path: root/source/ap/vim/patches/7.2.137
diff options
author Patrick J Volkerding <>2009-08-26 10:00:38 -0500
committer Eric Hameleers <>2018-05-31 22:41:17 +0200
commit5a12e7c134274dba706667107d10d231517d3e05 (patch)
tree55718d5acb710fde798d9f38d0bbaf594ed4b296 /source/ap/vim/patches/7.2.137
Slackware 13.0slackware-13.0
Wed Aug 26 10:00:38 CDT 2009 Slackware 13.0 x86_64 is released as stable! Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible -- see the RELEASE_NOTES for the credits. The ISOs are off to the replicator. This time it will be a 6 CD-ROM 32-bit set and a dual-sided 32-bit/64-bit x86/x86_64 DVD. We're taking pre-orders now at Please consider picking up a copy to help support the project. Once again, thanks to the entire Slackware community for all the help testing and fixing things and offering suggestions during this development cycle. As always, have fun and enjoy! -P.
Diffstat (limited to 'source/ap/vim/patches/7.2.137')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/ap/vim/patches/7.2.137 b/source/ap/vim/patches/7.2.137
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..706b046bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/ap/vim/patches/7.2.137
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+Subject: Patch 7.2.137
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Note: The special characters in the patch may cause problems.
+Patch 7.2.137
+Problem: When 'virtualedit' is set, a left shift of a blockwise selection
+ that starts and ends inside a tab shifts too much. (Helmut
+ Stiegler)
+Solution: Redo the block left shift code. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test66.ok
+*** ../vim-7.2.136/src/ops.c Wed Dec 3 13:38:00 2008
+--- src/ops.c Thu Mar 5 04:47:09 2009
+*** 72,82 ****
+ */
+ struct block_def
+ {
+! int startspaces; /* 'extra' cols of first char */
+! int endspaces; /* 'extra' cols of first char */
+ int textlen; /* chars in block */
+! char_u *textstart; /* pointer to 1st char in block */
+! colnr_T textcol; /* cols of chars (at least part.) in block */
+ colnr_T start_vcol; /* start col of 1st char wholly inside block */
+ colnr_T end_vcol; /* start col of 1st char wholly after block */
+--- 72,82 ----
+ */
+ struct block_def
+ {
+! int startspaces; /* 'extra' cols before first char */
+! int endspaces; /* 'extra' cols after last char */
+ int textlen; /* chars in block */
+! char_u *textstart; /* pointer to 1st char (partially) in block */
+! colnr_T textcol; /* index of chars (partially) in block */
+ colnr_T start_vcol; /* start col of 1st char wholly inside block */
+ colnr_T end_vcol; /* start col of 1st char wholly after block */
+*** 382,396 ****
+ {
+ int left = (oap->op_type == OP_LSHIFT);
+ int oldstate = State;
+! int total, split;
+! char_u *newp, *oldp, *midp, *ptr;
+ int oldcol = curwin->w_cursor.col;
+ int p_sw = (int)curbuf->b_p_sw;
+ int p_ts = (int)curbuf->b_p_ts;
+ struct block_def bd;
+- int internal = 0;
+ int incr;
+! colnr_T vcol, col = 0, ws_vcol;
+ int i = 0, j = 0;
+ int len;
+--- 382,395 ----
+ {
+ int left = (oap->op_type == OP_LSHIFT);
+ int oldstate = State;
+! int total;
+! char_u *newp, *oldp;
+ int oldcol = curwin->w_cursor.col;
+ int p_sw = (int)curbuf->b_p_sw;
+ int p_ts = (int)curbuf->b_p_ts;
+ struct block_def bd;
+ int incr;
+! colnr_T ws_vcol;
+ int i = 0, j = 0;
