path: root/misc/slackbook/html/basic-network-commands-ftp.html
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author Patrick J Volkerding <>2011-04-25 13:37:00 +0000
committer Eric Hameleers <>2018-05-31 22:45:18 +0200
commit75a4a592e5ccda30715f93563d741b83e0dcf39e (patch)
tree502f745607e77a2c4386ad38d818ddcafe81489c /misc/slackbook/html/basic-network-commands-ftp.html
parentb76270bf9e6dd375e495fec92140a79a79415d27 (diff)
Slackware 13.37slackware-13.37
Mon Apr 25 13:37:00 UTC 2011 Slackware 13.37 x86_64 stable is released! Thanks to everyone who pitched in on this release: the Slackware team, the folks producing upstream code, and for providing a great forum for collaboration and testing. The ISOs are off to be replicated, a 6 CD-ROM 32-bit set and a dual-sided 32-bit/64-bit x86/x86_64 DVD. Please consider supporting the Slackware project by picking up a copy from We're taking pre-orders now, and offer a discount if you sign up for a subscription. As always, thanks to the Slackware community for testing, suggestions, and feedback. :-) Have fun!
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/slackbook/html/basic-network-commands-ftp.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 279 deletions
diff --git a/misc/slackbook/html/basic-network-commands-ftp.html b/misc/slackbook/html/basic-network-commands-ftp.html
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index a5b48f073..000000000
--- a/misc/slackbook/html/basic-network-commands-ftp.html
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-<td width="80%" align="center" valign="bottom">Chapter 13 Basic Network Commands</td>
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-<div class="SECT1">
-name="BASIC-NETWORK-COMMANDS-FTP">13.9 FTP Clients</a></h1>
-<p>FTP stands for the File Transfer Protocol. It allows you to send and receive files
-between two computers. There is the FTP server and the FTP client. We discuss the client
-in this section.</p>
-<p>For the curious, the &#8220;client&#8221; is you. The &#8220;server&#8221; is the
-computer that answers your FTP request and lets you login. You will download files from
-and upload files to the server. The client cannot accept FTP connections, it can only
-connect to servers.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<h2 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN4871" name="AEN4871">13.9.1 <tt
-<p>To connect to an FTP server, simply run the <tt class="COMMAND">ftp</tt>(1) command
-and specify the host:</p>
-<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">ftp &lt;hostname&gt; [port]</kbd>
-<p>If the host is running an FTP server, it will ask for a username and password. You can
-log in as yourself or as &#8220;anonymous&#8221;. Anonymous FTP sites are very popular
-for software archives. For example, to get Slackware Linux via FTP, you must use
-anonymous FTP.</p>
-<p>Once connected, you will be at the <var class="LITERAL">ftp&gt;</var> prompt. There
-are special commands for FTP, but they are similar to other standard commands. The
-following shows some of the basic commands and what they do:</p>
-<div class="TABLE"><a id="AEN4883" name="AEN4883"></a>
-<p><b>Table 13-1. <tt class="COMMAND">ftp</tt> commands</b></p>
-<table border="0" frame="void" class="CALSTABLE">
-<col width="1*" />
-<col width="3*" />
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">ls</tt></td>
-<td>List files</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">cd &lt;dirname&gt;</tt></td>
-<td>Change directory</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">bin</tt></td>
-<td>Set binary transfer mode</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">ascii</tt></td>
-<td>Set ASCII transfer mode</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">get &lt;filename&gt;</tt></td>
-<td>Download a file</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">put &lt;filename&gt;</tt></td>
-<td>Upload a file</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">hash</tt></td>
-<td>Toggle hash mark stats indicator</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">tick</tt></td>
-<td>Toggle byte counter indicator</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">prom</tt></td>
-<td>Toggle interactive mode for downloads</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">mget &lt;mask&gt;</tt></td>
-<td>Download a file or group of files; wildcards are allowed</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">mput &lt;mask&gt;</tt></td>
-<td>Upload a file or group of files; wildcards are allowed</td>
-<td><tt class="COMMAND">quit</tt></td>
-<td>Log off the FTP server</td>
-<p>You can also use some of the following commands which are quite self-explanatory: <tt
-class="COMMAND">chmod</tt>, <tt class="COMMAND">delete</tt>, <tt
-class="COMMAND">rename</tt>, <tt class="COMMAND">rmdir</tt>. For a complete list of all
-commands and their meaning, just type <kbd class="USERINPUT">help</kbd> or <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">?</kbd> and you'll see a complete listing on screen.</p>
-<p>FTP is a fairly simple program to use, but lacks the user interface that many of us
-are used to nowadays. The man page discusses some of the command line options for <tt
-<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ftp&#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">ls *.TXT</kbd>
-200 PORT command successful.
-150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 18606 Apr 6 2002 BOOTING.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 10518 Jun 13 2002 COPYRIGHT.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 602 Apr 6 2002 CRYPTO_NOTICE.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 32431 Sep 29 02:56 FAQ.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 499784 Mar 3 19:29 FILELIST.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 241099 Mar 3 19:12 PACKAGES.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 12339 Jun 19 2002 README81.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 14826 Jun 17 2002 SPEAKUP_DOCS.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 15434 Jun 17 2002 SPEAK_INSTALL.TXT
--rw-r--r-- 1 root 100 2876 Jun 17 2002 UPGRADE.TXT
-226 Transfer complete.
-ftp&#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">tick</kbd>
-Tick counter printing on (10240 bytes/tick increment).
-ftp&#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">get README81.TXT</kbd>
-local: README81.TXT remote: README81.TXT
-200 PORT command successful.
-150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for README81.TXT (12339 bytes).
-Bytes transferred: 12339
-226 Transfer complete.
-12339 bytes received in 0.208 secs (58 Kbytes/sec)
-<div class="SECT2">
-name="BASIC-NETWORK-COMMANDS-FTP-NCFTP">13.9.2 <tt class="COMMAND">ncftp</tt></a></h2>
-<p><tt class="COMMAND">ncftp</tt>(1) (pronounced "Nik-F-T-P") is an alternative to the
-traditional ftp client that comes with Slackware. It is still a text-based program, but
-offers many advantages over <tt class="COMMAND">ftp</tt>, including:</p>
-<p>Tab completion</p>
-<p>Bookmarks file</p>
-<p>More liberal wildcard uses</p>
-<p>Command history</p>
-<p>By default, <tt class="COMMAND">ncftp</tt> will try to log in anonymously to the
-server you specify. You can force <tt class="COMMAND">ncftp</tt> to present a login
-prompt with the &#8220;<var class="OPTION">-u</var>&#8221; option. Once logged in, you
-can use the same commands as in <tt class="COMMAND">ftp</tt>, only you'll notice a nicer
-interface, one that works more like <tt class="COMMAND">bash</tt>.</p>
-<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ncftp /pub/linux/slackware &#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd slackware-current/</kbd>
-Please read the file README81.TXT
- it was last modified on Wed Jun 19 16:24:21 2002 - 258 days ago
-CWD command successful.
-ncftp ...ware/slackware-current &#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">ls</kbd>
-CHECKSUMS.asc GPG-KEY isolinux/
-COPYING README81.TXT rootdisks/
-ChangeLog.txt UPGRADE.TXT
-ncftp ...ware/slackware-current &#62; <kbd class="USERINPUT">get README81.TXT</kbd>
-README81.TXT: 12.29 kB 307.07 kB/s
-<div class="NAVFOOTER">
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-<td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Talking to Other People</td>