# # Checking out the sources of an official chromium release: # # In a working directory, you create three directories: # - depot_tools: this contains all the tools needed for creating the tarball # - checkout: here over a GB of source will be checked out # - output: here the chromium-${RELEASE}.tar.xz source tarball will be created. # Note: if you want to find out the recommended version for the native_client # toolchains, search for the line: # 'src/native_client': # in # http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/releases/$VERSION}/DEPS # and take the value which is after the '@'on the next line, e.g.: # '/trunk/src/native_client@12558', # Some variables: WORKING_DIR="${HOME}/chromium_src" CHROMIUM_REL="32.0.1700.77" DEPOT_TOOLS_REPO="https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git" RELEASES_URL="https://src.chromium.org/chrome/releases" # The actual work (takes a while to checkout 1 GB of source and pack it up: mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIR} cd ${WORKING_DIR} # Clone the tools: git clone ${DEPOT_TOOLS_REPO} # Check out the sources: mkdir ckeckout cd checkout PATH="../depot_tools/:$PATH" gclient config ${RELEASES_URL}/${CHROMIUM_REL} # At this moment, your config will have been written to a file '.gclient' PATH="../depot_tools/:$PATH" gclient sync 2>&1 | tee ../sync.log # The sync will download everything, based on what it found in this file: # ${CHROMIUM_REL}/DEPS PATH="../depot_tools/:$PATH" gclient sync 2>&1 | tee ../sync.2.log # Pack up the source tarball: mkdir ../output python src/tools/export_tarball/export_tarball.py --remove-nonessential-files ../output/chromium-${CHROMIUM_REL} echo "" echo "Resulting source tarball is: ${WORKING_DIR}/output/chromium-${CHROMIUM_REL}.tar.xz" echo ""