path: root/slackbook/html/vi-quitting-vi.html
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-<h1 class="SECT1"><a id="VI-QUITTING-VI" name="VI-QUITTING-VI">16.5 Quitting vi</a></h1>
-<p>One way to quit <tt class="COMMAND">vi</tt> is through <b class="KEYCAP">:wq</b>,
-which will save the current buffer before quitting. You can also quit without saving with
-<b class="KEYCAP">:q</b> or (more commonly) <b class="KEYCAP">:q!</b>. The latter is used
-when you've modified the file but do not wish to save any changes to it.</p>
-<p>On occasion, your machine might crash or <tt class="COMMAND">vi</tt> might crash.
-However, both <tt class="COMMAND">elvis</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">vim</tt> will take
-steps to minimize the damage to any open buffers. Both editors save the open buffers to a
-temporary file on occasion. This file is usually named similarly to the open file, but
-with a dot at the beginning. This makes the file hidden.</p>
-<p>This temporary file gets removed once the editor quits under normal conditions. This
-means that the temporary copy will still be around if something crashes. When you go back
-to edit the file again, you will be prompted for what action to take. In most cases, a
-large amount of your unsaved work can be recovered. <tt class="COMMAND">elvis</tt> will
-also send you a mail (from Graceland, oddly enough :) telling you that a backup copy
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-<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Saving Files</td>
-<td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href="vi.html" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>
-<td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">vi Configuration</td>