path: root/extra/source/xv/xv-3.10a-jumbo-README.txt
blob: 00b1c3e4ed04eb89bb03cee9cde021fefa028479 (plain) (tree)











































This is the latest version of the XV jumbo patches I originally created in
February 2000 (but never distributed) and eventually updated and released in
May 2004, prompted by a discussion on LWN (
Information about the patches, updates to the patches, and the patches
themselves can all be found here:

(Use the "Subscribe to new releases" link on the latter page if you want to
be notified of new versions automatically; trivial registration required.)

These patches incorporate all of the fix- and enhancement-patches available
from John's XV site ( and, plus a number of my own fixes and
additions (security-related and otherwise), plus quite a few from other
people.  They're still not fully complete, and it's probable they never
will be, but I do plan to continue tinkering with them whenever the mood
strikes--and I may even release them publicly on rare occasions.  (At the
current rate, once every few years may be the best we can hope for....)

Also be aware that several other people have had the same idea over the
years.  Ones I've found, more or less by accident, include:

 - Landon Curt "chongo" Noll (
 - Mark Ashley <mark>
 - Peter Jordan <pete>*
 - Uwe F. Mayer (
 - Kurt Wall <kwall>
 - Chisato Yamauchi (
 - Daisuke Yabuki <dxy>
 - Pekoe (
 - FreeBSD FreshPorts
 - Kyoichiro Suda <sudakyo>

This is not an exhaustive list (e.g., Jörgen Grahn also had one).  So far,
most of the other patch-sets appear not to be as extensive or as up-to-date
as my own, particularly now that the (very large) "Japanese extension" patches
are incorporated--big thanks to Werner Fink of SuSE for that!

Below I summarize the component patches that are encompassed by my jumbo
bugfixes and jumbo enhancements patches, circa 2005.  (As of 2007, they're
distributed as a single monster-patch, and the "component patches" are now
listed in the changelog section at the bottom of this file.)  Unfortunately,
some of my own additions never saw the light of day as standalone patches,
but considering the number of overlaps (collisions) already implicit in the
list, that would have been difficult to accomplish even if I'd had the time.

Here's a quick guide to the "third-party" credits in the lists and changelog

  AAC = Andrey A. Chernov [ache]
  AD  = Andreas Dilger (adilger
  AL  = Alexander Lehmann (lehmann
  AS  = Alexey Spiridonov (
  AT  = Anthony Thyssen (
  BR  = Bruno Rohee (
  DAC = David A. Clunie (
  EAJ = Erling A. Jacobsen (linuxcub
  EK  = Egmont Koblinger (egmont
  FG  = Fabian Greffrath (fabian
  GRR = Greg Roelofs (
  GV  = Guido Vollbeding (
  IM  = IKEMOTO Masahiro (ikeyan
  JC  = John Cooper (john.cooper
  JCE = John C. Elliott (
  JDB = John D. Baker (
  JG  = Jörgen Grahn (jgrahn
  JHB = John H. Bradley, of course (
  JPD = Jean-Pierre Demailly (
  JR  = John Rochester (
        (also, -ag)
  JRK = James Roberts Kirkpatrick (
  JZ  = Joe Zbiciak (
  KS  = Kyoichiro Suda (
  LCN = Landon Curt "chongo" Noll (
  LJ  = Larry Jones (lawrence.jones
  PBJ = Peter Jordan (
  PSV = Pawel S. Veselov (
  RAC = Ross Combs (rocombs
  RJH = Robin Humble (
  SB  = Sean Borman (
  SJT = TenThumbs (tenthumbs
  SBM = Scott B. Marovich (formerly marovich
  TA  = Tim Adye (
  TAR = Tim Ramsey (tar
  TI  = Tetsuya INOUE (tin329
  TO  = Tavis Ormandy (taviso
  WF  = Werner Fink (

Other credits are as listed on the XV Downloads page or in the respective
patches (e.g., the jp-extension patches or within the PNG patch).

