65824..fdedd131e 100644
--- a/slackware64/l/maketag
+++ b/slackware64/l/maketag
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ you are done." 22 74 10 \
"SDL2_ttf" "SDL2 TrueType font library" "on" \
"a52dec" "ATSC A/52 stream decoder library" "on" \
"aalib" "ASCII Art library" "on" \
+"abseil-cpp" "Abseil C++ library" "on" \
"accountsservice" "D-Bus interface for user account query" "on" \
"adwaita-icon-theme" "GTK+ default icon theme" "on" \
"alsa-lib" "ALSA sound library" "on" \
@@ -325,6 +326,7 @@ you are done." 22 74 10 \
"poppler" "Portable Document Format (PDF) library" "on" \
"poppler-data" "Data files that can be used by poppler" "on" \
"popt" "Command line parsing library" "on" \
+"protobuf" "Google's data interchange format" "on" \
"pulseaudio" "PulseAudio sound server" "on" \
"pycairo" "Python bindings for cairo" "on" \
"pycups" "Python bindings for the CUPS API" "on" \
@@ -448,7 +450,7 @@ if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs
> $TMP/SeTnewtag
for pkg in \
-GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf a52dec aalib accountsservice adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-plugins apr apr-util argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core atkmm audiofile avahi babl boost brotli cairo cairomm cfitsio chmlib clucene colord cryfs cryptopp cxxopts db48 dbus-glib dbus-python dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils djvulibre dotconf dvdauthor ebook-tools editorconfig-core-c eigen3 elfutils enchant esound espeak-ng exiv2 expat farstream ffmpeg fftw fluidsynth fmt freecell-solver freetype frei0r-plugins fribidi fuse fuse3 gc gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gegl gexiv2 gi-docgen giflib gjs glade glib glib-networking glib2 glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile glibmm gmime gmm gmp gnome-keyring gnome-themes-extra gnu-efi gobject-introspection grantlee graphene graphite2 gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-libav gstreamer gtk+ gtk+2 gtk+3 gtk4 gtkmm2 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gtkspell3 gvfs harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme hunspell hyphen icon-naming-utils icu4c id3lib imagemagick immer isl iso-codes jansson jasper jemalloc jmtpfs json-c json-glib judy kdsoap keybinder3 keyutils lager lame lcms lcms2 lensfun libaio libao libappindicator libarchive libass libasyncns libatasmart libbluray libburn libcaca libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libclc libcue libdaemon libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-qt libdeflate libdiscid libdmtx libdvdnav libdvdread libedit libev libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libglade libgnome-keyring libgnt libgphoto2 libgpod libgsf libgtop libgusb libhandy libical libid3tag libidl libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libindicator libiodbc libjpeg-turbo libkarma libmad libmcrypt libmng libmpc libmtp libnice libnih libnjb libnl libnl3 libnotify libnsl libnss_nis libnvme libodfgen libogg liboggz liboil libopusenc libpaper libpcap libplacebo libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libptytty libqalculate libraw1394 librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsigc++3 libsigsegv libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoup3 libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtheora libtiff libunibreak libunistring libunwind liburing libusb libusb-compat libusbmuxd libuv libvisio libvisual libvisual-plugins libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwnck libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libxkbcommon libxklavier libxml2 libxslt libyaml libzip lmdb loudmouth lz4 lzo media-player-info mhash mlt mm mozilla-nss mozjs102 mpfr ncurses neon netpbm newt nodejs ocl-icd oniguruma openal-soft opencv openexr openjpeg opus opusfile orc pango pangomm parted pcaudiolib pcre pcre2 phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer pilot-link pipewire polkit polkit-gnome polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt pulseaudio pycairo pycups pycurl pygobject pygobject3 pygtk pyparsing python-Jinja2 python-MarkupSafe python-PyYAML python-alabaster python-appdirs python-babel python-build python-calver python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-distro python-dnspython python-docutils python-doxypypy python-doxyqml python-editables python-flit-core python-future python-glad2 python-hatchling python-html5lib python-idna python-imagesize python-importlib_metadata python-installer python-lxml python-markdown python-notify2 python-packaging python-pathspec python-pbr python-pillow python-pluggy python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyproject-hooks python-pysol_cards python-pytz python-random2 python-requests python-sane python-setuptools_scm python-six python-smartypants python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tomli python-tomli-w python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-typogrify python-urllib3 python-webencodings python-wheel python-zipp python2-module-collection qrencode qt5 qt5-webkit qt6 qtkeychain quazip readline rpcsvc-proto rttr rubygem-asciidoctor sbc sdl serf sg3_utils shared-desktop-ontologies shared-mime-info sip slang slang1 sof-firmware sound-theme-freedesktop speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spirv-llvm-translator startup-notification svgalib system-config-printer t1lib taglib talloc tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras tdb tevent tidy-html5 utf8proc v4l-utils vid.stab vte wavpack wireplumber woff2 xapian-core xxHash zlib zstd zug zxing-cpp \
+GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf a52dec aalib abseil-cpp accountsservice adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-plugins apr apr-util argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core atkmm audiofile avahi babl boost brotli cairo cairomm cfitsio chmlib clucene colord cryfs cryptopp cxxopts db48 dbus-glib dbus-python dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils djvulibre dotconf dvdauthor ebook-tools editorconfig-core-c eigen3 elfutils enchant esound espeak-ng exiv2 expat farstream ffmpeg fftw fluidsynth fmt freecell-solver freetype frei0r-plugins fribidi fuse fuse3 gc gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gegl gexiv2 gi-docgen giflib gjs glade glib glib-networking glib2 glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile glibmm gmime gmm gmp gnome-keyring gnome-themes-extra gnu-efi gobject-introspection grantlee graphene graphite2 gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-libav gstreamer gtk+ gtk+2 gtk+3 gtk4 gtkmm2 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gtkspell3 gvfs harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme hunspell hyphen icon-naming-utils icu4c id3lib imagemagick immer isl iso-codes jansson jasper jemalloc jmtpfs json-c json-glib judy kdsoap keybinder3 keyutils lager lame lcms lcms2 lensfun libaio libao libappindicator libarchive libass libasyncns libatasmart libbluray libburn libcaca libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libclc libcue libdaemon libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-qt libdeflate libdiscid libdmtx libdvdnav libdvdread libedit libev libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libglade libgnome-keyring libgnt libgphoto2 libgpod libgsf libgtop libgusb libhandy libical libid3tag libidl libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libindicator libiodbc libjpeg-turbo libkarma libmad libmcrypt libmng libmpc libmtp libnice libnih libnjb libnl libnl3 libnotify libnsl libnss_nis libnvme libodfgen libogg liboggz liboil libopusenc libpaper libpcap libplacebo libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libptytty libqalculate libraw1394 librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsigc++3 libsigsegv libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoup3 libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtheora libtiff libunibreak libunistring libunwind liburing libusb libusb-compat libusbmuxd libuv libvisio libvisual libvisual-plugins libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwnck libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libxkbcommon libxklavier libxml2 libxslt libyaml libzip lmdb loudmouth lz4 lzo media-player-info mhash mlt mm mozilla-nss mozjs102 mpfr ncurses neon netpbm newt nodejs ocl-icd oniguruma openal-soft opencv openexr openjpeg opus opusfile orc pango pangomm parted pcaudiolib pcre pcre2 phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer pilot-link pipewire polkit polkit-gnome polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt protobuf pulseaudio pycairo pycups pycurl pygobject pygobject3 pygtk pyparsing python-Jinja2 python-MarkupSafe python-PyYAML python-alabaster python-appdirs python-babel python-build python-calver python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-distro python-dnspython python-docutils python-doxypypy python-doxyqml python-editables python-flit-core python-future python-glad2 python-hatchling python-html5lib python-idna python-imagesize python-importlib_metadata python-installer python-lxml python-markdown python-notify2 python-packaging python-pathspec python-pbr python-pillow python-pluggy python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyproject-hooks python-pysol_cards python-pytz python-random2 python-requests python-sane python-setuptools_scm python-six python-smartypants python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tomli python-tomli-w python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-typogrify python-urllib3 python-webencodings python-wheel python-zipp python2-module-collection qrencode qt5 qt5-webkit qt6 qtkeychain quazip readline rpcsvc-proto rttr rubygem-asciidoctor sbc sdl serf sg3_utils shared-desktop-ontologies shared-mime-info sip slang slang1 sof-firmware sound-theme-freedesktop speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spirv-llvm-translator startup-notification svgalib system-config-printer t1lib taglib talloc tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras tdb tevent tidy-html5 utf8proc v4l-utils vid.stab vte wavpack wireplumber woff2 xapian-core xxHash zlib zstd zug zxing-cpp \
; do
echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
@@ -456,7 +458,7 @@ GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SD
cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in \
-GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf a52dec aalib accountsservice adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-plugins apr apr-util argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core atkmm audiofile avahi babl boost brotli cairo cairomm cfitsio chmlib clucene colord cryfs cryptopp cxxopts db48 dbus-glib dbus-python dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils djvulibre dotconf dvdauthor ebook-tools editorconfig-core-c eigen3 elfutils enchant esound espeak-ng exiv2 expat farstream ffmpeg fftw fluidsynth fmt freecell-solver freetype frei0r-plugins fribidi fuse fuse3 gc gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gegl gexiv2 gi-docgen giflib gjs glade glib glib-networking glib2 glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile glibmm gmime gmm gmp gnome-keyring gnome-themes-extra gnu-efi gobject-introspection grantlee graphene graphite2 gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-libav gstreamer gtk+ gtk+2 gtk+3 gtk4 gtkmm2 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gtkspell3 gvfs harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme hunspell hyphen icon-naming-utils icu4c id3lib imagemagick immer isl iso-codes jansson jasper jemalloc jmtpfs json-c json-glib judy kdsoap keybinder3 keyutils lager lame lcms lcms2 lensfun libaio libao libappindicator libarchive libass libasyncns libatasmart libbluray libburn libcaca libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libclc libcue libdaemon libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-qt libdeflate libdiscid libdmtx libdvdnav libdvdread libedit libev libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libglade libgnome-keyring libgnt libgphoto2 libgpod libgsf libgtop libgusb libhandy libical libid3tag libidl libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libindicator libiodbc libjpeg-turbo libkarma libmad libmcrypt libmng libmpc libmtp libnice libnih libnjb libnl libnl3 