path: root/source/n/wireless-tools/scripts
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author Patrick J Volkerding <>2009-08-26 10:00:38 -0500
committer Eric Hameleers <>2018-05-31 22:41:17 +0200
commit5a12e7c134274dba706667107d10d231517d3e05 (patch)
tree55718d5acb710fde798d9f38d0bbaf594ed4b296 /source/n/wireless-tools/scripts
Slackware 13.0slackware-13.0
Wed Aug 26 10:00:38 CDT 2009 Slackware 13.0 x86_64 is released as stable! Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible -- see the RELEASE_NOTES for the credits. The ISOs are off to the replicator. This time it will be a 6 CD-ROM 32-bit set and a dual-sided 32-bit/64-bit x86/x86_64 DVD. We're taking pre-orders now at Please consider picking up a copy to help support the project. Once again, thanks to the entire Slackware community for all the help testing and fixing things and offering suggestions during this development cycle. As always, have fun and enjoy! -P.
Diffstat (limited to 'source/n/wireless-tools/scripts')
2 files changed, 558 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/n/wireless-tools/scripts/rc.wireless b/source/n/wireless-tools/scripts/rc.wireless
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..baa148dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/n/wireless-tools/scripts/rc.wireless
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless
+# $Id: rc.wireless,v 1.13 2007/04/13 14:14:43 eha Exp eha $
+# Wireless network card setup.
+# This script sets up PCI, USB, and 32-bit Cardbus wireless devices
+# NOT 16-bit PCMCIA cards! Those are configured in /etc/pcmcia/.
+# Single parameter to this script is the name of a network interface.
+# Normally this script is called from rc.inet1 rather than run
+# directly.
+# This script is a modified '/etc/pcmcia/wireless' script
+# 09/apr/2004 by Eric Hameleers
+# 16/sep/2004 * Eric Hameleers * Fixed iwspy and iwpriv commands
+# 08/apr/2005 * Eric Hameleers * Allow per-interface overrides of the wireless
+# parameters (see /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf)
+# 11/apr/2005 * Eric Hameleers * Tune wpa_supplicant interactions.
+# 23/apr/2005 * Eric Hameleers * First configure card with iwconfig,
+# before starting wpa_supplicant
+# 27/apr/2005 * Eric Hameleers * Multiple 'iwpriv $INTERFACE set' commands.
+# 14/feb/2006 * Eric Hameleers * Better error messages; alternative way of
+# getting HWADDR; parametrized WPA_WAIT value.
+# Don't kill an already running wpa_supplicant.
+# 29/apr/2006 * Pat Volkerding * Reverted HWADDR change, since it relies on
+# a binary (macaddr) that is not built or
+# installed by default since it is not
+# compatible with all interfaces.
+# 15/aug/2006 * Eric Hameleers * Added missing "" around $ESSID, which broke
+# ESSIDs that contain a space character.
+# 10/oct/2006 * Eric Hameleers * Added default empty values for all parameters.
+# This makes a second wireless card leave
+# wpa_supplicant alone if WPA is not configured.
+# 15/oct/2006 * Eric Hameleers * Swapped the calls to "key <key>" and
+# "key restricted" since that might be needed
+# for WEP to work reliably.
+# 09/jan/2007 * Eric Hameleers * Add explicit default values to wireless params;
+# also set the ESSID before IWPRIV commands,
+# needed for some RaLink cards;
+# use /proc/net/wireless instead of calling
+# iwconfig to determine if a card is wireless.
+# 13/apr/2007 * Eric Hameleers * Use of the IWPRIV variable was broken.
+# NOTE: if you need to enter multiple parameters
+# in IWPRIV, you must separate them with the pipe
+# (|) character - this used to be a space char!
+# See the example in rc.inet1.conf.
+# 16/apr/2008 * Pat Volkerding * Make sure that HWADDR is all upper case.