Finally, please note that these patches have not been blessed by John Bradley
in any way (although I copied him on the May 2004 announcement and wrote to
him again in May 2005), unless you count Debian's redistribution permission
(Daniel Kirchheimer, 5 Dec 2005).  Nor have I personally tested every change
and feature!  (See the BIG SCARY WARNING below for further caveats.)  In other
words, they're both completely unofficial and completely unguaranteed.  But
they seem to work for me.  (And when they don't, I try to fix 'em--eventually,
anyway... ;-) )

Greg Roelofs, 20070520

How to build

The following assumes you, the user, already have the libtiff,[1] libjpeg,[2]
libpng,[3] zlib,[4] and JasPer[5] libraries downloaded, patched (if necessary),
compiled, and installed, not to mention a C compiler and the bzip2,[6] tar,[7]
patch,[8] and make[9] utilities.  You should also have downloaded the original
XV 3.10a source distribution from the XV Downloads page[10] and be able to edit
its Makefile and config.h files as indicated in the INSTALL file.  (Editing
the Makefile will also allow you to disable some of the third-party libraries
if you wish.)  Finally, you should know what a Unix(-style) command line is,
where to find one, and how to wield it with abandon (or at least with adult
supervision)--and preferably not as the root user until the "make install"
step.  (A filesystem is a terrible thing to waste.)


|                                                                         |
|                            BIG SCARY WARNING                            |
|                                                                         |
|  These patches work for Greg (and parts of them reportedly work for     |
|  various other people), and so far Greg's CPU still computes and his    |
|  hard disks haven't been wiped.  But there's no guarantee that this     |
|  will be the case for you! In particular, not every incorporated patch  |
|  has been explicitly tested, nor has every possible subcase of the      |
|  explicitly tested subset. (Read that again; it's grammatical.)  Nor    |
|  are these patches officially blessed by John Bradley in any way. In    |
|  other words, if you use these patches, you do so at your own risk.     |
|  (Greg doesn't believe there are any serious problems remaining, but    |
|  then, what programmer ever does? Bugs happen.)                         |
|                                                                         |

Assuming you have the prerequisites out of the way and aren't scared
off by the Big Scary Warning, here's the build procedure:

      tar xvzf xv-3.10a-jumbo-patches-20070520.tar.gz
      (or:  gzip -dc xv-3.10a-jumbo-patches-20070520.tar.gz | tar xvf - )

      tar xvzf xv-3.10a.tar.gz 

      cd xv-3.10a 

      patch -p1 < ../xv-3.10a-jumbo-fix-enh-patch-20070520.txt 

      edit Makefile and config.h as directed in INSTALL file (in particular,
      ensure paths to external libraries and header files are correct)


      ./xv  your_favorite_image  your_other_favorite_image  etc.

If everything seems to be working to your satisfaction, go ahead and install: 

      make -n install (and double-check that things will be installed
      where you want them to be)

      become root if necessary (e.g., type su)

      make install 
      (or:  sudo make install)

That wasn't so hard, was it? 

Summary of incorporated and unincorporated patches (through 20050501)
(See the ChangeLog at the bottom for more recent incorporated patches.)

fixes ((*) = listed on XV Downloads page, (f) = on ftp site only):

 - grabpatch (*)		[obsoleted by new-xvgrab.c below]
 - vispatch (*)
 - mp-tiff-patch (*)		[technically an enhancement, but JHB says...]
 - longname.patch (*)		[*SECURITY*]
 - xpm.patch (*)
 - deepcolor.patch (*)		[slightly modified for language conformance]
 - gifpatch (*)
 - exceed_grab.patch (*)
 - xv-redhat6-readme.txt (*)	[slightly modified for portability]
 - beos.patch (*)		[modified for portability]
 - croppad.patch (f)
 - epsfpatch (f)
 - tiff1200.patch (*)
 - gssafer.patch (*)		[*SECURITY*]
 - new-xvgrab.c (f)		[includes grabpatch but not exceed_grab.patch]
 - xcmap.diff (AD)		[part of xv-3.10a-png-1.2d.tar.gz]
 - fixes for huge number gcc -Wall warnings--including two bugs (GRR)
 - fix for cleandir script when no makefile exists (GRR)
 - *SECURITY* fix for gets() in vdcomp.c (GRR, LCN vdcomp-security.patch)
 - *SECURITY* fix for getwd() on Linux (GRR, LCN Linux-compile.patch)
 - fix for "no fuss" Linux compiles (LCN Linux-compile.patch)
 - partial *SECURITY* fix for mktemp() in xv.c and xvdir.c (GRR)
   (remaining instances in xv.c (2), xvimage.c, xvfits.c, xvpds.c, xvps.c, and
   possibly xvtiff.c--most involve system())
 - freebsd-vdcomp-newline.patch (AAC)
 - xv-3.10a.patch.linux (PBJ)	[/bin/sh versions of cleandir, only]
 - removed trailing white space (GRR)  [purely cosmetic]
 - fixed compilation error in registered versions (GRR)
 - fix for YCbCr oversaturated-green bug(s) in TIFF decoder (GRR)
 - provisional fix for contiguous tiled TIFFs with bottom-* orientation (GRR)
 - fixes for gcc 3.3 -Wall warnings (GRR)
 - fix for incorrect 16/24-bit display of xwd dumps (SJT)
 - *SECURITY* fix for multiple input-validation bugs (OpenBSD/SuSE, Gentoo, GRR)
   (this also completes the partial mktemp() security fix listed above)
 - fix for (probable) 24-bit endianness bug in fixpix code (GRR)

