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<div class="SECT1">
name="PACKAGE-MANAGEMENT-MAKING-TAGS-AND-TAGFILES">18.4 Making Tags and Tagfiles (for

<p>The Slackware setup program handles installation of the software packages on your
system. There are files that tell the setup program which packages must be installed,
which ones are optional, and which ones are selected by default by the setup program.</p>

<p>A tagfile is in the first software series directory and is called tagfile. It lists
the packages in that particular disk set and their status. The status can be:</p>

<div class="TABLE"><a id="AEN6621" name="AEN6621"></a>
<p><b>Table 18-3. Tagfile Status Options</b></p>

<table border="0" frame="void" width="100%" class="CALSTABLE">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />

<td>The package is required for proper system operation</td>

<td>The package will be automatically skipped</td>

<td>The package is not required, but recommended</td>

<td>The package is optional</td>

<p>The format is simply:</p>

<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
<pre class="SCREEN">
package_name: status

<p>One package per line. The original tagfiles for each software series are stored as So if you mess up yours, you can restore the original one.</p>

<p>Many administrators prefer writing their own tagfiles and starting the installer and
selecting &#8220;full&#8221;. The setup program will read the tagfiles and perform the
installation according to their contents. If you use REC or OPT, a dialog box will be
presented to the user asking whether or not they want a particular package. Therefore, it
is recommended that you stick with ADD and SKP when writing tagfiles for automated

<p>Just make sure your tagfiles are written to the same location as the originals. Or you
can specify a custom tagfile path if you have custom tagfiles.</p>

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