path: root/slackware64/a
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
6 files changed, 52 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/slackware64/a/maketag b/slackware64/a/maketag
index 879801165..4306c4c88 100644
--- a/slackware64/a/maketag
+++ b/slackware64/a/maketag
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"dosfstools" "Tools for working with FAT filesystems" "on" \
"e2fsprogs" "Utilities for ext2/ext3 filesystems - REQUIRED" "on" \
"ed" "A clone of the old, original UN*X line editor" "on" \
+"efibootmgr" "Tool to modify UEFI boot entries" "on" \
"eject" "A tool for ejecting removable media" "on" \
+"elilo" "Linux Loader for EFI-based platforms" "on" \
"elvis" "elvis text editor (vi clone) - REQUIRED" "on" \
"etc" "System config files & utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \
"file" "Determines what file format data is in" "on" \
@@ -50,16 +52,17 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"gpm" "Cut and paste text with your mouse" "on" \
"gptfdisk" "GPT fdisk utilities" "on" \
"grep" "GNU grep searching tool - REQUIRED" "on" \
+"grub" "GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader" "on" \
"gzip" "GNU zip compression utility - REQUIRED" "on" \
"hdparm" "Get/Set IDE hard drive parameters" "on" \
"infozip" "zip/unzip archive utilities" "on" \
"inotify-tools" "Command-line tools for using inotify." "on" \
"jfsutils" "Utilities for IBM's Journaled Filesystem" "on" \
"kbd" "Change keyboard and console mappings" "on" \
-"kernel-firmware" "Linux 3.2.29 kernel firmware -- REQUIRED" "on" \
-"kernel-generic" "Generic 3.2.29 kernel (needs an initrd)" "on" \
-"kernel-huge" "Loaded 3.2.29 Linux kernel" "on" \
-"kernel-modules" "Linux 3.2.29 kernel modules -- REQUIRED" "on" \
+"kernel-firmware" "Linux kernel firmware -- REQUIRED" "on" \
+"kernel-generic" "Generic 3.10.17 kernel (needs an initrd)" "on" \
+"kernel-huge" "Loaded 3.10.17 Linux kernel" "on" \
+"kernel-modules" "Linux 3.10.17 kernel modules -- REQUIRED" "on" \
"kmod" "Kernel module utilities -- REQUIRED" "on" \
"less" "A text pager utility - REQUIRED" "on" \
"lha" "LHA archive utility" "on" \
@@ -77,9 +80,10 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"ncompress" "The historic compress utility" "on" \
"ntfs-3g" "FUSE-based NTFS read-write mount program" "on" \
"openssl-solibs" "OpenSSL shared libraries -- REQUIRED" "on" \
+"os-prober" "A tool for finding bootable OS partitions" "on" \
"patch" "Applies a diff file to an original file" "on" \
"pciutils" "Linux PCI utilities" "on" \
-"pcmciautils" "PCMCIA card services for 2.6.x+ kernels" "on" \
+"pcmciautils" "PCMCIA card services for the Linux kernel" "on" \
"pkgtools" "Slackware package management tools - REQUIRED" "on" \
"procps" "Displays process info - REQUIRED" "on" \
"quota" "User disk quota utilities" "on" \
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"tcsh" "Extended C shell /bin/tcsh" "on" \
"time" "Times how long a process takes to run" "on" \
"tree" "Display a directory in tree form" "on" \
-"udev" "System for managing /dev in 2.6 - RECOMMENDED" "on" \
+"udev" "Manages /dev and modules - REQUIRED" "on" \
"udisks" "storage device daemon" "on" \
"udisks2" "storage device daemon v2" "on" \
"unarj" "Extract ARJ archives" "on" \
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"usbutils" "Linux USB utilities" "on" \
"utempter" "Library used for writing to utmp/wtmp" "on" \
"util-linux" "Util-linux utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \
-"which" "Locate an executable in your $PATH" "on" \
+"which" "Locate an executable in your \$PATH" "on" \
"xfsprogs" "Utilities for SGI's XFS filesystem" "on" \
"xz" "xz (LZMA) compression utility - REQUIRED" "on" \
"zoo" "Zoo archive utility" "on" \
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs
> $TMP/SeTnewtag
for pkg in \
-aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cryptsetup cups cxxlibs dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed eject elvis etc file findutils floppy gawk genpower gettext getty-ps glibc-solibs glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep gzip hdparm infozip inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod less lha libcgroup lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mt-st mtx ncompress ntfs-3g openssl-solibs patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools procps quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils slocate smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udev udisks udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils utempter util-linux which xfsprogs xz zoo \
+aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cryptsetup cups cxxlibs dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed efibootmgr eject elilo elvis etc file findutils floppy gawk genpower gettext getty-ps glibc-solibs glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep grub gzip hdparm infozip inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod less lha libcgroup lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mt-st mtx ncompress ntfs-3g openssl-solibs os-prober patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools procps quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils slocate smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udev udisks udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils utempter util-linux which xfsprogs xz zoo \
; do
echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
@@ -128,9 +132,9 @@ aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2
cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in \
-aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cryptsetup cups cxxlibs dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed eject elvis etc file findutils floppy gawk genpower gettext getty-ps glibc-solibs glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep gzip hdparm infozip inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod less lha libcgroup lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mt-st mtx ncompress ntfs-3g openssl-solibs patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools procps quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils slocate smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udev udisks udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils utempter util-linux which xfsprogs xz zoo \
+aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cryptsetup cups cxxlibs dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed efibootmgr eject elilo elvis etc file findutils floppy gawk genpower gettext getty-ps glibc-solibs glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep grub gzip hdparm infozip inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod less lha libcgroup lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mt-st mtx ncompress ntfs-3g openssl-solibs os-prober patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools procps quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils slocate smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udev udisks udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils utempter util-linux which xfsprogs xz zoo \
; do
- if fgrep \"$PACKAGE\" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+ if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
diff --git a/slackware64/a/maketag.ez b/slackware64/a/maketag.ez
index 879801165..4306c4c88 100644
--- a/slackware64/a/maketag.ez
+++ b/slackware64/a/maketag.ez
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"dosfstools" "Tools for working with FAT filesystems" "on" \
"e2fsprogs" "Utilities for ext2/ext3 filesystems - REQUIRED" "on" \
"ed" "A clone of the old, original UN*X line editor" "on" \
+"efibootmgr" "Tool to modify UEFI boot entries" "on" \
"eject" "A tool for ejecting removable media" "on" \
+"elilo" "Linux Loader for EFI-based platforms" "on" \
"elvis" "elvis text editor (vi clone) - REQUIRED" "on" \
"etc" "System config files & utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \
"file" "Determines what file format data is in" "on" \
@@ -50,16 +52,17 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"gpm" "Cut and paste text with your mouse" "on" \
"gptfdisk" "GPT fdisk utilities" "on" \
"grep" "GNU grep searching tool - REQUIRED" "on" \
+"grub" "GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader" "on" \
"gzip" "GNU zip compression utility - REQUIRED" "on" \
"hdparm" "Get/Set IDE hard drive parameters" "on" \
"infozip" "zip/unzip archive utilities" "on" \
"inotify-tools" "Command-line tools for using inotify." "on" \
"jfsutils" "Utilities for IBM's Journaled Filesystem" "on" \
"kbd" "Change keyboard and console mappings" "on" \
-"kernel-firmware" "Linux 3.2.29 kernel firmware -- REQUIRED" "on" \
-"kernel-generic" "Generic 3.2.29 kernel (needs an initrd)" "on" \
-"kernel-huge" "Loaded 3.2.29 Linux kernel" "on" \