enhancements ((*) = listed on XV Downloads page, (<who>) = third-party):

 - xv-3.10a.JPEG-patch (*)
   (xv-3.10a.JPEG-patch.old differs only in ftp site listed in comments at top)
 - xv-3.10a.TIFF-patch (*)
 - xv-3.10a-png-1.2d.tar.gz (AL, AD) (*)
   (xvjpeg.diff and xvtiff.diff ignored; xcmap.diff included in fixes)
 - xvpng-1.2d-fix3.patch (GRR, SJT) (*)
 - pdf.patch (*)
 - windowid.patch + windowid.patch.readme (*)
 - bmp32.patch (*)
 - fixpix-20000610.tar.gz (GV)
   (identical to 19961127 version except for README updates and new Win32 file)
   [modified to be runtime-selectable via -/+fixpix option]
 - browse-remember.patch (JZ)
 - faster-smooth.patch (JZ)
 - PAM support (GRR)
 - PNG/GIF -ibg ("image background") transparency option (GRR)
   (does not yet support TIFF, XPM or TGA)
 - VersionInfo* in help screen (GRR)
 - minor grammar/spelling fixes (GRR)
 - floating-point support for -wait when USE_TICKS enabled (GRR)
 - wheelmouse.patch (SB)
 - freebsd-gravity-hints-patch (JR)
 - xv-zx.patch (JCE)
 - xv3.10a.wapbmp.patch (PSV)
 - xv-3.10a-pcd.patch.20010708 (DAC)
 - jp-ext-bzip2-1.1.patch
 - boosted maximum number of files from 4096 to 32768 (GRR)
   (note that OS kernel limits may also apply; for example, in Linux see
   MAX_ARG_PAGES in linux-<version>/include/linux/binfmts.h)
 - xv-3.10a-bmp16.patch (KS)
 - final-image delay (e.g., "-wait 0.2,3" : pause 3 secs on final image) (GRR)
 - xv-numpad.patch (EK)
 - xv-delete-is-not-backspace.patch (EK)
 - made browser window (schnauzer) and icons configurable (AT, GRR)
 - xv-3.10a-bmpfix.patch (WF)		[*SECURITY*]
 - xv310a-jp-extension-rev5.3.3.tar.gz (TI, IM, ..., WF)
   (adds support for MAG, MAKI, Pi, PIC, and PIC2 formats[!]; "magic suffix"
   detection/conversion; MacBinary prefixes; archives as virtual filesystems;
   multilingual text viewer [though not Unicode]; etc.)
 - xv-3.10a-yaos.dif (WF, TO)		[*SECURITY*]
   (fixes a number of format-string issues and system() calls)
 - xv-3.10a.dif (WF)			[*SECURITY*]
   (fixes more format-string issues, mktemp() and open() calls, and compilation
   warnings [mostly from jp-extension patch])
 - xv-3.10a-jumbo-jpd_startgrab-patch-20050420.txt (JPD)
 - PATCH.alwaysnever (LJ)
 - PATCH.bsd (LJ)
 - PATCH.linedraw (LJ)
 - PATCH.multipage (LJ)
 - PATCH.multipageGIF (LJ)
 - PATCH.random (LJ)
 - PATCH.stat (LJ)
 - PATCH.thumbs (LJ)
 - xv-startgrab-imake-hips.patch (JPD)
   ("hips" portion only; adds support for HIPS image format[!])
 - xv-3.10a-formatstr.patch (KS)
 - xv-3.10a-shortsleep.patch (KS)
 - xv-3.10a-locale-linux.patch (KS)
 - xv-3.10a-printkey.patch (KS)
 - xv-3.10a-sysconfdir.patch (KS)
 - added PREFIX and DESTDIR support to Makefile (KS, GRR)
 - xv-3.10a-xvexecpath.patch (but disabled pending fixes) (KS)
 - xv-3.10a-zeroquit.patch (KS, GRR)