+ int len;
+*** 456,522 ****
+ }
+ else /* left */
+ {
+! vcol = oap->start_vcol;
+! /* walk vcol past ws to be removed */
+! for (midp = oldp + bd.textcol;
+! vcol < (oap->start_vcol + total) && vim_iswhite(*midp); )
+! {
+! incr = lbr_chartabsize_adv(&midp, (colnr_T)vcol);
+! vcol += incr;
+! }
+! /* internal is the block-internal ws replacing a split TAB */
+! if (vcol > (oap->start_vcol + total))
+! {
+! /* we have to split the TAB *(midp-1) */
+! internal = vcol - (oap->start_vcol + total);
+! }
+! /* if 'expandtab' is not set, use TABs */
+! split = bd.startspaces + internal;
+! if (split > 0)
+! {
+! if (!curbuf->b_p_et)
+! {
+! for (ptr = oldp, col = 0; ptr < oldp+bd.textcol; )
+! col += lbr_chartabsize_adv(&ptr, (colnr_T)col);
+! /* col+1 now equals the start col of the first char of the
+! * block (may be < oap.start_vcol if we're splitting a TAB) */
+! i = ((col % p_ts) + split) / p_ts; /* number of tabs */
+! }
+! if (i)
+! j = ((col % p_ts) + split) % p_ts; /* number of spp */
+! else
+! j = split;
+! }
+! newp = alloc_check(bd.textcol + i + j + (unsigned)STRLEN(midp) + 1);
+! if (newp == NULL)
+! return;
+! vim_memset(newp, NUL, (size_t)(bd.textcol + i + j + STRLEN(midp) + 1));
+! /* copy first part we want to keep */
+! mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)bd.textcol);
+! /* Now copy any TABS and spp to ensure correct alignment! */
+! while (vim_iswhite(*midp))
+ {
+! if (*midp == TAB)
+! i++;
+! else /*space */
+! j++;
+! midp++;
+ }
+! /* We might have an extra TAB worth of spp now! */
+! if (j / p_ts && !curbuf->b_p_et)
+ {
+! i++;
+! j -= p_ts;
+ }
+- copy_chars(newp + bd.textcol, (size_t)i, TAB);
+- copy_spaces(newp + bd.textcol + i, (size_t)j);
+! /* the end */
+! STRMOVE(newp + STRLEN(newp), midp);
+ }
+ /* replace the line */
+ ml_replace(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, newp, FALSE);
+--- 455,543 ----
+ }
+ else /* left */
+ {
+! colnr_T destination_col; /* column to which text in block will
+! be shifted */
+! char_u *verbatim_copy_end; /* end of the part of the line which is
+! copied verbatim */
+! colnr_T verbatim_copy_width;/* the (displayed) width of this part
+! of line */
+! unsigned fill; /* nr of spaces that replace a TAB */
+! unsigned new_line_len; /* the length of the line after the
+! block shift */
+! size_t block_space_width;
+! size_t shift_amount;
+! char_u *non_white = bd.textstart;
+! colnr_T non_white_col;
+! /*
+! * Firstly, let's find the first non-whitespace character that is
+! * displayed after the block's start column and the character's column
+! * number. Also, let's calculate the width of all the whitespace
+! * characters that are displayed in the block and precede the searched
+! * non-whitespace character.
+! */
+! /* If "bd.startspaces" is set, "bd.textstart" points to the character,
+! * the part of which is displayed at the block's beginning. Let's start
+! * searching from the next character. */
+! if (bd.startspaces)
+! mb_ptr_adv(non_white);
+! /* The character's column is in "bd.start_vcol". */
+! non_white_col = bd.start_vcol;
+! while (vim_iswhite(*non_white))
+ {
+! incr = lbr_chartabsize_adv(&non_white, non_white_col);
+! non_white_col += incr;
+ }
+! block_space_width = non_white_col - oap->start_vcol;
+! /* We will shift by "total" or "block_space_width", whichever is less.
