path: root/multimedia/tstools/man/esdots.1
blob: 7d5518597a1c78cce4ced246af3b5d04a44fa659 (plain) (tree)

.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
.TH ESDOTS: "1" "November 2008" "esdots 1.11" "User Commands"
esdots \- Analyze the video items contained in an elementary stream
.B esdots
[\fIswitches\fR] \fI<infile>\fR
TS tools version 1.11, esdots built Nov 11 2008 17:15:46
Present the content of an H.264 (MPEG\-4/AVC), H.262 (MPEG\-2) or AVS
elementary stream as a sequence of characters, representing access
units/MPEG\-2 items/AVS items. 
(Note that for H.264 it is access units and not frames that are
represented, and for H.262 it is items and not pictures.)
.SS "Files:"
is the Elementary Stream file (but see \fB\-stdin\fR below)
.SS "Switches:"
\fB\-verbose\fR, \fB\-v\fR
Preface the output with an explanation of the
characters being used.
Take input from <stdin>, instead of a named file
\fB\-max\fR <n>, \fB\-m\fR <n>
Maximum number of entities to read
\fB\-pes\fR, \fB\-ts\fR
The input file is TS or PS, to be read via the
PES\->ES reading mechanisms
Print a # on finding an EOS (end\-of\-stream) NAL unit
rather than stopping (only applies to H.264)
Report ES units, rather than any 'higher' unit
(not necessarily suppported for all file types)
Show the duration of each GOP (for MPEG\-2 steams)
OR the distance between random access points (H.264)
Set the video frame rate (default = 25 fps)
.SS "Stream type:"
If input is from a file, then the program will look at the start of
the file to determine if the stream is H.264 or H.262 data. This
process may occasionally come to the wrong conclusion, in which case
the user can override the choice using the following switches.
For AVS data, the program will never guess correctly, so the user must
specify the file type, using \fB\-avs\fR.
If input is from standard input (via \fB\-stdin\fR), then it is not possible
for the program to make its own decision on the input stream type.
Instead, it defaults to H.262, and relies on the user indicating if
this is wrong.
\fB\-h264\fR, \fB\-avc\fR
Force the program to treat the input as MPEG\-4/AVC.
Force the program to treat the input as MPEG\-2.
Force the program to treat the input as AVS.
TS tools version 1.11, esdots built Nov 11 2008 17:15:46
Present the content of an H.264 (MPEG\-4/AVC), H.262 (MPEG\-2) or AVS
elementary stream as a sequence of characters, representing access
units/MPEG\-2 items/AVS items.
(Note that for H.264 it is access units and not frames that are
represented, and for H.262 it is items and not pictures.)
.SS "Files:"
is the Elementary Stream file (but see \fB\-stdin\fR below)
.SS "Switches:"
\fB\-verbose\fR, \fB\-v\fR
Preface the output with an explanation of the
characters being used.
Take input from <stdin>, instead of a named file
\fB\-max\fR <n>, \fB\-m\fR <n>
Maximum number of entities to read
\fB\-pes\fR, \fB\-ts\fR
The input file is TS or PS, to be read via the
PES\->ES reading mechanisms
Print a # on finding an EOS (end\-of\-stream) NAL unit
rather than stopping (only applies to H.264)
Report ES units, rather than any 'higher' unit
(not necessarily suppported for all file types)
Show the duration of each GOP (for MPEG\-2 steams)
OR the distance between random access points (H.264)
Set the video frame rate (default = 25 fps)
.SS "Stream type:"
If input is from a file, then the program will look at the start of
the file to determine if the stream is H.264 or H.262 data. This
process may occasionally come to the wrong conclusion, in which case
the user can override the choice using the following switches.
For AVS data, the program will never guess correctly, so the user must
specify the file type, using \fB\-avs\fR.
If input is from standard input (via \fB\-stdin\fR), then it is not possible
for the program to make its own decision on the input stream type.
Instead, it defaults to H.262, and relies on the user indicating if
this is wrong.
\fB\-h264\fR, \fB\-avc\fR
Force the program to treat the input as MPEG\-4/AVC.
Force the program to treat the input as MPEG\-2.
Force the program to treat the input as AVS.
The full documentation for 
.B esdots 
is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  
Please check for more information.