[!] Note that all six of these formats may still suffer from exploitable heap
    overflows [*SECURITY*] when decoding images with large (possibly invalid)
    dimensions; as a result, they are DISABLED by default.  (Search for "GRR
    POSSIBLE OVERFLOW / FIXME" comments in xvmag.c, xvmaki.c, xvpi.c, xvpic.c,
    xvpic2.c, and xvhips.c, but keep in mind that these may not be exhaustive.)
    Users who choose to overlook these security issues can enable any or all
    of them by editing config.h.

not (yet?) included:

 - others from (some are duplicates):
	-rw-r--r--      4644 Mar 11  2004 xv-3.10a-directory.patch
	-rw-r--r--       462 Mar 11  2004 xv-3.10a-dirwkey.patch
	-rw-r--r--       688 Mar 11  2004 xv-3.10a-docdir.patch
	-rw-r--r--     11952 Mar 11  2004 xv-3.10a-download-test0.patch
	-rw-r--r--     41786 Mar 11  2004 xv-3.10a-download-test1.patch
	-rw-r--r--     42397 Mar 11  2004 xv-3.10a-download-test2.patch
	-rw-r--r--     47679 Mar 11  2004 xv-3.10a-download-test3.patch
	-rw-r--r--     52745 Mar 11  2004 xv-3.10a-download-test4.patch
	-rw-r--r--      3423 Apr 24  2004 xv-3.10a-keyzoom.patch
	-rw-r--r--     12387 Mar 15  2004 xv-3.10a-menubutton.patch
	-rw-r--r--      1178 Apr 24  2004 xv-3.10a-noblink.patch
	-rw-r--r--     57092 Jul  9  2004 xv-3.10a-resolution.patch
	-rw-r--r--      4645 Apr 24  2004 xv-3.10a-selall.patch
	-rw-r--r--       702 Apr 24  2004 xv-3.10a-showlongname.patch
	-rw-r--r--      1205 Apr 24  2004 xv-3.10a-staytoppdir.patch
	-rw-r--r--      4228 Apr 24  2004 xv-3.10a-wheelmouse.patch
	-rw-r--r--       744 Apr 24  2004 xv-3.10a-xvbutt_wait.patch
	-rw-r--r--      3757 Jul  9  2004 xv-3.10a-xvscrl_button2.patch
	-rw-r--r--      1494 Jul  9  2004 xv-3.10a-xvscrl_wait.patch
	-rw-r--r--     19352 Jul  9  2004 xv-3.10a-xvzoom.patch

 - xv-3.10a+jp-extension-rev5.3.3+FLmask.v2.1+png+misc.patch	["mask" support]

 - xv-psnewstyle.patch (TA)			[coming "soon"?]
 - xv-3.10a.patch.linux (PBJ)			[maybe use vdcomp.c changes?]
 - xvxpm-anthony-thyssen.c (AT)			["slate grey" bug already gone?]
 - xv-geoff-kuenning-iconsize-slideshow.patch	[var. icons; full-screen slides]
 - xv-scott-marovich-20070214-xvtiff.c.patch6.unified	[TIFF CMYK support]

 - stuff in xv/unsupt:
	-rw-r--r--     30527 Dec 22  1994 FITS.rite
	-rw-r--r--     49152 Dec 22  1994 FITS.tar
	-rw-r--r--      3753 Dec 22  1994 G3.patch1
	-rw-r--r--     24576 Dec 22  1994 G3.tar
	-rw-r--r--      1098 Dec 22  1994 INFO.cgm
	-rw-r--r--      1941 Dec 22  1994 README
	-rwxr-xr-x      1059 Dec 22  1994 getweather
	-rwxr-xr-x      2186 Dec 22  1994 getweather.ksh
	-rw-r--r--       856 Dec 22  1994 twm.fix
	-rw-r--r--       844 Dec 22  1994 vargs.c
	-rw-r--r--     47626 Dec 22  1994 vis
	-rw-r--r--     21097 Dec 22  1994 xscm

not finished (and/or even started ;-) ):

 - fix xvpng.c not to use direct struct access
 - (better) fix for never-ending pile of SLOW popups when viewing TIFFs with
   unknown tags (or truncated/corrupted images)
 - fix for minor .Z inefficiency in xv.c ("FIXME")
 - fix for filename entry-field mouse/cursor deficiencies
   (positioning fixed 20070104 by Ross Combs; would like select/cut/paste, too)
 - fix for .ppm.gz "disk leak" [can't reproduce...already fixed?]
   (maybe occurs only if filesystem is already nearly full?  bad .gz?)