-"kernel-modules" "Linux 3.2.29 kernel modules -- REQUIRED" "on" \
+"kernel-firmware" "Linux kernel firmware -- REQUIRED" "on" \
+"kernel-generic" "Generic 3.10.17 kernel (needs an initrd)" "on" \
+"kernel-huge" "Loaded 3.10.17 Linux kernel" "on" \
+"kernel-modules" "Linux 3.10.17 kernel modules -- REQUIRED" "on" \
"kmod" "Kernel module utilities -- REQUIRED" "on" \
"less" "A text pager utility - REQUIRED" "on" \
"lha" "LHA archive utility" "on" \
@@ -77,9 +80,10 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"ncompress" "The historic compress utility" "on" \
"ntfs-3g" "FUSE-based NTFS read-write mount program" "on" \
"openssl-solibs" "OpenSSL shared libraries -- REQUIRED" "on" \
+"os-prober" "A tool for finding bootable OS partitions" "on" \
"patch" "Applies a diff file to an original file" "on" \
"pciutils" "Linux PCI utilities" "on" \
-"pcmciautils" "PCMCIA card services for 2.6.x+ kernels" "on" \
+"pcmciautils" "PCMCIA card services for the Linux kernel" "on" \
"pkgtools" "Slackware package management tools - REQUIRED" "on" \
"procps" "Displays process info - REQUIRED" "on" \
"quota" "User disk quota utilities" "on" \
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"tcsh" "Extended C shell /bin/tcsh" "on" \
"time" "Times how long a process takes to run" "on" \
"tree" "Display a directory in tree form" "on" \
-"udev" "System for managing /dev in 2.6 - RECOMMENDED" "on" \
+"udev" "Manages /dev and modules - REQUIRED" "on" \
"udisks" "storage device daemon" "on" \
"udisks2" "storage device daemon v2" "on" \
"unarj" "Extract ARJ archives" "on" \
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ system. :^) Press ENTER when you are done." 21 76 10 \
"usbutils" "Linux USB utilities" "on" \
"utempter" "Library used for writing to utmp/wtmp" "on" \
"util-linux" "Util-linux utilities - REQUIRED" "on" \
-"which" "Locate an executable in your $PATH" "on" \
+"which" "Locate an executable in your \$PATH" "on" \
"xfsprogs" "Utilities for SGI's XFS filesystem" "on" \
"xz" "xz (LZMA) compression utility - REQUIRED" "on" \
"zoo" "Zoo archive utility" "on" \
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs
> $TMP/SeTnewtag
for pkg in \
-aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cryptsetup cups cxxlibs dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed eject elvis etc file findutils floppy gawk genpower gettext getty-ps glibc-solibs glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep gzip hdparm infozip inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod less lha libcgroup lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mt-st mtx ncompress ntfs-3g openssl-solibs patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools procps quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils slocate smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udev udisks udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils utempter util-linux which xfsprogs xz zoo \
+aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cryptsetup cups cxxlibs dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed efibootmgr eject elilo elvis etc file findutils floppy gawk genpower gettext getty-ps glibc-solibs glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep grub gzip hdparm infozip inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod less lha libcgroup lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mt-st mtx ncompress ntfs-3g openssl-solibs os-prober patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools procps quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils slocate smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udev udisks udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils utempter util-linux which xfsprogs xz zoo \
; do
echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
@@ -128,9 +132,9 @@ aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2
cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in \
-aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cryptsetup cups cxxlibs dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed eject elvis etc file findutils floppy gawk genpower gettext getty-ps glibc-solibs glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep gzip hdparm infozip inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod less lha libcgroup lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mt-st mtx ncompress ntfs-3g openssl-solibs patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools procps quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils slocate smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udev udisks udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils utempter util-linux which xfsprogs xz zoo \
