path: root/source/ap/texinfo/dir
diff options
author Patrick J Volkerding <>2009-08-26 10:00:38 -0500
committer Eric Hameleers <>2018-05-31 22:41:17 +0200
commit5a12e7c134274dba706667107d10d231517d3e05 (patch)
tree55718d5acb710fde798d9f38d0bbaf594ed4b296 /source/ap/texinfo/dir
Slackware 13.0slackware-13.0
Wed Aug 26 10:00:38 CDT 2009 Slackware 13.0 x86_64 is released as stable! Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible -- see the RELEASE_NOTES for the credits. The ISOs are off to the replicator. This time it will be a 6 CD-ROM 32-bit set and a dual-sided 32-bit/64-bit x86/x86_64 DVD. We're taking pre-orders now at Please consider picking up a copy to help support the project. Once again, thanks to the entire Slackware community for all the help testing and fixing things and offering suggestions during this development cycle. As always, have fun and enjoy! -P.
Diffstat (limited to 'source/ap/texinfo/dir')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/ap/texinfo/dir b/source/ap/texinfo/dir
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..122b25fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/ap/texinfo/dir
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the
+topmost node of the Info hierarchy, called (dir)Top.
+The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at this node.
+File: dir, Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree
+ This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.
+ Typing "q" exits, "?" lists all Info commands, "d" returns here,
+ "h" gives a primer for first-timers,
+ "mEmacs<Return>" visits the Emacs manual, etc.
+ In Emacs, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference
+ to select it.
+* Menu:
+GNU packages
+* Diff: (diff). Comparing and merging files.
+Printing Tools
+* PreScript: (a2ps) PreScript. Input language for a2ps
+* a2ps: (a2ps). PostScript Generating Utility
+* card: (a2ps) card. Print Reference Cards
+* fixnt: (a2ps) fixnt. Fixing Microsoft NT PostScript Files
+* fixps: (a2ps) fixps. Fixing Some Ill Designed PostScript Files
+* ogonkify: (ogonkify). Ogonkify
+* pdiff: (a2ps) pdiff. Produce Pretty Comparison of Files
+* psmandup: (a2ps) psmandup. Printing Duplex on Simplex Printers
+* psset: (a2ps) psset. Inserting calls to setpagedevice
+* AA-lib: (aalib). An ASCII-art graphics library
+* History: (history). The GNU history library API
+* RLuserman: (rluserman). The GNU readline library User's Manual.
+* Readline: (readline). The GNU readline library API
+* Ada mode: (ada-mode). The GNU Emacs mode for editing Ada.
+* Autotype: (autotype). Convenient features for text that you enter frequently
+ in Emacs.
+* CC Mode: (ccmode). Emacs mode for editing C, C++, Objective-C,
+ Java, Pike, and IDL code.
+* CL: (cl). Partial Common Lisp support for Emacs Lisp.
+* Dired-X: (dired-x). Dired Extra Features.
+* EUDC: (eudc). A client for directory servers (LDAP, PH)
+* Ebrowse: (ebrowse). A C++ class browser for Emacs.
+* Ediff: (ediff). A visual interface for comparing and merging programs.
+* Emacs: (emacs). The extensible self-documenting text editor.
+* Emacs FAQ: (efaq). Frequently Asked Questions about Emacs.
+* Emacs MIME: (emacs-mime). The MIME de/composition library.
+* Eshell: (eshell). A command shell implemented in Emacs Lisp.
+* Forms: (forms). Emacs package for editing data bases
+ by filling in forms.
+* Gnus: (gnus). The newsreader Gnus.
+* IDLWAVE: (idlwave). Major mode and shell for IDL and WAVE/CL files.
+* MH-E: (mh-e). Emacs interface to the MH mail system.
+* Message: (message). Mail and news composition mode that goes with Gnus.
+* PCL-CVS: (pcl-cvs). Emacs front-end to CVS.
+* RefTeX: (reftex). Emacs support for LaTeX cross-references and citations.
+* SC: (sc). Supercite lets you cite parts of messages you're
+ replying to, in flexible ways.
+* Speedbar: (speedbar). File/Tag summarizing utility.
+* VIP: (vip). An older VI-emulation for Emacs.
+* VIPER: (viper). The newest Emacs VI-emulation mode.
+ (also, A VI Plan for Emacs Rescue
+ or the VI PERil.)
+* Widget: (widget). Documenting the "widget" package used by the
+ Emacs Custom facility.