 - transparency support for TIFF, XPM and TGA images
 - support for tiled background image (with transparent foreground image)
 - MNG/JNG support
 - SVG support


    original pair of jumbo patches, comprising perhaps 16 fix-patches and a
    dozen enhancement-patches; never publicly released 

    first public release, incorporating 25 fix-patches and 21 enhancement-

    minor fix to xvctrl.c to support registered versions (GRR warnings-patch
    was slightly overzealous); switched to tarball packaging

    fixed undefined CLK_TCK with gcc -ansi (enh/USE_TICKS option); made
    libjpeg, libtiff, libpng and zlib sections of makefile more consistent

    added freshmeat link, build instructions, and changelog to jumbo README
    (this file)

    increased max number of files from 4096 to 32768 (enh)

    fixed two very long-standing YCbCr bugs in TIFF decoder (fix);
    provisionally fixed bug in TIFF decoder for contiguous tiled TIFFs with
    bottom-* orientation (fix/USE_TILED_TIFF_BOTLEFT_FIX option); fixed new
    gcc 3.3 warnings (fix); fixed incorrect 16/24-bit display of xwd dumps
    (fix); fixed multiple input-validation bugs (potential heap overflows)
    and mktemp() dependencies (*SECURITY* fixes:  CAN-2004-1725, CAN-2004-
    1726, CAN-2005-0665, CERT VU#622622, and others); added support for 16-
    and 32-bit BMPs using bitfields "compression" (enh); fixed probable byte-
    sex bug in 24-bit FixPix display code (enh/USE_24BIT_ENDIAN_FIX option);
    fixed numerical-keypad NumLock behavior and delete-key behavior in file-
    load/save window (enh); made schnauzer window and icons configurable (enh)

    incorporated "Japanese extension" patches, revision 5.3.3 (enh); fixed
    additional *SECURITY* issues (format-string vulnerabilities, system()
    and mktemp() calls, etc., but NOT heap overflows in new decoders) both
    in existing code and in jp-extension additions (enh)

    added support for -startgrab option (enh); added support for a "Never"
    button to file-overwrite popups (enh); added NetBSD and BSDI to list of
    mkstemp()-supporting systems (enh); improved line-drawing code to set the
    correct pixels for lines of all slopes (enh); added "Page n of m" to Info
    window for multipage images (enh); added support for multipage (animated)
    GIFs (enh); fixed -random support so randomized file list can be traversed
    normally in forward or backward direction (enh); added typecasts to stat()
    printfs for portability (enh); fixed erroneous use of "creation" time and
    forced unlink prior to overwrite in schnauzer thumbnail code (enh); added
    HIPS support (enh/HAVE_HIPS option)

    extended multipage keyboard support (PgUp/PgDn) to all windows except
    control ("console") and directory (enh); fixed minor (non-security)
    format-string issue in xv.c (enh); shortened delay on popup error windows
    from 3 seconds to 1 second (enh); tweaked text-viewer localization support
    (TV_L10N) for Linux (enh); added keyboard short cuts for Color and
    Grayscale buttons in print dialog (enh); added support for separate "magic
    suffix" (xv_mgcsfx) config dir (enh); added PREFIX and DESTDIR support to
    Makefile (enh); fixed handling of zero-length files and other text-viewer
    failures (enh)

    conditionally added missing alloca.h to xvpcd.c (required if alloca() is
    a macro and alloca.h not included in stdlib.h, for example); fixed bogus
    __S_IWRITE introduced in 20050501 release; fixed Makefile "install" target
    (mkdir, chmod); fixed bug in MUST macro in xvwbmp.c; fixed prototype
    warnings in xvevent.c, xvpcd.c (JRK, GRR)
	- xv-3.10a-jimkirk-fixes.patch

    fixed broken mkdir(.xvpics) introduced in 20050501 release (RJH, GRR);
    tweaked GUNZIP config for OpenBSD (GRR)
	- xv-3.10a-xvpics-mkdir-fix.patch

