path: root/games/noteye/hydraslayer.pod
blob: 1958ab538e5e8e32524052857d1368e2ca40c4a0 (plain) (tree)

# pod source for hydraslayer man page. convert with:
# pod2man --stderr -s6 -r15.6 hydraslayer.pod > hydraslayer.6

=head1 NAME

hydraslayer - roguelike game with combat system based on math puzzles


B<hydraslayer> I<[-options]> I<[-N -noteye_options]>


Hydra Slayer is a Roguelike game focused on one thing: slaying Hydras. It
is inspired by Greek mythology, Dungeon Crawl, MathRL seven day roguelike,
and some mathematical puzzles about brave heroes slaying many headed
beasts. Hydra Slayer features an original combat system, based on
mathematical puzzles. Since Hydra Slayer is a flagship roguelike for
NotEye, the two are distributed together.

This man page doesn't attempt to document gameplay. To learn the game,
select the tutorial from the game's menu system.

=head1 OPTIONS

Most options can also be set interactively in the game's menus.

=over 4

=item B<-s> I<seed>

start a new game with random seed set to I<seed>

=item B<-f> I<savefile>

use I<savefile> as filename for saving/loading

=item B<-b> I<savefile>

use I<savefile> as filename for backup cheat

=item B<-t> I<logfile>

use I<logfile> to save log files

=item B<-g> I<scorefile>

use I<scorefile> as a scoretable

=item B<-c> I<name>

use I<name> as the character name

=item B<-u> I<username>

use I<username> as the username

=item B<-v>

just view the Hall of Fame without playing the game

=item B<-l> I<n>

output I<n> last message in log files

=item B<-d> I<level>

start in debug mode, from level I<level>

=item B<-m> I<dirs>

use I<dirs> directional movement. Default is 4 (allows moving up/down/left/right),
6 is hex tile mode. Other allowed values are 3, 8, and 16.

=item B<-N>

Any further arguments after B<-N> are passed to B<noteye>(6). One use of
this option is to play B<hydraslayer> in a terminal, with B<hydraslayer -N --ascii>.


=head1 FILES

=over 4

=item ~/.config/hydraslayerconfig.noe

Config file. Can be edited, but normally the in-game GUI is used.

=item ~/.config/hydraslayer/hydralog.txt

Game log. Basically a copy of standard output and error during gameplay.

=item ~/.config/hydraslayer/hydra.sav

Default location for savegame files (change with B<-b> option).

=item /var/games/hydrascores.sav

Default location for score file (change with B<-g> option).


=head1 SEE ALSO


The game's homepage:

=head1 AUTHORS

hydraslayer and noteye are written by Zeno Rogue <zeno at attnam dot com>.

This man page written by B. Watson for the project, and may be used
by anyone.