+* WoMan: (woman). Browse UN*X Manual Pages `Wo (without) Man'.
+* As: (as). The GNU assembler.
+* Bfd: (bfd). The Binary File Descriptor library.
+* Binutils: (binutils). The GNU binary utilities.
+* CVS: (cvs). Concurrent Versions System
+* Fdutils: (fdutils). Fdutils: Linux' floppy utilities
+* File utilities: (fileutils). GNU file utilities.
+* Finding Files: (find). Listing and operating on files
+ that match certain criteria.
+* Flex: (flex). A fast scanner generator.
+* Gpm: (gpm). A server wich hands mouse events to non-X programs.
+* Ld: (ld). The GNU linker.
+* Mtools: (mtools). Mtools: utilities to access DOS disks in Unix.
+* Shar utilities: (sharutils). GNU shar utilities.
+* Shell utilities: (sh-utils). GNU shell utilities.
+* Standards: (standards). GNU coding standards.
+* Text utilities: (textutils). GNU text utilities.
+* UUCP: (uucp). Transfer mail and news across phone lines.
+* addr2line: (binutils)addr2line. Convert addresses to file and line
+* ar: (binutils)ar. Create, modify, and extract from archives
+* basename: (sh-utils)basename invocation. Strip directory and suffix.
+* bison: (bison). GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement).
+* c++filt: (binutils)c++filt. Filter to demangle encoded C++ symbols
+* cat: (textutils)cat invocation. Concatenate and write files.
+* chgrp: (fileutils)chgrp invocation. Change file groups.
+* chmod: (fileutils)chmod invocation. Change file permissions.
+* chown: (fileutils)chown invocation. Change file owners/groups.
+* chroot: (sh-utils)chroot invocation. Specify the root directory.
+* cksum: (textutils)cksum invocation. Print POSIX CRC checksum.
+* comm: (textutils)comm invocation. Compare sorted files by line.
+* cp: (fileutils)cp invocation. Copy files.
+* cpio: (cpio). Making tape (or disk) archives.
+* csplit: (textutils)csplit invocation. Split by context.
+* cut: (textutils)cut invocation. Print selected parts of lines.
+* cxxfilt: (binutils)c++filt. MS-DOS name for c++filt
+* date: (sh-utils)date invocation. Print/set system date and time.
+* dc: (dc). Arbritrary precision RPN "Desktop Calculator".
+* dd: (fileutils)dd invocation. Copy and convert a file.
+* df: (fileutils)df invocation. Report filesystem disk usage.
+* dir: (fileutils)dir invocation. List directories briefly.
+* dircolors: (fileutils)dircolors invocation. Color setup for ls.
+* dirname: (sh-utils)dirname invocation. Strip non-directory suffix.
+* dlltool: (binutils)dlltool. Create files needed to build and use DLLs
+* du: (fileutils)du invocation. Report on disk usage.
+* echo: (sh-utils)echo invocation. Print a line of text.
+* env: (sh-utils)env invocation. Modify the environment.
+* expand: (textutils)expand invocation. Convert tabs to spaces.
+* expr: (sh-utils)expr invocation. Evaluate expressions.
+* factor: (sh-utils)factor invocation. Print prime factors
+* false: (sh-utils)false invocation. Do nothing, unsuccessfully.
+* fmt: (textutils)fmt invocation. Reformat paragraph text.
+* fold: (textutils)fold invocation. Wrap long input lines.
+* gasp: (gasp). The GNU Assembler Preprocessor
+* gprof: (gprof). Profiling your program's execution
+* grep: (grep). print lines matching a pattern.
+* groups: (sh-utils)groups invocation. Print group names a user is in.
+* head: (textutils)head invocation. Output the first part of files.
+* hostname: (sh-utils)hostname invocation. Print or set system name.
+* id: (sh-utils)id invocation. Print real/effective uid/gid.
+* install: (fileutils)install invocation. Copy and change attributes.
+* ipc: (ipc). System V style inter process communication
+* join: (textutils)join invocation. Join lines on a common field.
+* ln: (fileutils)ln invocation. Make links between files.
+* logname: (sh-utils)logname invocation. Print current login name.
+* ls: (fileutils)ls invocation. List directory contents.
+* m4: (m4). A powerful macro processor.
+* mail-files: (sharutils)mail-files invocation. Send files to remote site.
+* mailshar: (sharutils)mailshar invocation. Make and send a shell archive.