+# 23/apr/2008 * Pat Volkerding * Increase sleep time after bringing up an
+# interface to 3 seconds. Some drivers
+# need this additional time to initalize.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if [ -z $IFNAME ] ; then
+ echo "WARNING: The script 'rc.wireless' must be executed by 'rc.inet1'!" | $LOGGER
+ echo " You should run the command \"/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 <your_interface>_start\" yourself." | $LOGGER
+ return 1 2> /dev/null || exit 1
+# Find the path where wireless tools are installed
+for IWPATH in /usr/{bin,sbin} /usr/local/{bin,sbin} /sbin /bin ; do
+ if [ -x $IWPATH/iwconfig ] ; then break ; fi
+# The same for wpa_supplicant (needed for WPA support)
+for SUPPATH in /usr/{bin,sbin} /usr/local/{bin,sbin} /sbin /bin ; do
+ if [ -x $SUPPATH/wpa_supplicant ] ; then break ; fi
+# Set all desired settings through the wireless tools
+IFCOMMAND="/sbin/ifconfig ${INTERFACE}"
+is_wireless_device ()
+ #[ -x $IWPATH/iwconfig ] || return 1
+ #LC_ALL=C $IWPATH/iwconfig $1 2>&1 | \
+ # grep -Eiq "no wireless extensions|no such device" || return 0
+ #return 1
+ if ! grep `echo ${1}: | cut -f 1 -d :`: /proc/net/wireless 1> /dev/null ; then
+ # no wireless interface
+ return 1
+ else
+ # interface has wireless extensions
+ return 0
+ fi
+# Is the device wireless? If not, exit this script.
+is_wireless_device ${INTERFACE} || return 0 2> /dev/null || exit 0
+# If we stop a wireless interface using wpa_supplicant,
+# we'll kill its wpa_supplicant daemon too and exit this script:
+if [ "$2" = "stop" ]; then
+ WPAPID=`echo \`ps axww|grep wpa_supplicant |grep i${INTERFACE}\` |cut -f1 -d' '`
+ [ ${WPAPID} ] && kill ${WPAPID}
+ return 0
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# Continue with the script - bringing the interface UP.
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# Bring interface up - for determining the HWADDR
+sleep 3
+# Get the MAC address for the interface
+HWADDR=`/sbin/ifconfig ${INTERFACE} | sed -ne 's/.*\(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\1/p' | tr [a-f] [A-F]`
+# Empty all wireless parameters- some of them could still be set for a previous interface:
+# when rc.inet1 is sourced from rc.M all scripts are run in the same shell.
+# Read the configuration information for the card with address $HWADDR
+# from /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf:
+[[ -r /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf ]] && . /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless.conf
+# Let any per-interface overrides (the WLAN_xxxx parameters) that are set
+# in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf have precedence.
+# The reason: you might have multiple wireless cards of the same brand, or
+# connecting to multiple networks.
+# Position 'i' of this interface in the IFNAME array was determined in rc.inet1
+# The "ext" interface will be default if not explicitly set
+# The default config file as installed by the wpa_supplicant package:
+[ -n "$VERBOSE" -a -n "$INFO" ] && echo "$0: $1 information: '$INFO'"
+# Mode needs to be first : some settings apply only in a specific mode!
+if [ -n "$MODE" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND mode $MODE" | $LOGGER
+ # if $IWCOMMAND fails, try taking the interface down to run it.
+ # Some drivers require this.
+ if ! $IWCOMMAND mode $MODE 2> /dev/null ; then
+ sleep 3
+ fi
+# This is a bit hackish, but should do the job right...
+if [ ! -n "$NICKNAME" ] ; then
+ NICKNAME=`/bin/hostname`
+if [ -n "$ESSID" -o -n "$MODE" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND nick $NICKNAME" | $LOGGER
+# Regular stuff...
+if [ -n "$NWID" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND nwid $NWID" | $LOGGER
+if [ -n "$FREQ" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND freq $FREQ" | $LOGGER
+elif [ -n "$CHANNEL" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND channel $CHANNEL" | $LOGGER
+# WEP keys (non-WPA)
+if [ -n "$KEY" -a ! -n "$WPA" ] ; then
+ if [ "$KEY" = "off" ]; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND key open" | $LOGGER
+ $IWCOMMAND key open
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND key off" | $LOGGER
+ $IWCOMMAND key off
+ else
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND key ************" | $LOGGER
+ if ! echo "$KEY" | egrep -qw "restricted|open" ; then
+ # Set "restricted" as the default security mode:
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND key restricted" | $LOGGER
+ $IWCOMMAND key restricted
+ fi
+ fi
+if [ -n "$SENS" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND sens $SENS" | $LOGGER
+if [ -n "$RATE" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND rate $RATE" | $LOGGER
+if [ -n "$RTS" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND rts $RTS" | $LOGGER
+if [ -n "$FRAG" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND frag $FRAG" | $LOGGER
+# More specific parameters
+if [ -n "$IWCONFIG" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$IWSPY" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWSPYCMD $IWSPY" | $LOGGER
+# For RaLink cards, the SSID must be set right before configuring WPAPSK/TKIP parameters
+# using iwpriv commands in order to generate the wpapsk password. This should not hurt other cards:
+if [ -n "$ESSID" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND essid \"$ESSID\"" | $LOGGER
+# The iwpriv can set one private IOCTL at the time, so if the $IWPRIV
+# variable contains multiple pipe ('|') separated settings, we split them here:
+# WARNING: if your iwpriv commands contain a WEP/WPA key, these can be logged
+# in /var/log/messages!