+aaa_base aaa_elflibs aaa_terminfo acl acpid apmd attr bash bin btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cpio cpufrequtils cryptsetup cups cxxlibs dbus dcron devs dialog dosfstools e2fsprogs ed efibootmgr eject elilo elvis etc file findutils floppy gawk genpower gettext getty-ps glibc-solibs glibc-zoneinfo gpm gptfdisk grep grub gzip hdparm infozip inotify-tools jfsutils kbd kernel-firmware kernel-generic kernel-huge kernel-modules kmod less lha libcgroup lilo logrotate lrzip lvm2 mcelog mdadm minicom mkinitrd mt-st mtx ncompress ntfs-3g openssl-solibs os-prober patch pciutils pcmciautils pkgtools procps quota reiserfsprogs rpm2tgz sdparm sed shadow sharutils slocate smartmontools splitvt sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-functions sysvinit-scripts tar tcsh time tree udev udisks udisks2 unarj upower usb_modeswitch usbutils utempter util-linux which xfsprogs xz zoo \
; do
- if fgrep \"$PACKAGE\" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+ if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
diff --git a/slackware64/a/tagfile b/slackware64/a/tagfile
index 666ba7c56..58e7885ce 100644
--- a/slackware64/a/tagfile
+++ b/slackware64/a/tagfile
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ dialog:REC
@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ glibc-zoneinfo:ADD
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ mtx:REC
diff --git a/slackware64/ap/maketag b/slackware64/ap/maketag
index c49ab3c10..0155925a7 100644
--- a/slackware64/ap/maketag
+++ b/slackware64/ap/maketag
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"amp" "A command-line MP3 player" "on" \
"ash" "A small /bin/sh type shell" "on" \
"at" "Schedule commands to execute at a later time" "on" \
-"aumix" "Audio mixer for the console or X" "on" \
"bc" "GNU bc - arbitrary precision math language" "on" \
"bpe" "Binary Patch (file) Editor" "on" \
"cdparanoia" "Cdparanoia CD audio ripper" "on" \
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"enscript" "A text to PostScript utility" "on" \
"flac" "Free Lossless Audio Codec" "on" \
"foomatic-filters" "Print filter for gutenprint and hplip" "on" \
-"ghostscript" "GPL Ghostscript PS/PDF interpreter" "on" \
+"ghostscript" "Ghostscript PS/PDF interpreter" "on" \
"ghostscript-fonts-std" "Ghostscript Type1 fonts" "on" \
"gphoto2" "A command-line camera client for libgphoto2" "on" \
"groff" "GNU groff document formatting system" "on" \
@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"hplip" "HP printing and scanning software" "on" \
"htop" "An ncurses-based process viewer" "on" \
"ispell" "The International version of ispell" "on" \
+"itstool" "Translate XML documents with PO files" "on" \
"jed" "JED programmer's editor" "on" \
"joe" "joe text editor" "on" \
"jove" "Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs text editor" "on" \
@@ -54,17 +54,16 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"madplay" "MPEG audio player" "on" \
"man" "Primary tool for reading online documentation" "on" \
"man-pages" "Online documentation (requires groff)" "on" \
+"mariadb" "An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL" "on" \
"mc" "The Midnight Commander file manager" "on" \
"moc" "A music player for the console" "on" \
"most" "A pager, like 'more' or 'less'" "on" \
"mpg123" "A command-line MP3 player" "on" \
-"mysql" "MySQL database server" "on" \
"nano" "A simple editor with the look and feel of Pico" "on" \
"normalize" "Normalize audio file volume" "on" \
"pm-utils" "Power management utilities" "on" \
"powertop" "PowerTOP system energy usage utility" "on" \
"radeontool" "Utility for laptops with a Radeon chipset" "on" \
-"rexima" "Small console audio mixer" "on" \
"rpm" "RPM package tool (unsupported)" "on" \
"rzip" "A large file compression utility" "on" \
"sc" "The 'sc' spreadsheet" "on" \
@@ -76,7 +75,9 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"sqlite" "A small SQL database server and library" "on" \
"sudo" "Allow special users limited root access" "on" \
"sysstat" "System performance monitoring tools" "on" \
+"terminus-font" "a clean fixed width font" "on" \
"texinfo" "GNU texinfo documentation system" "on" \