+* md5sum: (textutils)md5sum invocation. Print or check message-digests.
+* mkdir: (fileutils)mkdir invocation. Create directories.
+* mkfifo: (fileutils)mkfifo invocation. Create FIFOs (named pipes).
+* mknod: (fileutils)mknod invocation. Create special files.
+* mv: (fileutils)mv invocation. Rename files.
+* mysql: (mysql). MySQL documentation.
+* nice: (sh-utils)nice invocation. Modify scheduling priority.
+* nl: (textutils)nl invocation. Number lines and write files.
+* nlmconv: (binutils)nlmconv. Converts object code into an NLM
+* nm: (binutils)nm. List symbols from object files
+* nohup: (sh-utils)nohup invocation. Immunize to hangups.
+* objcopy: (binutils)objcopy. Copy and translate object files
+* objdump: (binutils)objdump. Display information from object files
+* od: (textutils)od invocation. Dump files in octal, etc.
+* paste: (textutils)paste invocation. Merge lines of files.
+* pathchk: (sh-utils)pathchk invocation. Check file name portability.
+* pr: (textutils)pr invocation. Paginate or columnate files.
+* printenv: (sh-utils)printenv invocation. Print environment variables.
+* printf: (sh-utils)printf invocation. Format and print data.
+* ptx: (textutils)ptx invocation. Produce permuted indexes.
+* pwd: (sh-utils)pwd invocation. Print working directory.
+* ranlib: (binutils)ranlib. Generate index to archive contents
+* readelf: (binutils)readelf. Display the contents of ELF format files.
+* remsync: (sharutils)remsync invocation. Synchronize remote files.
+* rm: (fileutils)rm invocation. Remove files.
+* rmdir: (fileutils)rmdir invocation. Remove empty directories.
+* sed: (sed). Stream EDitor.
+* seq: (sh-utils)seq invocation. Print numeric sequences
+* shar: (sharutils)shar invocation. Make a shell archive.
+* shred: (fileutils)shred invocation. Remove files more securely.
+* size: (binutils)size. List section sizes and total size
+* sleep: (sh-utils)sleep invocation. Delay for a specified time.
+* sort: (textutils)sort invocation. Sort text files.
+* split: (textutils)split invocation. Split into fixed-size pieces.
+* strings: (binutils)strings. List printable strings from files
+* strip: (binutils)strip. Discard symbols
+* stty: (sh-utils)stty invocation. Print/change terminal settings.
+* su: (sh-utils)su invocation. Modify user and group id.
+* sum: (textutils)sum invocation. Print traditional checksum.
+* sync: (fileutils)sync invocation. Synchronize memory and disk.
+* tac: (textutils)tac invocation. Reverse files.
+* tail: (textutils)tail invocation. Output the last part of files.
+* tee: (sh-utils)tee invocation. Redirect to multiple files.
+* test: (sh-utils)test invocation. File/string tests.
+* touch: (fileutils)touch invocation. Change file timestamps.
+* tr: (textutils)tr invocation. Translate characters.
+* true: (sh-utils)true invocation. Do nothing, successfully.
+* tsort: (textutils)tsort invocation. Topological sort.
+* tty: (sh-utils)tty invocation. Print terminal name.
+* uname: (sh-utils)uname invocation. Print system information.
+* unexpand: (textutils)unexpand invocation. Convert spaces to tabs.
+* uniq: (textutils)uniq invocation. Uniquify files.
+* unshar: (sharutils)unshar invocation. Explode a shell archive.
+* users: (sh-utils)users invocation. Print current user names.
+* uudecode: (sharutils)uudecode invocation. Restore file from 7-bits.
+* uuencode: (sharutils)uuencode invocation. Force binary file to 7-bits.
+* vdir: (fileutils)vdir invocation. List directories verbosely.
+* wc: (textutils)wc invocation. Byte, word, and line counts.
+* who: (sh-utils)who invocation. Print who is logged in.
+* whoami: (sh-utils)whoami invocation. Print effective user id.
+* windres: (binutils)windres. Manipulate Windows resources
+* yes: (sh-utils)yes invocation. Print a string indefinitely.
+GNU admin
+* Autoconf: (autoconf). Create source code configuration scripts
+Individual utilities
+* aclocal: (automake)Invoking aclocal. Generating aclocal.m4.
+* autoconf: (autoconf)autoconf Invocation.
+ How to create configuration scripts
+* autoconf-invocation: (autoconf)autoconf Invocation.