+if [ -n "$IWPRIV" ] ; then
+ echo "${IWPRIV}|" | \
+ while read -d '|' iwi; do
+ if [ -n "$iwi" ]; then
+ echo "$0: '$IWPRIVCMD $iwi'" | $LOGGER
+ fi
+ done
+# Support for WPA (wireless protected access) is provided by wpa_supplicant
+# for those drivers that support it (and it looks like wpa_supplicant is
+# the future for WPA support in Linux anyway)
+if [ "$WPA" = "wpa_supplicant" ] || [ "$WPA" = "wpaxsupplicant" ] && [ -x ${SUPPATH}/wpa_supplicant ]; then
+ # Interface down, so wpa_supplicant can associate with the AP
+ #WPACONF=${WPACONF:-/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf}
+ [ ${WPADRIVER} ] && WPA_OPTIONS="-D${WPADRIVER}" # specify the driver
+ [ ${WPA} = "wpaxsupplicant" ] && WPA_OPTIONS="${WPA_OPTIONS} -e" # Use external xsupplicant (disables the internal supplicant)
+ # We leave a running wpa_supplicant process in peace:
+ WPAPID=`echo \`ps axww|grep wpa_supplicant |grep i${INTERFACE}\` |cut -f1 -d' '`
+ if [ ${WPAPID} ]; then
+ echo "$0: wpa_supplicant found running already" | $LOGGER
+ else
+ echo "$0: wpa_supplicant -B -c${WPACONF} ${WPA_OPTIONS} -i$INTERFACE" | $LOGGER
+ ${SUPPATH}/wpa_supplicant -B -c${WPACONF} ${WPA_OPTIONS} -i$INTERFACE
+ fi
+ # Buy wpa_supplicant some time to authenticate before bringing the
+ # interface back up... but we don't wait forever:
+ # You can increase this value in rc.inet1.conf (WLAN_WPAWAIT) or rc.wireless.conf (WPAWAIT)
+ # if your card takes longer to associate:
+ wi=0
+ while [ $wi -lt $WPAWAIT ]; do
+ wi=$(($wi+1)); sleep 1
+ if (grep -q "^ctrl_interface=" ${WPACONF}); then
+ if (LC_ALL=C ${SUPPATH}/wpa_cli -i$INTERFACE status|grep -q "^wpa_state=COMPLETED"); then break; fi
+ else
+ if (LC_ALL=C ${IWCOMMAND}|grep -Eq "Encryption key:....-"); then break; fi
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $wi -eq $WPAWAIT ]; then
+ echo "WPA authentication did not complete, try running '/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ${INTERFACE}_start' in a few seconds." | $LOGGER
+ fi
+ # Bring interface up to avoid 'not ready' errors when calling iwconfig
+ sleep 3
+ # ESSID need to be last: most devices re-perform the scanning/discovery
+ # when this is set, and things like encryption keys had better be
+ # defined if we want to discover the right set of APs/nodes.
+ # NOTE: when automatic association does not work, but you manage to get
+ # an IP address by manually setting the ESSID and then calling dhcpcd,
+ # then the cause might be the incorrect definition of your ESSID="bla"
+ # parameter in rc.wireless.conf.
+ # Debug your wireless problems by running 'iwevent' while the card
+ # is being configured.
