# special packages, move docs to -docs special_packages=" koma-script " # keep precompiled binaries, list binary, not package name keep_precompiled=" biber " # Packages for -base, remaining packages are going to -extra PACKAGES=" collection-basic collection-latex collection-latexrecommended caption koma-script collection-metapost collection-context collection-humanities collection-langenglish collection-langitalian collection-langportuguese collection-langspanish $(grep ^"name hyphen-.*" $db | cut -d' ' -f2 ) $(grep ^"name babel-.*" $db | cut -d' ' -f2 ) # collection-langczechslovak lshort-czech lshort-slovak texlive-cz vlna # collection-langcyrillic cmcyr cyrillic cyrillic-bin cyrplain disser eskd eskdx gost lcyw lh lhcyr mongolian-babel numnameru ruhyphen russ serbian-apostrophe serbian-date-lat serbian-def-cyr serbian-lig t2 ukrhyph xecyrmongolian # collection-langgreek begingreek betababel gfsbaskerville gfsporson greek-fontenc greek-inputenc greekdates greektex greektonoi ibycus-babel ibygrk levy lgreek mkgrkindex teubner xgreek yannisgr # collection-fontsrecommended avantgar bookman charter courier euro euro-ce eurosym fpl helvetic lm lm-math manfnt-font marvosym mathpazo mflogo-font ncntrsbk palatino pxfonts rsfs symbol tex-gyre tex-gyre-math times tipa txfonts utopia wasy wasysym zapfchan zapfding $(collection_by_size luatex 99999 || exit 1) optex $(collection_by_size plaingeneric 99999 || exit 1) tex4ht $(collection_by_size fontutils 999999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size fontsextra 38999 || exit 1) ascii-font bbm bbm-macros bbold cmbright eulervm fontawesome5 ly1 sauter sauterfonts # collection-latexextra acronym adjustbox bigfoot collectbox comment csquotes datatool datetime2 $(grep ^"name datetime2-.*" $db | cut -d' ' -f2 ) doublestroke enumitem etoc frame framed glossaries $(grep ^"name glossaries-.*" $db | cut -d' ' -f2 ) imakeidx lipsum mfirstuc mdframed moderncv moreverb multirow nfssext-cfr nomencl sectsty splitindex stackengine supertabular tocloft ucs wrapfig2 xpatch xstring a0poster a4wide a5comb abraces abstract accsupp acroterm actuarialangle actuarialsymbol addfont addlines adjmulticol adrconv advdate alnumsec alphalph altfont altsubsup amsaddr anonchap answers anyfontsize appendix appendixnumberbeamer apptools arabicfront arcs arraycols arrayjobx arraysort asciilist assignment association-matrix atenddvi atendofenv authoraftertitle authorarchive autofancyhdr autonum autopuncitems axessibility background bankstatement basicarith bchart beamerappendixnote beameraudience beamerauxtheme beamercolorthemeowl beamerdarkthemes beamersubframe beamertheme-arguelles beamertheme-cuerna beamertheme-detlevcm beamertheme-epyt beamertheme-light beamertheme-phnompenh beamertheme-saintpetersburg beamertheme-simpledarkblue beamertheme-upenn-bc beamerthemejltree beamerthemelalic beamerthemenirma beamerthemenord bearwear beton bez123 bhcexam bibletext bigints bilingualpages biochemistry-colors bizcard block blowup bold-extra book-of-common-prayer booklet boolexpr bophook boxedminipage bracketkey braket breakurl bubblesort bullcntr bxcalc bxdpx-beamer bxdvidriver bxenclose calcage calrsfs cancel canoniclayout capt-of captcont captdef catchfilebetweentags catechis cclicenses cd cd-cover cdcmd cellspace censor centeredline centerlastline changelayout changelog chappg chapterfolder cheatsheet checkend childdoc chkfloat chletter chngcntr chronology circledsteps classics classpack clefval clicks clipboard clock clrdblpg clrstrip cmdstring cmdtrack cmsd cntformats cntperchap codebox codesection collcell colophon color-edits colordoc colorinfo coloring colorwav colorweb colourchange combelow comma commado commedit competences constants continue contour conv-xkv cooking coollist coolstr coolthms cooltooltips copyedit copyrightbox coseoul counttexruns courseoutline coverpage cprotect cprotectinside crbox crefthe crossreference crossreftools crumbs css-colors csvmerge cuisine currency currfile currvita cutwin cv cyber cybercic dashbox dashrule dashundergaps datax datenumber datestamp dblfloatfix debate decimal decorule delimtxt diagbox diagnose dichokey dimnum dirtytalk dnaseq docmfp docmute documentation docutils doi dotarrow dotlessi dotseqn download dox dpfloat dprogress drac draftfigure draftwatermark dynamicnumber dynblocks ean13isbn easy-todo easyfig easyformat easyreview ecclesiastic ecv ed edichokey eemeir efbox egplot ehhline einfart ellipsis elmath elocalloc emarks embedall embrac emptypage endheads endnotes-hy engpron engrec envbig environ epigraph epigraph-keys