+"tmux" "terminal multiplexer" "on" \
"vbetool" "Video BIOS execution tool" "on" \
"vim" "Improved vi clone" "on" \
"vorbis-tools" "Ogg Vorbis encoder, player, and utilities" "on" \
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs
> $TMP/SeTnewtag
for pkg in \
-a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at aumix bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd ddrescue diffstat diffutils dmapi dmidecode dvd+rw-tools enscript flac foomatic-filters ghostscript ghostscript-fonts-std gphoto2 groff gutenprint hplip htop ispell jed joe jove ksh93 libx86 linuxdoc-tools lm_sensors lsof lsscsi lxc madplay man man-pages mc moc most mpg123 mysql nano normalize pm-utils powertop radeontool rexima rpm rzip sc screen seejpeg slackpkg soma sox sqlite sudo sysstat texinfo vbetool vim vorbis-tools workbone xfsdump zsh \
+a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd ddrescue diffstat diffutils dmapi dmidecode dvd+rw-tools enscript flac foomatic-filters ghostscript ghostscript-fonts-std gphoto2 groff gutenprint hplip htop ispell itstool jed joe jove ksh93 libx86 linuxdoc-tools lm_sensors lsof lsscsi lxc madplay man man-pages mariadb mc moc most mpg123 nano normalize pm-utils powertop radeontool rpm rzip sc screen seejpeg slackpkg soma sox sqlite sudo sysstat terminus-font texinfo tmux vbetool vim vorbis-tools workbone xfsdump zsh \
; do
echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at aumix bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd dd
cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in \
-a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at aumix bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd ddrescue diffstat diffutils dmapi dmidecode dvd+rw-tools enscript flac foomatic-filters ghostscript ghostscript-fonts-std gphoto2 groff gutenprint hplip htop ispell jed joe jove ksh93 libx86 linuxdoc-tools lm_sensors lsof lsscsi lxc madplay man man-pages mc moc most mpg123 mysql nano normalize pm-utils powertop radeontool rexima rpm rzip sc screen seejpeg slackpkg soma sox sqlite sudo sysstat texinfo vbetool vim vorbis-tools workbone xfsdump zsh \
+a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd ddrescue diffstat diffutils dmapi dmidecode dvd+rw-tools enscript flac foomatic-filters ghostscript ghostscript-fonts-std gphoto2 groff gutenprint hplip htop ispell itstool jed joe jove ksh93 libx86 linuxdoc-tools lm_sensors lsof lsscsi lxc madplay man man-pages mariadb mc moc most mpg123 nano normalize pm-utils powertop radeontool rpm rzip sc screen seejpeg slackpkg soma sox sqlite sudo sysstat terminus-font texinfo tmux vbetool vim vorbis-tools workbone xfsdump zsh \
; do
- if fgrep \"$PACKAGE\" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+ if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
diff --git a/slackware64/ap/maketag.ez b/slackware64/ap/maketag.ez
index c49ab3c10..0155925a7 100644
--- a/slackware64/ap/maketag.ez
+++ b/slackware64/ap/maketag.ez
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"amp" "A command-line MP3 player" "on" \
"ash" "A small /bin/sh type shell" "on" \
"at" "Schedule commands to execute at a later time" "on" \
-"aumix" "Audio mixer for the console or X" "on" \
"bc" "GNU bc - arbitrary precision math language" "on" \
"bpe" "Binary Patch (file) Editor" "on" \
"cdparanoia" "Cdparanoia CD audio ripper" "on" \
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"enscript" "A text to PostScript utility" "on" \
"flac" "Free Lossless Audio Codec" "on" \
"foomatic-filters" "Print filter for gutenprint and hplip" "on" \
-"ghostscript" "GPL Ghostscript PS/PDF interpreter" "on" \
+"ghostscript" "Ghostscript PS/PDF interpreter" "on" \
"ghostscript-fonts-std" "Ghostscript Type1 fonts" "on" \
"gphoto2" "A command-line camera client for libgphoto2" "on" \
"groff" "GNU groff document formatting system" "on" \
@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"hplip" "HP printing and scanning software" "on" \
"htop" "An ncurses-based process viewer" "on" \
"ispell" "The International version of ispell" "on" \
+"itstool" "Translate XML documents with PO files" "on" \
"jed" "JED programmer's editor" "on" \
"joe" "joe text editor" "on" \
"jove" "Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs text editor" "on" \
@@ -54,17 +54,16 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"madplay" "MPEG audio player" "on" \
"man" "Primary tool for reading online documentation" "on" \