+ if [ -n "$ESSID" ] ; then
+ echo "$0: $IWCOMMAND essid \"$ESSID\"" | $LOGGER
+ fi
diff --git a/source/n/wireless-tools/scripts/rc.wireless.conf b/source/n/wireless-tools/scripts/rc.wireless.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d02d7c2cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/n/wireless-tools/scripts/rc.wireless.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Wireless LAN adapter configuration
+# Theory of operation :
+# The script attempts to match a block of settings to the specific wireless
+# card inserted, the *first* block matching the card is used.
+# The address format is "hwaddr", with * as a wildcard.
+# 'hwaddr' is the unique MAC address identifier of the wireless card.
+# The MAC address is usually printed on the card, or can be found via ifconfig.
+# Some examples here use only half of the MAC address with a wildcard to
+# match a whole family of cards...
+# All the Wireless specific configuration is done through the Wireless
+# Extensions, so we will just call 'iwconfig' with the right parameters
+# defined below.
+# Of course, you need to have iwconfig installled on your system.
+# To download iwconfig, or for more info on Wireless Extensions :
+# Note : you don't need to fill all parameters, leave them blank, in most
+# cases the driver will initialise itself with sane defaults values or
+# automatically figure out the value... And no drivers do support all
+# possible settings...
+# -- This is a modified '/etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts' script --
+# -- I added sections for Prism/GT and Atheros based cards --
+# -- (supported by the prism54 and madwifi drivers) --
+# -- 16/sep/2004 * Eric Hameleers --
+case "$HWADDR" in
+## NOTE : Comment out the following five lines to activate the samples below ...
+## --------- START SECTION TO REMOVE -----------
+## Pick up any Access Point, should work on most 802.11 cards
+ ESSID="any"
+ ;;
+## ---------- END SECTION TO REMOVE ------------
+# Here are a few examples with a few Wireless LANs supported...
+# The matching is done on the first 3 bytes of the MAC address
+# SMC2835W EZ Connect g 2.4GHz 54 Mbps Wireless Cardbus Adapter
+ INFO="SMC2835W EZ Connect g 2.4GHz 54 Mbps Wireless Cardbus Adapter"
+ # ESSID (extended network name) : My Network, any
+ ESSID="any"
+ # NWID/Domain (cell identifier) : 89AB, 100, off
+ NWID=""
+ # Operation mode : Ad-Hoc, Managed, Master, Repeater, Secondary, auto
+ MODE="Managed"
+ # Frequency or channel : 1, 2, 3 (channel) ; 2.422G, 2.46G (frequency)
+ FREQ=""
+ # Sensitivity (cell size + roaming speed) : 1, 2, 3 ; -70 (dBm)
+ SENS=""
+ # Bit rate : auto, 1M, 11M,54M
+ RATE="auto"
+ # Encryption key : 4567-89AB-CD, s:password
+ # Example for 40-bit encryption:
+ #KEY="883e-aa67-21 [1] key 5501-d0da-87 [2] key 91f5-3368-6b [3] key 2d73-31b7-96 [4]"
+ # Example for 104-bit encryption (aka 128-bit WEP):
+ #KEY="d5ad2f05abd048ecf10b1c80c7"
+ KEY=""
+ # RTS threshold : off, 500
+ RTS=""
+ # Fragmentation threshold : off, 1000
+ FRAG=""
+ # Other iwconfig parameters : power off, ap 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+ # iwspy parameters : + 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+ IWSPY=""
+ # iwpriv parameters : set_port 2, set_histo 50 60
+# Multiband Atheros based 802.11a/b/g universal NIC cards
+ INFO="Multiband Atheros based 802.11a/b/g universal NIC"
+ # ESSID (extended network name) : My Network, any
+ ESSID=""
+ # Operation mode : Ad-Hoc, Managed, Master, Repeater, Secondary, auto
+ MODE="Managed"
+ # Frequency or channel : 1, 2, 3 (channel) ; 2.422G, 2.46G (frequency)
+ FREQ=""
+ # Bit rate : auto, 1M, 11M,54M
+ RATE="auto"
+ # Encryption key : 4567-89AB-CD, s:password
+ # Example for 40-bit encryption:
+ #KEY="883e-aa67-21 [1] key 5501-d0da-87 [2] key 91f5-3368-6b [3] key 2d73-31b7-96 [4]"
+ # Example for 104-bit encryption (aka 128-bit WEP):
+ #KEY="d5ad2f05abd048ecf10b1c80c7"
+ KEY=""
+ # Other iwconfig parameters : power off, ap 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+ # iwspy parameters : + 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+ IWSPY=""
+ # iwpriv parameters : set_port 2, set_histo 50 60
+ ;;
+# Lucent Wavelan IEEE (+ Orinoco, RoamAbout and ELSA)
+# Note : wvlan_cs driver only, and version 1.0.4+ for encryption support
+ INFO="Wavelan IEEE example (Lucent default settings)"
+ ESSID="Wavelan Network"
+ MODE="Managed"
+ #RATE="auto"
+ KEY="s:secu1"
+ # To set all four keys, use :
+ #KEY="s:secu1 [1] key s:secu2 [2] key s:secu3 [3] key s:secu4 [4] key [1]"
+ # For the RG 1000 Residential Gateway: The ESSID is the identifier on
+ # the unit, and the default key is the last 5 digits of the same.