+ How to create configuration
+ scripts
+* autoheader: (autoconf)autoheader Invocation. How to create configuration
+ templates
+* autom4te: (autoconf)autom4te Invocation. The Autoconf executables
+ backbone
+* automake: (automake)Invoking Automake. Generating
+* autoreconf: (autoconf)autoreconf Invocation. Remaking multiple `configure'
+ scripts
+* autoscan: (autoconf)autoscan Invocation. Semi-automatic `'
+ writing
+* autoupdate: (autoconf)autoupdate Invocation. Automatic update of
+ `'
+* awk: (gawk)Invoking gawk. Text scanning and processing.
+* cmp: (diff)Invoking cmp. Compare 2 files byte by byte.
+* config.status: (autoconf)config.status Invocation.
+ Recreating configurations.
+* configure: (autoconf)configure Invocation. Configuring a package.
+* diff: (diff)Invoking diff. Compare 2 files line by line.
+* diff3: (diff)Invoking diff3. Compare 3 files line by line.
+* ifnames: (autoconf)ifnames Invocation. Listing conditionals in source.
+* libtoolize: (libtool)Invoking libtoolize. Adding libtool support.
+* patch: (diff)Invoking patch. Apply a patch to a file.
+* sdiff: (diff)Invoking sdiff. Merge 2 files side-by-side.
+* tar: (tar)tar invocation. Invoking GNU `tar'
+* testsuite: (autoconf)testsuite Invocation. Running an Autotest test suite.
+GNU programming tools
+* Libtool: (libtool). Generic shared library support script.
+This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.11 from libtool.texi.
+* automake: (automake). Making's
+Software development
+* Autoconf: (autoconf). Create source code configuration scripts.
+* Automake: (automake). Making GNU standards-compliant Makefiles.
+* Bash: (bash). The GNU Bourne-Again SHell.
+* Enscript: (enscript). GNU Enscript
+* Gzip: (gzip). The gzip command for compressing files.
+* ZSH: (zsh). The Z Shell Manual.
+* Cpp: (cpp). The GNU C preprocessor.
+* cvsclient: (cvsclient). The CVS client/server protocol.
+* g77: (g77). The GNU Fortran compiler.
+* gcc: (gcc). The GNU Compiler Collection.
+GNU Packages
+* Gawk: (gawk). A text scanning and processing language.
+* Gawkinet: (gawkinet). TCP/IP Internetworking With `gawk'.
+* Make: (make). Remake files automatically.
+* Tar: (tar). Making tape (or disk) archives.
+Programming & development tools.
+* Gdb: (gdb). The GNU debugger.
+* Gdb-Internals: (gdbint). The GNU debugger's internals.
+User Interface Toolkit
+* GDK: (gdk). The General Drawing Kit
+* GTK: (gtk). The GIMP Toolkit
+GNU Gettext Utilities
+* Gettext: (gettext). GNU gettext utilities.
+* gettextize: (gettext)gettextize Invocation. Prepare a package for gettext.
+* msgfmt: (gettext)msgfmt Invocation. Make MO files out of PO files.
+* msgmerge: (gettext)msgmerge Invocation. Update two PO files into one.
+* xgettext: (gettext)xgettext Invocation. Extract strings into a PO file.
+Library of useful routines for 'C' programing
+* GLIB: (glib). useful routines for 'C' programming
+GNU libraries
+* Libc: (libc). C library.
+* gmp: (gmp). GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library.
+Indent Code Formatter
+* Indent: (indent). C code formatter.
+Texinfo documentation system
+* Info: (info). Documentation browsing system.
+* Standalone info program: (info-stnd). Standalone Info-reading program.
+* Texinfo: (texinfo). The GNU documentation format.
+* install-info: (texinfo)Invoking install-info. Update info/dir entries.
+* makeinfo: (texinfo)makeinfo Preferred. Translate Texinfo source.
+* texi2dvi: (texinfo)Format with texi2dvi. Print Texinfo documents.
+* texindex: (texinfo)Format with tex/texindex. Sort Texinfo index files.
+* libext2fs: ( The EXT2FS library.
+C library code
+* Regex: (regex). Regular expression library.
+General Commands
+* Screen: (screen). Full-screen window manager.
+Net Utilities
+* Wget: (wget). The non-interactive network downloader.
+World Wide Web
+* Wget: (wget). The non-interactive network downloader.
+* xboard: (xboard). An X Window System graphical chessboard.