"man-pages" "Online documentation (requires groff)" "on" \
+"mariadb" "An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL" "on" \
"mc" "The Midnight Commander file manager" "on" \
"moc" "A music player for the console" "on" \
"most" "A pager, like 'more' or 'less'" "on" \
"mpg123" "A command-line MP3 player" "on" \
-"mysql" "MySQL database server" "on" \
"nano" "A simple editor with the look and feel of Pico" "on" \
"normalize" "Normalize audio file volume" "on" \
"pm-utils" "Power management utilities" "on" \
"powertop" "PowerTOP system energy usage utility" "on" \
"radeontool" "Utility for laptops with a Radeon chipset" "on" \
-"rexima" "Small console audio mixer" "on" \
"rpm" "RPM package tool (unsupported)" "on" \
"rzip" "A large file compression utility" "on" \
"sc" "The 'sc' spreadsheet" "on" \
@@ -76,7 +75,9 @@ done." 22 72 12 \
"sqlite" "A small SQL database server and library" "on" \
"sudo" "Allow special users limited root access" "on" \
"sysstat" "System performance monitoring tools" "on" \
+"terminus-font" "a clean fixed width font" "on" \
"texinfo" "GNU texinfo documentation system" "on" \
+"tmux" "terminal multiplexer" "on" \
"vbetool" "Video BIOS execution tool" "on" \
"vim" "Improved vi clone" "on" \
"vorbis-tools" "Ogg Vorbis encoder, player, and utilities" "on" \
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
rm -f $TMP/SeTpkgs
> $TMP/SeTnewtag
for pkg in \
-a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at aumix bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd ddrescue diffstat diffutils dmapi dmidecode dvd+rw-tools enscript flac foomatic-filters ghostscript ghostscript-fonts-std gphoto2 groff gutenprint hplip htop ispell jed joe jove ksh93 libx86 linuxdoc-tools lm_sensors lsof lsscsi lxc madplay man man-pages mc moc most mpg123 mysql nano normalize pm-utils powertop radeontool rexima rpm rzip sc screen seejpeg slackpkg soma sox sqlite sudo sysstat texinfo vbetool vim vorbis-tools workbone xfsdump zsh \
+a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd ddrescue diffstat diffutils dmapi dmidecode dvd+rw-tools enscript flac foomatic-filters ghostscript ghostscript-fonts-std gphoto2 groff gutenprint hplip htop ispell itstool jed joe jove ksh93 libx86 linuxdoc-tools lm_sensors lsof lsscsi lxc madplay man man-pages mariadb mc moc most mpg123 nano normalize pm-utils powertop radeontool rpm rzip sc screen seejpeg slackpkg soma sox sqlite sudo sysstat terminus-font texinfo tmux vbetool vim vorbis-tools workbone xfsdump zsh \
; do
echo "$pkg: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at aumix bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd dd
cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTnewtag
for PACKAGE in \
-a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at aumix bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd ddrescue diffstat diffutils dmapi dmidecode dvd+rw-tools enscript flac foomatic-filters ghostscript ghostscript-fonts-std gphoto2 groff gutenprint hplip htop ispell jed joe jove ksh93 libx86 linuxdoc-tools lm_sensors lsof lsscsi lxc madplay man man-pages mc moc most mpg123 mysql nano normalize pm-utils powertop radeontool rexima rpm rzip sc screen seejpeg slackpkg soma sox sqlite sudo sysstat texinfo vbetool vim vorbis-tools workbone xfsdump zsh \
+a2ps acct alsa-utils amp ash at bc bpe cdparanoia cdrdao cdrtools dc3dd ddrescue diffstat diffutils dmapi dmidecode dvd+rw-tools enscript flac foomatic-filters ghostscript ghostscript-fonts-std gphoto2 groff gutenprint hplip htop ispell itstool jed joe jove ksh93 libx86 linuxdoc-tools lm_sensors lsof lsscsi lxc madplay man man-pages mariadb mc moc most mpg123 nano normalize pm-utils powertop radeontool rpm rzip sc screen seejpeg slackpkg soma sox sqlite sudo sysstat terminus-font texinfo tmux vbetool vim vorbis-tools workbone xfsdump zsh \
; do
- if fgrep \"$PACKAGE\" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+ if grep "\(^\| \)$PACKAGE\( \|$\)" $TMP/SeTpkgs 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
echo "$PACKAGE: ADD" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
echo "$PACKAGE: SKP" >> $TMP/SeTnewtag
diff --git a/slackware64/ap/tagfile b/slackware64/ap/tagfile
index 21b386f52..551552191 100644
--- a/slackware64/ap/tagfile
+++ b/slackware64/ap/tagfile
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ alsa-utils:REC
@@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ gutenprint:OPT
@@ -41,17 +41,16 @@ lxc:OPT
@@ -63,7 +62,9 @@ sox:REC