# Handle the incoming configuration files: config() { for infile in $1; do NEW="$infile" OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`" # If there's no config file by that name, mv it over: if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then mv $NEW $OLD elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy rm $NEW fi # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider... done } config etc/nxserver/node.conf.new config etc/rc.d/rc.freenx.new config etc/logrotate.d/freenx-server.new chroot . </dev/null export \$(grep ^NX_DIR usr/bin/nxloadconfig) export \$(grep ^NX_HOME_DIR usr/bin/nxloadconfig) export \$(grep ^NX_SESS_DIR usr/bin/nxloadconfig) export \$(grep ^NX_ETC_DIR usr/bin/nxloadconfig) export \$(grep ^NX_LOGFILE usr/bin/nxloadconfig) export \$(grep ^SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS usr/bin/nxloadconfig) if ! /sbin/pidof sshd >/dev/null ; then echo "" echo "WARNING: The SSH daemon is not running, but without SSH, NX will not work." fi if ! which nc 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then echo "" echo "WARNING: FreeNX needs the 'netcat' program to be installed." fi if ! which expect 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then echo "" echo "WARNING: FreeNX needs the 'expect' program to be installed." fi touch \${NX_ETC_DIR}/passwords \${NX_ETC_DIR}/passwords.orig \${NX_LOGFILE} chmod 600 \${NX_ETC_DIR}/pass* \${NX_LOGFILE} if [ ! -e \${NX_ETC_DIR}/users.id_dsa ]; then ssh-keygen -f \${NX_ETC_DIR}/users.id_dsa -t dsa -N "" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! getent passwd | egrep -q "^nx:"; then useradd -m -d \${NX_HOME_DIR} -s /usr/bin/nxserver nx passwd -u nx 1>/dev/null mkdir -p \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh chmod 700 \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh fi if [ -e \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/client.id_dsa.key ] && \ [ -e \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/server.id_dsa.pub.key ]; then # There is a pre-existing NX installation. We use the ~nx/.ssh files. echo "Copying existing nx ssh keys to \${NX_ETC_DIR} ." cp -af \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/client.id_dsa.key \ \${NX_ETC_DIR}/client.id_dsa.key cp -af \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/server.id_dsa.pub.key \ \${NX_ETC_DIR}/server.id_dsa.pub.key fi if [ ! -e \${NX_ETC_DIR}/client.id_dsa.key ] || \ [ ! -e \${NX_ETC_DIR}/server.id_dsa.pub.key ]; then # We are going to create a new SSH key for the FreeNX server. # The NX client must import this key into it's configuration to be able to # connect to the FreeNX server. # If you're security minded, use this key exclusively, and remove the # NoMachine key from ${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys. echo "Creating a new SSH key for the FreeNX server." rm -f \${NX_ETC_DIR}/client.id_dsa.key rm -f \${NX_ETC_DIR}/server.id_dsa.pub.key ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -N '' -f \${NX_ETC_DIR}/local.id_dsa mv \${NX_ETC_DIR}/local.id_dsa \${NX_ETC_DIR}/client.id_dsa.key mv \${NX_ETC_DIR}/local.id_dsa.pub \${NX_ETC_DIR}/server.id_dsa.pub.key # Put our fresh key files in place. cp -f \${NX_ETC_DIR}/client.id_dsa.key \ \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/client.id_dsa.key cp -f \${NX_ETC_DIR}/server.id_dsa.pub.key \ \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/server.id_dsa.pub.key chmod 600 \ \${NX_ETC_DIR}/client.id_dsa.key \ \${NX_ETC_DIR}/server.id_dsa.pub.key \ \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/client.id_dsa.key \ \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/server.id_dsa.pub.key echo -n "no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,command=\"/usr/bin/nxserver\" "\ > \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys cat \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/server.id_dsa.pub.key \ >> \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 640 \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys echo -n " " > \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/known_hosts cat etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub >> \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/known_hosts # Add the Nomachine pubkey to ${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys # This way, any NX client can connect to our FreeNX server without # having to import our own FreeNX private key. # If you want an "out-of-the-box" experience, leave the NoMachine key in # ${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys. If you're paranoid, remove # this pubkey and accept only clients who have our custom FreeNX key. cat <<_EOT_ >> \${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,command="/usr/bin/nxserver" ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAJe/0DNBePG9dYLWq7cJ0SqyRf1iiZN/IbzrmBvgPTZnBa5FT/0Lcj39sRYt1paAlhchwUmwwIiSZaON5JnJOZ6jKkjWIuJ9MdTGfdvtY1aLwDMpxUVoGwEaKWOyin02IPWYSkDQb6cceuG9NfPulS9iuytdx0zIzqvGqfvudtufAAAAFQCwosRXR2QA8OSgFWSO6+kGrRJKiwAAAIEAjgvVNAYWSrnFD+cghyJbyx60AAjKtxZ0r/Pn9k94Qt2rvQoMnGgt/zU0v/y4hzg+g3JNEmO1PdHh/wDPVOxlZ6Hb5F4IQnENaAZ9uTZiFGqhBO1c8Wwjiq/MFZy3jZaidarLJvVs8EeT4mZcWxwm7nIVD4lRU2wQ2lj4aTPcepMAAACANlgcCuA4wrC+3Cic9CFkqiwO/Rn1vk8dvGuEQqFJ6f6LVfPfRTfaQU7TGVLk2CzY4dasrwxJ1f6FsT8DHTNGnxELPKRuLstGrFY/PR7KeafeFZDf+fJ3mbX5nxrld3wi5titTnX+8s4IKv29HJguPvOK/SI7cjzA+SqNfD7qEo8= root@nettuno _EOT_ fi # end "no pre-existing NX ssh keys" if [ -e var/lib/nxserver/running ]; then mv var/lib/nxserver/running/* \${NX_SESS_DIR}/running mv var/lib/nxserver/closed/* \${NX_SESS_DIR}/closed mv var/lib/nxserver/failed/* \${NX_SESS_DIR}/failed rm -rf var/lib/nxserver/running rm -rf var/lib/nxserver/closed rm -rf var/lib/nxserver/failed fi chown -R nx:root var/lib/nxserver chown -R nx:root \${NX_SESS_DIR} chown -R nx:root \${NX_ETC_DIR} chown -R nx:root \${NX_HOME_DIR} chown nx:root \${NX_LOGFILE} EOCR