+ #ESSID="084d70"
+ #KEY="s:84d70"
+ ;;
+# Cisco/Aironet 4800/3x0
+# Note : MPL driver only (airo/airo_cs), version 1.3 or later
+ INFO="Cisco/Aironet example (Cisco default settings)"
+ ESSID="any"
+ # To set all four ESSID, use iwconfig v21 and the same trick as above
+ MODE="Managed"
+ #RATE="11M auto"
+ #KEY="d5ad2f05abd048ecf10b1c80c7"
+ KEY="off"
+ ;;
+# Samsung MagicLan (+ some other PrismII cards)
+# Note : Samsung binary library driver, version 1.20 or later
+ INFO="Samsung MagicLan example (Samsung default settings)"
+ ESSID="any"
+ MODE="Managed"
+ RATE="auto"
+ #KEY="883e-aa67-21 [1] key 5501-d0da-87 [2] key 91f5-3368-6b [3] key 2d73-31b7-96 [4]"
+ #IWCONFIG="power on"
+ ;;
+# Raytheon Raylink/WebGear Aviator2.4
+# Note : doesn't work yet, please use for debugging only :-(
+ INFO="Raylink/Aviator2.4 example (Aviator default ad-hoc setting)"
+ MODE="Ad-Hoc"
+ RATE="auto"
+ IWPRIV="set_framing 1"
+ ;;
+# Old Lucent Wavelan
+ INFO="Wavelan example (Lucent default settings)"
+ NWID="0100"
+ MODE="Ad-Hoc"
+ FREQ="2.425G"
+ KEY="off"
+ ;;
+# Netwave (Xircom Netwave/Netwave Airsurfer)
+ INFO="Netwave example (Netwave default settings)"
+ NWID="100"
+ KEY="00"
+ ;;
+# Proxim RangeLan2/Symphony (what is the MAC address ???)
+ INFO="Proxim RangeLan2/Symphony example"
+ NWID="0"
+ MODE="Master"
+ CHANNEL="15"
+ IWPRIV="setsubchan 1"
+ ;;
+# No Wires Needed Swallow 550 and 1100 setting (what is the MAC address ???)
+ INFO="NWN Swallow example"
+ ESSID="session"
+ KEY="0000-0000-00 open"
+ ;;
+# Symbol Spectrum24 setting (what is the MAC address ???)
+ INFO="Symbol Spectrum24 example"
+ ESSID="Essid string"
+ ;;
+# Generic example (decribe all possible settings)
+ INFO="Fill with your own settings..."
+ # ESSID (extended network name) : My Network, any
+ ESSID=""
+ # NWID/Domain (cell identifier) : 89AB, 100, off
+ NWID=""
+ # Operation mode : Ad-Hoc, Managed, Master, Repeater, Secondary, auto
+ MODE=""
+ # Frequency or channel : 1, 2, 3 (channel) ; 2.422G, 2.46G (frequency)
+ FREQ=""
+ # Sensitivity (cell size + roaming speed) : 1, 2, 3 ; -70 (dBm)
+ SENS=""
+ # Bit rate : auto, 1M, 11M
+ RATE=""
+ # Encryption key : 4567-89AB-CD, s:password
+ KEY=""
+ # RTS threshold : off, 500
+ RTS=""
+ # Fragmentation threshold : off, 1000
+ FRAG=""
+ # Other iwconfig parameters : power off, ap 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+ # iwspy parameters : + 01:23:45:67:89:AB
+ IWSPY=""
+ # iwpriv parameters : set_port 2, set_histo 50 60
+ ;;