+! */
+! shift_amount = (block_space_width < total? block_space_width: total);
+! /* The column to which we will shift the text. */
+! destination_col = non_white_col - shift_amount;
+! /* Now let's find out how much of the beginning of the line we can
+! * reuse without modification. */
+! verbatim_copy_end = bd.textstart;
+! verbatim_copy_width = bd.start_vcol;
+! /* If "bd.startspaces" is set, "bd.textstart" points to the character
+! * preceding the block. We have to subtract its width to obtain its
+! * column number. */
+! if (bd.startspaces)
+! verbatim_copy_width -= bd.start_char_vcols;
+! while (verbatim_copy_width < destination_col)
+ {
+! incr = lbr_chartabsize(verbatim_copy_end, verbatim_copy_width);
+! if (verbatim_copy_width + incr > destination_col)
+! break;
+! verbatim_copy_width += incr;
+! mb_ptr_adv(verbatim_copy_end);
+ }
+! /* If "destination_col" is different from the width of the initial
+! * part of the line that will be copied, it means we encountered a tab
+! * character, which we will have to partly replace with spaces. */
+! fill = destination_col - verbatim_copy_width;
+! /* The replacement line will consist of:
+! * - the beginning of the original line up to "verbatim_copy_end",
+! * - "fill" number of spaces,
+! * - the rest of the line, pointed to by non_white. */
+! new_line_len = (unsigned)(verbatim_copy_end - oldp)
+! + fill
+! + (unsigned)STRLEN(non_white) + 1;
+! newp = alloc_check(new_line_len);
+! if (newp == NULL)
+! return;
+! mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)(verbatim_copy_end - oldp));
+! copy_spaces(newp + (verbatim_copy_end - oldp), (size_t)fill);
+! STRMOVE(newp + (verbatim_copy_end - oldp) + fill, non_white);
+ }
+ /* replace the line */
+ ml_replace(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, newp, FALSE);
+*** 4851,4857 ****
+ * - textlen includes the first/last char to be (partly) deleted
+ * - start/endspaces is the number of columns that are taken by the
+ * first/last deleted char minus the number of columns that have to be
+! * deleted. for yank and tilde:
+ * - textlen includes the first/last char to be wholly yanked
+ * - start/endspaces is the number of columns of the first/last yanked char
+ * that are to be yanked.
+--- 4872,4879 ----
+ * - textlen includes the first/last char to be (partly) deleted
+ * - start/endspaces is the number of columns that are taken by the
+ * first/last deleted char minus the number of columns that have to be
+! * deleted.
+! * for yank and tilde:
+ * - textlen includes the first/last char to be wholly yanked
+ * - start/endspaces is the number of columns of the first/last yanked char
+ * that are to be yanked.
+*** ../vim-7.2.136/src/testdir/Makefile Wed Sep 10 18:25:18 2008
+--- src/testdir/Makefile Thu Mar 5 04:53:58 2009
+*** 20,26 ****
+ test48.out test49.out test51.out test52.out test53.out \
+ test54.out test55.out test56.out test57.out test58.out \
+ test59.out test60.out test61.out test62.out test63.out \
+! test64.out test65.out
+ SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
+--- 20,26 ----
+ test48.out test49.out test51.out test52.out test53.out \
+ test54.out test55.out test56.out test57.out test58.out \
+ test59.out test60.out test61.out test62.out test63.out \
+! test64.out test65.out test66.out
+ SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
+*** ../vim-7.2.136/src/testdir/ Wed Mar 11 16:24:44 2009
+--- src/testdir/ Wed Mar 11 11:52:57 2009
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,25 ----
++ Test for visual block shift and tab characters.
++ :so small.vim
++ /^abcdefgh
++ 4jI j<<11|D
++ 7|a 
++ 7|a 
++ 7|a 4k13|4j<
++ :$-4,$w! test.out
++ :$-4,$s/\s\+//g
++ 4kI j<<
++ 7|a 
++ 7|a 
++ 7|a 4k13|4j3<
++ :$-4,$w >> test.out
++ :qa!
++ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+*** ../vim-7.2.136/src/testdir/test66.ok Wed Mar 11 16:24:44 2009
+--- src/testdir/test66.ok Thu Mar 5 04:39:36 2009
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,10 ----
++ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abcdefghij
++ abc defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abc defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abc defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abcdefghij
++ abc defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abc defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
++ abc defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+*** ../vim-7.2.136/src/version.c Wed Mar 11 15:36:01 2009
+--- src/version.c Wed Mar 11 16:23:07 2009
+*** 678,679 ****
+--- 678,681 ----
+ { /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++ 137,
+ /**/
+% cat /usr/include/sys/errno.h
+#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */
+#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
+#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
+#define EMACS 666 /* Too many macros */
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
+/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
+\\\ download, build and distribute -- ///
+ \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///