    fixed longstanding xvevent.c typo (wasJpegUp -> wasPngUp) that caused build
    failure if no JPEG support (TAR)

    fixed Darwin (Mac OS X) build error in xv.h and vdcomp.c due to lack of
    malloc.h (JDB)

    fixed minor grammos (GRR); promoted PNG to first position, demoted GIF to
    third (GRR); changed internal type of default image to PNG (GRR); increased
    max files again, to 65536 (GRR)

    incorporated JPEG-2000 patch (SBM, GRR); added manual fax options for
    unrecognized G3 images (SBM); relaxed 30-byte minimum file size (SBM)

    incorporated 16bps raw (binary) PPM patch (define ASSUME_RAW_PPM_LSB_FIRST
    for old behavior) (RAC, GRR); updated format list, web sites in xv man page
    (GRR); fixed Makefile "install" target to create any necessary directories
    (RAC, GRR); fixed GIF decoder bug (sizes of global, local color tables
    different) (GRR)
	- xv-ross-combs-ppm-16bps-rawbits.patch

    fixed invalid gamma assumption in PNG decoder (=> progressive color changes
    over load/save cycles) (GRR)

    fixed animated-GIF /tmp/xvpgXXXXXX droppings (GRR)

    fixed PNG duplicate-palette-entries bug (GRR)

    incorporated EXIF-preserve patch (GHK); added missing JP2/JPC VS bits code
    (GRR); added extended-warning options to CCOPTS (RAC); added "const" to
    huge number of function args (RAC, GRR); made more effectively static
    functions officially static (RAC); added mouse-clickability (but not
    selectability) to text-entry fields (RAC); fixed window positioning (race
    conditions?) under some virtual window managers (e.g., tvtwm) (RAC);
    removed explicit paths for external (de)compressors (GRR, RAC)
	- xv-geoff-kuenning-jpeg-exif-preserve.patch
	- xv-ross-combs-20070104.diff

    incorporated function-key-scripts patch (see contrib/fnkey-scripts) (AS);
    fixed man-page-section extensions ("1", not "l" or "1X") (FG); switched to
    more sensible install paths for docs (FG); added Fedora Core build script
    (see contrib/fedora) (JC); fixed VS to switch from move-mode to copy-mode
    if source dir is read-only (EAJ); extended VS incremental-search mode (EAJ)
	- xv-alexey-spiridonov-20070116-fnkey-scripts.tar.bz2
	- xv-fabian-greffrath-20070215-debian-04-manpages.dpatch
	- xv-fabian-greffrath-20070215-debian-03-makefiles.dpatch
	- xv-erling-jacobsen-20060617-incr-search.patch

    modified install to include README.jumbo in docs (GRR); incorporated PNG
    no-stdio patch (SBM); fixed XWD endianness support, improved performance
    (replaces SJT 16/24-bit fix) (SBM)
	- xv-scott-marovich-20070214-xvpng.diff
	- xv-scott-marovich-20070214-xvxwd.c.patch

    added JPEG CMYK support (SBM); fixed TIFF (and others?) /tmp/xvpgXXXXXX
    droppings (GRR); added VS clipboard support (JG)
	- xv-scott-marovich-20070214-xvjpeg.c.patch
	- xv-jurgen-grahn-20051127-schnauzer-clip.patch

    inverted handling of malloc.h header file to require NEED_MALLOC_H macro
    for those few systems that actually need it (GRR)

    fixed GCC 4.1.x warnings (GRR); next round of const cleanup (GRR); fixed
    minor TIFF memleak (GRR)

    fixed TIFF YCbCr reference black/white levels (SBM); added option to use
    libjpeg YCbCr-to-RGB conversion for TIFF images (SBM, GRR)
	- xv-scott-marovich-20070214-xvtiff.c.patch2.unified
	- xv-scott-marovich-20070214-xvtiff.c.patch3.unified

    fixed handling of multi-page JPEG-compressed TIFFs (old or new) (SBM);
    added TIFF YCbCr separated-color-plane support (may require libtiff
    patch(es) to tif_ojpeg.c and/or tif_jpeg.c) (SBM)
	- xv-scott-marovich-20070214-xvtiff.c.patch4.unified
	- xv-scott-marovich-20070214-xvtiff.c.patch5.unified

    updated README.jumbo