eq-pin2corr eqell eqlist eqnalign eqname eqparbox errata erw-l3 esdiff esieecv esindex etaremune eukdate eulerpx everyhook everypage excludeonly exercisepoints exercises exesheet exp-testopt expdlist exsol fancyhandout fancynum fancypar fancyslides fancytabs fbox fcolumn fetchcls fewerfloatpages ffcode fifo-stack figsize filecontents filecontentsdef filemod fink finstrut fixcmex fixfoot fixmetodonotes fjodor flabels flacards flagderiv flashcards flexipage flipbook flippdf floatflt fmp fn2end fnbreak fncylab fnpara fnumprint foilhtml fontaxes footnotebackref footnoterange foreign forloop forms16be formular fragments ftcap ftnxtra fullblck fullminipage fullwidth fundus-calligra fundus-cyr fundus-sueterlin fwlw gatherenum gcard gcite gender genmpage getfiledate getitems gindex ginpenc gitfile-info gitinfo gitinfo2 gitlog gitver globalvals gmdoc-enhance gmiflink grabbox graphbox graphicscache graphicx-psmin graphicxbox grayhints grfpaste grid grid-system gridset gridslides gs1 guitlogo handin handout handoutwithnotes hang hanging hardwrap harnon-cv harpoon he-she hhtensor hideanswer highlightlatex histogr hobsub href-ul hrefhide hvindex hvlogos hvpygmentex hvqrurl hypdestopt hypdoc hyperbar hypernat hyphenat identkey idxcmds idxlayout iexec ifallfalse iffont ifoddpage ifthenx iitem image-gallery import inline-images inlinedef inlinelabel inputtrc intopdf inversepath invoice-class invoice2 isonums isopt isorot isotope issuulinks jlabels jmsdelim jvlisting kalendarium keyindex keyparse keyval2e kix koma-moderncvclassic koma-script-sfs komacv-rg ktv-texdata labels labels4easylist labelschanged lambdax lastpackage lastpage latex-uni8 latexdemo latexgit lazylist lccaps lcd lcg leading lectureslides leftidx leftindex lengthconvert lewis libgreek linegoal linop listing listingsutf8 listlbls listliketab listofsymbols lkproof lmake locality logbox logical-markup-utils longfigure longnamefilelist lstaddons lstfiracode lt3rawobjects ltablex ltxguidex ltxnew lua-check-hyphen macrolist macroswap magaz magicwatermark mailing mailmerge makebase makebox makeglos makelabels makerobust manfnt manuscript manyind marginfit marginfix marginnote mathexam maybemath mcaption mceinleger mcite medstarbeamer meetingmins memexsupp memory mensa-tex menu menucard method mftinc mi-solns midpage mindflow minibox minidocument minipage-marginpar minorrevision mla-paper mleftright mlist mnotes modernposter moderntimeline modref modroman modular monofill moreenum moresize mparhack mtgreek multenum multiaudience multibbl multicap multicolrule multidef multienv multiexpand multifootnote multilang multiple-choice mversion mylatex namespc needspace nestquot newenviron newfile newspaper newunicodechar newvbtm newverbs nextpage ninecolors noconflict noindentafter noitcrul nolbreaks nomentbl nonfloat nonumonpart nopageno normalcolor notoccite nowidow numberedblock numname ocgx ocr-latex oldstyle onlyamsmath optional orcidlink orientation outline outliner outlines outlining overlays overpic padcount pagecolor pagecont pagenote pagerange palette papercdcase papermas parades paresse parnotes parselines pas-cours pas-tableur patchcmd pauldoc pawpict pbox pdf14 pdfcolmk pdfmarginpar pdfoverlay pdfpagediff pdfpc pdfpc-movie pdfprivacy pdfsync permute petiteannonce pgfmath-xfp phfextendedabstract phffullpagefigure phfparen phfquotetext phfsvnwatermark photo picture piff plantslabels plweb polynomial postcards poster-mac practicalreports precattl prelim2e prettyref printlen progressbar proofread properties protocol psfragx pxgreeks python qcm quicktype quiz2socrative quotchap quoting randtext rccol rcs-multi rcsinfo readablecv realboxes recipe recipecard rectopma refcheck refenums reflectgraphics regcount regexpatch regstats repeatindex repltext rescansync returntogrid rgltxdoc rjlparshap rlepsf robustcommand romanbar romanbarpagenumber romanneg romannum rotfloat rotpages roundbox rterface rtkinenc rulerbox rulercompass rvwrite sanitize-umlaut saveenv savefnmark savesym scale scalebar scalerel schooldocs scrambledenvs scrlayer-fancyhdr scrlttr2copy sdrt secdot secnum sectionbox sectionbreak seealso selinput semantic-markup semesterplanner semioneside semproc semtex sepfootnotes seqsplit sesstime sffms shadow shadowtext shdoc shorttoc show2e showcharinbox showdim showexpl showlabels sidecap silence simplecv simpleinvoice simplivre sitem skills slantsc smalltableof smart-eqn smartref smartunits snaptodo snotez soulpos soulutf8 spacingtricks sparklines sphack spot spverbatim srbook-mem srcltx sslides stack stdclsdv stdpage stealcaps storebox