Setting up the NX plugin on Slackware Linux ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The NX plugin is a small Java applet that you can put up on your web server. People who want to use your (Free-) NX server do not need to have a NX client installed: when you open the Java applet's URL in your browser, the NX client for your OS (MS Windows, Linux or Mac OSX) will be downloaded to the user's computer and started with all the connection parameters already filled-in. Installing the plugin to your Apache DocumentRoot: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Unpack the tarball for nxplugin; * Copy the directory usr/NX/plugin to your apache webserver's DocumentRoot directory, for instance using this command: # cp -a usr/NX/plugin /var/www/html/ Look inside the Apache configuration file "/etc/apache/httpd.conf" and look for a line "DocumentRoot = ...." if you're not sure where your DocumentRoot is located. * Copy a working '.nxs' configuration file for the NX client into the directory "./Java/session" that you will find in the "plugin" dirrectory you just copied to the webserver's DocumentRoot; name that file "session.nxs" * Go to http://your_machine/plugin/Java/nxapplet.html ------- * For the more advanced users: write a PHP page that will create the file 'session.nxs' dynamically and with a unique name, when someone connects to the web page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Hameleers < alien -at- slackware -dot- com > :: 05sep2005 $Id$