libnotify libnsl libnss_nis libnvme libodfgen libogg liboggz liboil libopusenc libpaper libpcap libplacebo libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libptytty libqalculate libraw1394 librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsigc++3 libsigsegv libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoup3 libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtheora libtiff libunibreak libunistring libunwind liburing libusb libusb-compat libusbmuxd libuv libvisio libvisual libvisual-plugins libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwnck libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libxkbcommon libxklavier libxml2 libxslt libyaml libzip lmdb loudmouth lz4 lzo media-player-info mhash mlt mm mozilla-nss mozjs102 mpfr ncurses neon netpbm newt nodejs ocl-icd oniguruma openal-soft opencv openexr openjpeg opus opusfile orc pango pangomm parted pcaudiolib pcre pcre2 phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer pilot-link pipewire polkit polkit-gnome polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt pulseaudio pycairo pycups pycurl pygobject pygobject3 pygtk pyparsing python-Jinja2 python-MarkupSafe python-PyYAML python-alabaster python-appdirs python-babel python-build python-calver python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-distro python-dnspython python-docutils python-doxypypy python-doxyqml python-editables python-flit-core python-future python-glad2 python-hatchling python-html5lib python-idna python-imagesize python-importlib_metadata python-installer python-lxml python-markdown python-notify2 python-packaging python-pathspec python-pbr python-pillow python-pluggy python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyproject-hooks python-pysol_cards python-pytz python-random2 python-requests python-sane python-setuptools_scm python-six python-smartypants python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tomli python-tomli-w python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-typogrify python-urllib3 python-webencodings python-wheel python-zipp python2-module-collection qrencode qt5 qt5-webkit qt6 qtkeychain quazip readline rpcsvc-proto rttr rubygem-asciidoctor sbc sdl serf sg3_utils shared-desktop-ontologies shared-mime-info sip slang slang1 sof-firmware sound-theme-freedesktop speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spirv-llvm-translator startup-notification svgalib system-config-printer t1lib taglib talloc tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras tdb tevent tidy-html5 utf8proc v4l-utils vid.stab vte wavpack wireplumber woff2 xapian-core xxHash zlib zstd zug zxing-cpp \
+GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf a52dec aalib abseil-cpp accountsservice adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-plugins apr apr-util argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core atkmm audiofile avahi babl boost brotli cairo cairomm cfitsio chmlib clucene colord cryfs cryptopp cxxopts db48 dbus-glib dbus-python dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils djvulibre dotconf dvdauthor ebook-tools editorconfig-core-c eigen3 elfutils enchant esound espeak-ng exiv2 expat farstream ffmpeg fftw fluidsynth fmt freecell-solver freetype frei0r-plugins fribidi fuse fuse3 gc gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gegl gexiv2 gi-docgen giflib gjs glade glib glib-networking glib2 glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile glibmm gmime gmm gmp gnome-keyring gnome-themes-extra gnu-efi gobject-introspection grantlee graphene graphite2 gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-libav gstreamer gtk+ gtk+2 gtk+3 gtk4 gtkmm2 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gtkspell3 gvfs harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme hunspell hyphen icon-naming-utils icu4c id3lib imagemagick immer isl iso-codes jansson jasper jemalloc jmtpfs json-c json-glib judy kdsoap keybinder3 keyutils lager lame lcms lcms2 lensfun libaio libao libappindicator libarchive libass libasyncns libatasmart libbluray libburn libcaca libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libclc libcue libdaemon libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-qt libdeflate libdiscid libdmtx libdvdnav libdvdread libedit libev libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libglade libgnome-keyring libgnt libgphoto2 libgpod libgsf libgtop libgusb libhandy libical libid3tag libidl libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libindicator libiodbc libjpeg-turbo libkarma libmad libmcrypt libmng libmpc libmtp libnice libnih libnjb libnl libnl3 libnotify libnsl libnss_nis libnvme libodfgen libogg liboggz liboil libopusenc libpaper libpcap libplacebo libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libptytty libqalculate libraw1394 librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsigc++3 libsigsegv libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoup3 libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtheora libtiff libunibreak libunistring libunwind liburing libusb libusb-compat libusbmuxd libuv libvisio libvisual libvisual-plugins libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwnck libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libxkbcommon libxklavier libxml2 libxslt libyaml libzip lmdb loudmouth lz4 lzo media-player-info mhash mlt mm mozilla-nss mozjs102 mpfr ncurses neon netpbm newt nodejs ocl-icd oniguruma openal-soft opencv openexr openjpeg opus opusfile orc pango pangomm parted pcaudiolib pcre pcre2 phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer pilot-link pipewire polkit polkit-gnome polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt protobuf pulseaudio pycairo pycups pycurl pygobject pygobject3 pygtk pyparsing python-Jinja2 python-MarkupSafe python-PyYAML python-alabaster python-appdirs python-babel python-build python-calver python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-distro python-dnspython python-docutils python-doxypypy python-doxyqml python-editables python-flit-core python-future python-glad2 python-hatchling python-html5lib python-idna python-imagesize python-importlib_metadata python-installer python-lxml