The goal of Alien Arena was to create the perfect marriage between Quake and Unreal Tournament, between retro sci-fi and futuristic tech, and between casual gamer and advanced expert, and wrap it up in a package with quality that could rival that of commercial games. The game has a weapon set that is unique and fun, and deviates a bit away from the standard Q3 or UT2k4 weapons. Gameplay can be altered easily in the menu by choosing between the various game types, such as Deathmatch, Team Core Assault, All Out Assault, Capture the Flag, Duel, and Cattle Prod. Users can also apply a number of different mutators to the game rules as well, creating some pretty interesting scenarios. Players can join others on servers using the in-game browser, or use the Galaxy client, which also serves as a way to communicate with the large, and friendly Alien Arena community. Alienarena requires OpenAL. Note: This slackbuild only builds the client.