storecmd stubs styledcmd subdepth subdocs subeqn subeqnarray subfigmat subfiles subfloat substitutefont suppose svgcolor svn svninfo swfigure syntax syntrace synttree tabbing tabfigures tableaux tableof tablestyles tablists tabls tablvar tabto-ltx tabularborder tabularew tagging tagpair tdclock technics ted templatetools termcal termlist termsim testhyphens tex-label texlogos texments texsurgery textfit textmerg textpos textualicomma texvc thinsp threadcol threeparttablex thumb thumby ticket titlefoot titlepic titleref titling to-be-determined tocbibind tocdata tocvsec2 todo tokenizer toolbox topfloat totalcount totcount totpages transparent trfsigns trimspaces trivfloat trsym truncate tucv turnthepage twoinone twoup txgreeks type1cm typogrid uassign uebungsblatt umoline underlin underoverlap undolabl unisc unitconv uri ushort uspace utf8add uwmslide variablelm varsfromjobname varwidth vcell vdmlisting verbatimbox verbatimcopy verbdef verbments version versonotes vertbars vgrid vmargin volumes vtable vwcol wallpaper warning warpcol was widetable widows-and-orphans williams wordlike worksheet wtref xargs xcntperchap xcomment xcpdftips xellipsis xfakebold xhfill xltabular xmpincl xnewcommand xoptarg xpeek xprintlen xpunctuate xurl xytree yafoot yaletter zebra-goodies ziffer zwgetfdate $(collection_by_size langeuropean 299999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size langfrench 23999 || exit 1) # collection-langgerman apalike-german dehyph dehyph-exptl dhua etdipa fifinddo-info german germbib germkorr l2picfaq l2tabu milog r_und_s schulmathematik uhrzeit umlaute voss-mathcol $(collection_by_size langpolish 8999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size langarabic 1999 || exit 1) arabtex $(collection_by_size langchinese 4999 || exit 1) # collection-langjapanese luatexja $(collection_by_size langcjk 2999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size langother 29999 || exit 1) $(collection_by_size pictures 22999 || exit 1) circuitikz xypic $(collection_by_size pstricks 99999 || exit 1) pst-pdf $(collection_by_size mathscience 19999 || exit 1) siunits $(collection_by_size games 39999 || exit 1) # collection-xetex arabxetex awesomebox businesscard-qrcode fixlatvian font-change-xetex fontbook fontwrap interchar na-position realscripts simple-resume-cv simple-thesis-dissertation ucharclasses unisugar xebaposter xechangebar xecolor xecyr xeindex xesearch xespotcolor xetex xetex-pstricks xetexconfig xetexfontinfo xevlna # collection-formatsextra edmac eplain hitex jadetex lollipop mltex mxedruli passivetex psizzl startex texsis xmltex xmltexconfig # collection-binextra a2ping adhocfilelist bibtex8 bibtexu bundledoc checklistings chklref chktex cluttex ctie cweb de-macro detex dtl dtxgen dvi2tty dviasm dvicopy dvidvi dviinfox dviljk dviout-util dvipng dvipos dvisvgm findhyph fragmaster git-latexdiff gsftopk hook-pre-commit-pkg installfont lacheck latex-git-log latex-papersize latex2man latexdiff latexfileversion latexindent latexmk latexpand light-latex-make listings-ext ltxfileinfo ltximg luajittex make4ht match_parens mflua mkjobtexmf optexcount patgen pdfbook2 pdfcrop pdfjam pdflatexpicscale pdftex-quiet pdftosrc pdfxup pfarrei pkfix pkfix-helper purifyeps pythontex seetexk spix srcredact sty2dtx synctex tex4ebook texcount texdef texdiff texdirflatten texdoc texfot texlive-scripts-extra texloganalyser texlogfilter texware tie tpic2pdftex typeoutfileinfo web xindex xindy xpdfopen # collection-publishers ebook revtex # collection-bibtexextra aaai-named aichej ajl amsrefs annotate apacite apalike-ejor apalike2 archaeologie authordate besjournals bestpapers bibarts bibexport bibhtml bibexport bibhtml biblist bibtexperllibs bibtopic bibtopicprefix bibunits biolett-bst bookdb breakcites cell chbibref chembst chicago chicago-annote chicagoa chscite citeref collection-latex collref compactbib crossrefware custom-bib din1505 dk-bib doipubmed econ-bst economic fbs figbib footbib francais-bst gbt7714 harvmac icite ietfbibs ijqc inlinebib iopart-num is-bst jbact jmb jneurosci jurabib ksfh_nat listbib logreq ltb2bib luabibentry margbib multibib multibibliography newcastle-bst nmbib notes2bib notex-bst perception plainyr pnas2009 rsc showtags sort-by-letters splitbib turabian-formatting urlbst usebib vak xcite zootaxa-bst #collection-music abc autosp bagpipe chordbars chordbox ddphonism figbas gchords gtrcrd guitar guitarchordschemes guitartabs harmony latex4musicians leadsheets lyluatex musical musicography octave piano songbook songs xml2pmx xpiano " texmfget base