python-markdown python-notify2 python-packaging python-pathspec python-pbr python-pillow python-pluggy python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyproject-hooks python-pysol_cards python-pytz python-random2 python-requests python-sane python-setuptools_scm python-six python-smartypants python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tomli python-tomli-w python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-typogrify python-urllib3 python-webencodings python-wheel python-zipp python2-module-collection qrencode qt5 qt5-webkit qt6 qtkeychain quazip readline rpcsvc-proto rttr rubygem-asciidoctor sbc sdl serf sg3_utils shared-desktop-ontologies shared-mime-info sip slang slang1 sof-firmware sound-theme-freedesktop speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spirv-llvm-translator startup-notification svgalib system-config-printer t1lib taglib talloc tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras tdb tevent tidy-html5 utf8proc v4l-utils vid.stab vte wavpack wireplumber woff2 xapian-core xxHash zlib zstd zug zxing-cpp \
; do
if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
diff --git a/slackware64/l/maketag.ez b/slackware64/l/maketag.ez
index 6d9e65824..fdedd131e 100644
--- a/slackware64/l/maketag.ez
+++ b/slackware64/l/maketag.ez
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ you are done." 22 74 10 \
"SDL2_ttf" "SDL2 TrueType font library" "on" \
"a52dec" "ATSC A/52 stream decoder library" "on" \
"aalib" "ASCII Art library" "on" \
+"abseil-cpp" "Abseil C++ library" "on" \
"accountsservice" "D-Bus interface for user account query" "on" \
"adwaita-icon-theme" "GTK+ default icon theme" "on" \
"alsa-lib" "ALSA sound library" "on" \
@@ -325,6 +326,7 @@ you are done." 22 74 10 \
"poppler" "Portable Document Format (PDF) library" "on" \
"poppler-data" "Data files that can be used by poppler" "on" \
"popt" "Command line parsing library" "on" \
+"protobuf" "Google's data interchange format" "on" \
"pulseaudio" "PulseAudio sound server" "on" \
"pycairo" "Python bindings for cairo" "on" \
"pycups" "Python bindings for the CUPS API" "on" \
@@ -448,7 +450,7 @@ if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs
> $TMP/SeTnewtag
for pkg in \
-GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf a52dec aalib accountsservice adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-plugins apr apr-util argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core atkmm audiofile avahi babl boost brotli cairo cairomm cfitsio chmlib clucene colord cryfs cryptopp cxxopts db48 dbus-glib dbus-python dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils djvulibre dotconf dvdauthor ebook-tools editorconfig-core-c eigen3 elfutils enchant esound espeak-ng exiv2 expat farstream ffmpeg fftw fluidsynth fmt freecell-solver freetype frei0r-plugins fribidi fuse fuse3 gc gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gegl gexiv2 gi-docgen giflib gjs glade glib glib-networking glib2 glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile glibmm gmime gmm gmp gnome-keyring gnome-themes-extra gnu-efi gobject-introspection grantlee graphene graphite2 gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-libav gstreamer gtk+ gtk+2 gtk+3 gtk4 gtkmm2 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gtkspell3 gvfs harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme hunspell hyphen icon-naming-utils icu4c id3lib imagemagick immer isl iso-codes jansson jasper jemalloc jmtpfs json-c json-glib judy kdsoap keybinder3 keyutils lager lame lcms lcms2 lensfun libaio libao libappindicator libarchive libass libasyncns libatasmart libbluray libburn libcaca libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libclc libcue libdaemon libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-qt libdeflate libdiscid libdmtx libdvdnav libdvdread libedit libev libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libglade libgnome-keyring libgnt libgphoto2 libgpod libgsf libgtop libgusb libhandy libical libid3tag libidl libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libindicator libiodbc libjpeg-turbo libkarma libmad libmcrypt libmng libmpc libmtp libnice libnih libnjb libnl libnl3 libnotify libnsl libnss_nis libnvme libodfgen libogg liboggz liboil libopusenc libpaper libpcap libplacebo libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libptytty libqalculate libraw1394 librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsigc++3 libsigsegv libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoup3 libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtheora libtiff libunibreak libunistring libunwind liburing libusb libusb-compat libusbmuxd libuv libvisio libvisual libvisual-plugins libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwnck libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libxkbcommon libxklavier libxml2 libxslt libyaml libzip lmdb loudmouth lz4 lzo media-player-info mhash mlt mm mozilla-nss mozjs102 mpfr ncurses neon netpbm newt nodejs ocl-icd oniguruma openal-soft opencv openexr openjpeg opus opusfile orc pango pangomm parted pcaudiolib pcre pcre2 phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer pilot-link pipewire polkit polkit-gnome polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt pulseaudio pycairo pycups pycurl pygobject pygobject3 pygtk pyparsing python-Jinja2 python-MarkupSafe python-PyYAML python-alabaster python-appdirs python-babel python-build python-calver python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-distro python-dnspython python-docutils python-doxypypy python-doxyqml python-editables python-flit-core python-future python-glad2 python-hatchling python-html5lib python-idna python-imagesize python-importlib_metadata python-installer python-lxml python-markdown python-notify2 python-packaging python-pathspec python-pbr python-pillow python-pluggy python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyproject-hooks python-pysol_cards python-pytz python-random2 python-requests python-sane python-setuptools_scm python-six python-smartypants python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tomli python-tomli-w python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-typogrify python-urllib3 python-webencodings python-wheel python-zipp python2-module-collection qrencode qt5 qt5-webkit qt6 qtkeychain quazip readline rpcsvc-proto rttr rubygem-asciidoctor sbc sdl serf sg3_utils shared-desktop-ontologies shared-mime-info sip slang slang1 sof-firmware sound-theme-freedesktop speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spirv-llvm-translator startup-notification svgalib system-config-printer t1lib taglib talloc tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras tdb tevent tidy-html5 utf8proc v4l-utils vid.stab vte wavpack wireplumber woff2 xapian-core xxHash zlib zstd zug zxing-cpp \
+GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf a52dec aalib abseil-cpp accountsservice adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-plugins apr apr-util argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core atkmm audiofile avahi babl boost brotli cairo cairomm cfitsio chmlib clucene colord cryfs cryptopp cxxopts db48 dbus-glib dbus-python dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils djvulibre dotconf dvdauthor ebook-tools editorconfig-core-c eigen3 elfutils enchant esound espeak-ng exiv2 expat farstream ffmpeg fftw fluidsynth fmt freecell-solver freetype frei0r-plugins fribidi fuse fuse3 gc gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gegl gexiv2 gi-docgen giflib gjs glade glib glib-networking glib2 glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile glibmm gmime gmm gmp gnome-keyring gnome-themes-extra gnu-efi gobject-introspection grantlee graphene graphite2 gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-libav gstreamer gtk+ gtk+2 gtk+3 gtk4 gtkmm2 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gtkspell3 gvfs harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme hunspell hyphen icon-naming-utils icu4c id3lib imagemagick immer isl iso-codes jansson jasper jemalloc jmtpfs json-c json-glib judy kdsoap keybinder3 keyutils lager lame lcms lcms2 lensfun libaio libao libappindicator libarchive libass libasyncns libatasmart libbluray libburn libcaca libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libclc libcue libdaemon libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-qt libdeflate libdiscid libdmtx libdvdnav libdvdread libedit libev libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libglade libgnome-keyring libgnt libgphoto2 libgpod libgsf libgtop libgusb libhandy libical libid3tag libidl libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libindicator libiodbc libjpeg-turbo libkarma libmad libmcrypt libmng libmpc libmtp libnice libnih libnjb libnl libnl3 libnotify libnsl libnss_nis libnvme libodfgen libogg liboggz liboil libopusenc libpaper libpcap libplacebo libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libptytty libqalculate libraw1394 librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsigc++3 libsigsegv libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoup3 libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtheora libtiff libunibreak libunistring libunwind liburing libusb libusb-compat libusbmuxd libuv libvisio libvisual libvisual-plugins libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwnck libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libxkbcommon libxklavier libxml2 libxslt libyaml libzip lmdb loudmouth lz4 lzo media-player-info mhash mlt mm mozilla-nss mozjs102 mpfr ncurses neon netpbm newt nodejs ocl-icd oniguruma openal-soft opencv openexr openjpeg opus opusfile orc pango pangomm parted pcaudiolib pcre pcre2 phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer pilot-link pipewire polkit polkit-gnome polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt protobuf pulseaudio pycairo pycups pycurl pygobject pygobject3 pygtk pyparsing python-Jinja2 python-MarkupSafe python-PyYAML python-alabaster python-appdirs python-babel python-build python-calver python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-distro python-dnspython python-docutils python-doxypypy python-doxyqml python-editables python-flit-core python-future python-glad2 python-hatchling python-html5lib python-idna python-imagesize python-importlib_metadata python-installer python-lxml python-markdown python-notify2 python-packaging python-pathspec python-pbr python-pillow python-pluggy python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyproject-hooks python-pysol_cards python-pytz python-random2 python-requests python-sane python-setuptools_scm python-six python-smartypants python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tomli python-tomli-w python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-typogrify python-urllib3 python-webencodings python-wheel python-zipp python2-module-collection qrencode qt5 qt5-webkit qt6 qtkeychain quazip readline rpcsvc-proto rttr rubygem-asciidoctor sbc sdl serf sg3_utils shared-desktop-ontologies shared-mime-info sip slang slang1 sof-firmware sound-theme-freedesktop speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spirv-llvm-translator startup-notification svgalib system-config-printer t1lib taglib talloc tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras tdb tevent tidy-html5 utf8proc v4l-utils vid.stab vte wavpack wireplumber woff2 xapian-core xxHash zlib zstd zug zxing-cpp \
; do
echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
@@ -456,7 +458,7 @@ GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SD
cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in \
-GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf a52dec aalib accountsservice adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-plugins apr apr-util argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core atkmm audiofile avahi babl boost brotli cairo cairomm cfitsio chmlib clucene colord cryfs cryptopp cxxopts db48 dbus-glib dbus-python dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils djvulibre dotconf dvdauthor ebook-tools editorconfig-core-c eigen3 elfutils enchant esound espeak-ng exiv2 expat farstream ffmpeg fftw fluidsynth fmt freecell-solver freetype frei0r-plugins fribidi fuse fuse3 gc gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gegl gexiv2 gi-docgen giflib gjs glade glib glib-networking glib2 glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile glibmm gmime gmm gmp gnome-keyring gnome-themes-extra gnu-efi gobject-introspection grantlee graphene graphite2 gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-libav gstreamer gtk+ gtk+2 gtk+3 gtk4 gtkmm2 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gtkspell3 gvfs harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme hunspell hyphen icon-naming-utils icu4c id3lib imagemagick immer isl iso-codes jansson jasper jemalloc jmtpfs json-c json-glib judy kdsoap keybinder3 keyutils lager lame lcms lcms2 lensfun libaio libao libappindicator libarchive libass libasyncns libatasmart libbluray libburn libcaca libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libclc libcue libdaemon libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-qt libdeflate libdiscid libdmtx libdvdnav libdvdread libedit libev libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libglade libgnome-keyring libgnt libgphoto2 libgpod libgsf libgtop libgusb libhandy libical libid3tag libidl libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libindicator libiodbc libjpeg-turbo libkarma libmad libmcrypt libmng libmpc libmtp libnice libnih libnjb libnl libnl3 libnotify libnsl libnss_nis libnvme libodfgen libogg liboggz liboil libopusenc libpaper libpcap libplacebo libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libptytty libqalculate libraw1394 librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsigc++3 libsigsegv libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoup3 libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtheora libtiff libunibreak libunistring libunwind liburing libusb libusb-compat libusbmuxd libuv libvisio libvisual libvisual-plugins libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwnck libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libxkbcommon libxklavier libxml2 libxslt libyaml libzip lmdb loudmouth lz4 lzo media-player-info mhash mlt mm mozilla-nss mozjs102 mpfr ncurses neon netpbm newt nodejs ocl-icd oniguruma openal-soft opencv openexr openjpeg opus opusfile orc pango pangomm parted pcaudiolib pcre pcre2 phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer pilot-link pipewire polkit polkit-gnome polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt pulseaudio pycairo pycups pycurl pygobject pygobject3 pygtk pyparsing python-Jinja2 python-MarkupSafe python-PyYAML python-alabaster python-appdirs python-babel python-build python-calver python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-distro python-dnspython python-docutils python-doxypypy python-doxyqml python-editables python-flit-core python-future python-glad2 python-hatchling python-html5lib python-idna python-imagesize python-importlib_metadata python-installer python-lxml python-markdown python-notify2 python-packaging python-pathspec python-pbr python-pillow python-pluggy python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyproject-hooks python-pysol_cards python-pytz python-random2 python-requests python-sane python-setuptools_scm python-six python-smartypants python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tomli python-tomli-w python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-typogrify python-urllib3 python-webencodings python-wheel python-zipp python2-module-collection qrencode qt5 qt5-webkit qt6 qtkeychain quazip readline rpcsvc-proto rttr rubygem-asciidoctor sbc sdl serf sg3_utils shared-desktop-ontologies shared-mime-info sip slang slang1 sof-firmware sound-theme-freedesktop speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spirv-llvm-translator startup-notification svgalib system-config-printer t1lib taglib talloc tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras tdb tevent tidy-html5 utf8proc v4l-utils vid.stab vte wavpack wireplumber woff2 xapian-core xxHash zlib zstd zug zxing-cpp \
+GConf Imath LibRaw M2Crypto Mako PyQt-builder PyQt5 PyQt5_sip QScintilla SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf a52dec aalib abseil-cpp accountsservice adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-plugins apr apr-util argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core atkmm audiofile avahi babl boost brotli cairo cairomm cfitsio chmlib clucene colord cryfs cryptopp cxxopts db48 dbus-glib dbus-python dconf dconf-editor desktop-file-utils djvulibre dotconf dvdauthor ebook-tools editorconfig-core-c eigen3 elfutils enchant esound espeak-ng exiv2 expat farstream ffmpeg fftw fluidsynth fmt freecell-solver freetype frei0r-plugins fribidi fuse fuse3 gc gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gegl gexiv2 gi-docgen giflib gjs glade glib glib-networking glib2 glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile glibmm gmime gmm gmp gnome-keyring gnome-themes-extra gnu-efi gobject-introspection grantlee graphene graphite2 gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-libav gstreamer gtk+ gtk+2 gtk+3 gtk4 gtkmm2 gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gtkspell3 gvfs harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme hunspell hyphen icon-naming-utils icu4c id3lib imagemagick immer isl iso-codes jansson jasper jemalloc jmtpfs json-c json-glib judy kdsoap keybinder3 keyutils lager lame lcms lcms2 lensfun libaio libao libappindicator libarchive libass libasyncns libatasmart libbluray libburn libcaca libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libclc libcue libdaemon libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-qt libdeflate libdiscid libdmtx libdvdnav libdvdread libedit libev libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libglade libgnome-keyring libgnt libgphoto2 libgpod libgsf libgtop libgusb libhandy libical libid3tag libidl libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libindicator libiodbc libjpeg-turbo libkarma libmad libmcrypt libmng libmpc libmtp libnice libnih libnjb libnl libnl3 libnotify libnsl libnss_nis libnvme libodfgen libogg liboggz liboil libopusenc libpaper libpcap libplacebo libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libptytty libqalculate libraw1394 librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsigc++3 libsigsegv libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoup3 libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtheora libtiff libunibreak libunistring libunwind liburing libusb libusb-compat libusbmuxd libuv libvisio libvisual libvisual-plugins libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwnck libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libxkbcommon libxklavier libxml2 libxslt libyaml libzip lmdb loudmouth lz4 lzo media-player-info mhash mlt mm mozilla-nss mozjs102 mpfr ncurses neon netpbm newt nodejs ocl-icd oniguruma openal-soft opencv openexr openjpeg opus opusfile orc pango pangomm parted pcaudiolib pcre pcre2 phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer pilot-link pipewire polkit polkit-gnome polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt protobuf pulseaudio pycairo pycups pycurl pygobject pygobject3 pygtk pyparsing python-Jinja2 python-MarkupSafe python-PyYAML python-alabaster python-appdirs python-babel python-build python-calver python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-distro python-dnspython python-docutils python-doxypypy python-doxyqml python-editables python-flit-core python-future python-glad2 python-hatchling python-html5lib python-idna python-imagesize python-importlib_metadata python-installer python-lxml python-markdown python-notify2 python-packaging python-pathspec python-pbr python-pillow python-pluggy python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyproject-hooks python-pysol_cards python-pytz python-random2 python-requests python-sane python-setuptools_scm python-six python-smartypants python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-tomli python-tomli-w python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-typogrify python-urllib3 python-webencodings python-wheel python-zipp python2-module-collection qrencode qt5 qt5-webkit qt6 qtkeychain quazip readline rpcsvc-proto rttr rubygem-asciidoctor sbc sdl serf sg3_utils shared-desktop-ontologies shared-mime-info sip slang slang1 sof-firmware sound-theme-freedesktop speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp spirv-llvm-translator startup-notification svgalib system-config-printer t1lib taglib talloc tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras tdb tevent tidy-html5 utf8proc v4l-utils vid.stab vte wavpack wireplumber woff2 xapian-core xxHash zlib zstd zug zxing-cpp \
; do
if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
diff --git a/slackware64/l/tagfile b/slackware64/l/tagfile
index 7001dd3fb..429ea3ef4 100644
--- a/slackware64/l/tagfile
+++ b/slackware64/l/tagfile
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ SDL2_net:REC
@@ -310,6 +311,7 @@ polkit-qt-1:REC
diff --git a/slackware64/n/maketag b/slackware64/n/maketag
index 1330abf9b..56ce40dd7 100644
--- a/slackware64/n/maketag
+++ b/slackware64/n/maketag
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ Press ENTER when you are done." \
"mcabber" "Jabber messaging client for the console" "on" \
"metamail" "Metamail multimedia mail extensions" "on" \
"mobile-broadband-provider-info" "mobile broadband provider settings" "on" \
+"mosh" "the MObile SHell" "on" \
"mtr" "Network diagnosic tool" "on" \
"mutt" "The Mutt E-Mail Client" "on" \
"nc" "Netcat network utility" "on" \
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs
> $TMP/SeTnewtag
for pkg in \
-ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger c-ares ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl daemon dehydrated dhcp dhcpcd dnsmasq dovecot ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo iftop inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw krb5 lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmilter libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nghttp2 nmap nn npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd ntp obexftp openldap openobex openresolv openssh openssl openssl11 openvpn p11-kit pam-krb5 php pidentd pinentry popa3d postfix ppp procmail proftpd pssh rdist rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync s-nail samba slrn snownews socat sshfs stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget wget2 whois wireguard-tools wireless_tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \
+ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger c-ares ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl daemon dehydrated dhcp dhcpcd dnsmasq dovecot ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo iftop inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw krb5 lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmilter libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mosh mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nghttp2 nmap nn npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd ntp obexftp openldap openobex openresolv openssh openssl openssl11 openvpn p11-kit pam-krb5 php pidentd pinentry popa3d postfix ppp procmail proftpd pssh rdist rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync s-nail samba slrn snownews socat sshfs stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget wget2 whois wireguard-tools wireless_tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \
; do
echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware
cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in \
-ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger c-ares ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl daemon dehydrated dhcp dhcpcd dnsmasq dovecot ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo iftop inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw krb5 lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmilter libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nghttp2 nmap nn npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd ntp obexftp openldap openobex openresolv openssh openssl openssl11 openvpn p11-kit pam-krb5 php pidentd pinentry popa3d postfix ppp procmail proftpd pssh rdist rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync s-nail samba slrn snownews socat sshfs stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget wget2 whois wireguard-tools wireless_tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \
+ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger c-ares ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl daemon dehydrated dhcp dhcpcd dnsmasq dovecot ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo iftop inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw krb5 lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmilter libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mosh mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nghttp2 nmap nn npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd ntp obexftp openldap openobex openresolv openssh openssl openssl11 openvpn p11-kit pam-krb5 php pidentd pinentry popa3d postfix ppp procmail proftpd pssh rdist rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync s-nail samba slrn snownews socat sshfs stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget wget2 whois wireguard-tools wireless_tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \
; do
if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
diff --git a/slackware64/n/maketag.ez b/slackware64/n/maketag.ez
index 1330abf9b..56ce40dd7 100644
--- a/slackware64/n/maketag.ez
+++ b/slackware64/n/maketag.ez
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ Press ENTER when you are done." \
"mcabber" "Jabber messaging client for the console" "on" \
"metamail" "Metamail multimedia mail extensions" "on" \
"mobile-broadband-provider-info" "mobile broadband provider settings" "on" \
+"mosh" "the MObile SHell" "on" \
"mtr" "Network diagnosic tool" "on" \
"mutt" "The Mutt E-Mail Client" "on" \
"nc" "Netcat network utility" "on" \
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs
> $TMP/SeTnewtag
for pkg in \
-ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger c-ares ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl daemon dehydrated dhcp dhcpcd dnsmasq dovecot ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo iftop inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw krb5 lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmilter libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nghttp2 nmap nn npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd ntp obexftp openldap openobex openresolv openssh openssl openssl11 openvpn p11-kit pam-krb5 php pidentd pinentry popa3d postfix ppp procmail proftpd pssh rdist rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync s-nail samba slrn snownews socat sshfs stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget wget2 whois wireguard-tools wireless_tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \
+ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger c-ares ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl daemon dehydrated dhcp dhcpcd dnsmasq dovecot ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo iftop inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw krb5 lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmilter libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mosh mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nghttp2 nmap nn npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd ntp obexftp openldap openobex openresolv openssh openssl openssl11 openvpn p11-kit pam-krb5 php pidentd pinentry popa3d postfix ppp procmail proftpd pssh rdist rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync s-nail samba slrn snownews socat sshfs stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget wget2 whois wireguard-tools wireless_tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \
; do
echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware
cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in \
-ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger c-ares ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl daemon dehydrated dhcp dhcpcd dnsmasq dovecot ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo iftop inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw krb5 lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmilter libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nghttp2 nmap nn npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd ntp obexftp openldap openobex openresolv openssh openssl openssl11 openvpn p11-kit pam-krb5 php pidentd pinentry popa3d postfix ppp procmail proftpd pssh rdist rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync s-nail samba slrn snownews socat sshfs stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget wget2 whois wireguard-tools wireless_tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \
+ModemManager NetworkManager alpine autofs biff+comsat bind bluez bluez-firmware bootp bridge-utils bsd-finger c-ares ca-certificates cifs-utils conntrack-tools crda curl cyrus-sasl daemon dehydrated dhcp dhcpcd dnsmasq dovecot ebtables elm epic5 ethtool fetchmail getmail gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gpa gpgme htdig httpd icmpinfo iftop inetd iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi iw krb5 lftp libassuan libgcrypt libgpg-error libksba libmbim libmilter libmnl libndp libnetfilter_acct libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_log libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libqmi libtirpc links lynx mcabber metamail mobile-broadband-provider-info mosh mtr mutt nc ncftp net-snmp net-tools netatalk netdate netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp netkit-ntalk netkit-routed netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-timed netpipes nettle netwatch network-scripts netwrite newspost nfacct nfs-utils nftables nghttp2 nmap nn npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd ntp obexftp openldap openobex openresolv openssh openssl openssl11 openvpn p11-kit pam-krb5 php pidentd pinentry popa3d postfix ppp procmail proftpd pssh rdist rp-pppoe rpcbind rsync s-nail samba slrn snownews socat sshfs stunnel tcp_wrappers tcpdump telnet tftp-hpa tin traceroute ulogd uucp vlan vsftpd wget wget2 whois wireguard-tools wireless_tools wpa_supplicant yptools ytalk zd1211-firmware \
; do
if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
diff --git a/slackware64/n/tagfile b/slackware64/n/tagfile
index e29e6e0d3..d9e712721 100644
--- a/slackware64/n/tagfile
+++ b/slackware64/n/tagfile
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ lynx:OPT